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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Can you do the ear rumbling thing?


I can do it but can't remember if I could do it before Is started doing DXM


ideas like "bring in the refugees" and "gender reaffirmation" and "government bureaucracy knows what's best" and various forms of social parasitism like living purely on government benefits and having a twitter bio with mental illnesses listed like pokeman comes from staring at the thin walls and low ceilings of cramped urban apartments and hearing your neighbors shit, collectively. urbanites are basically human cattle, not people, a sickeing artifact of industrialization.


also currently no one will build commieblocks in rural areas as those are not in any way economically viable. nobody wants to move to a rural area to live in a commieblock unless it is some sort of summer resort, they'd buy land instead. civil infrastructure around old kolhoz villages is being closed down as it is all being moved to cities for "economic optimization". new commieblocks are built around the existing cities. farming is industrialized, couple of tractors and machines have more economic productivity than a kolhoz village couple of hundred people, so basically one guy with a house for how many sq kms. why would anyone build a commieblock in a forest?


This shit is a backdoor for Communism but with a corporatist veneer.


I hear the rumbling in the morning, sounds like a plane but dont think it is



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Yes I can do it at will heh

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