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"uh, um, one heroin please"


>hard drugs for high-school seniors

Those sound like horrific drugs to get accustomed to and a large portion of Gen X Y Z will never be mentally mature enough to "try" them w/o yolo-ing themselves into a rehab and/or suicide.


Bit expensive.


I think only a certain kind of person gets addicted to shit like this, or even wants to try it. Most people it's just kind of "meh".


Never tried it, idk is a good?


This was me who made this post


avid has tried every drug including AIDS cum


No I haven't leave me alone, I don't want to talk and I'm flat out not interested in you or anything you are doing


You hear me redx and the kike nonce, get the FUCK OUT OF HERE


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>All that shit illegal and looks expensive
>DXM perfectly legal and cheap

You mad, chuds? Bad timeline my arse!


redx was arrested for possession of CP, he killed himself a shortly after posting bail



Imagine taking coke when MDMA exists


I've never done MDMA, Opioids (the typical ones) and the classical stims. I just use hallucinogens. Sometimes I do wonder how much more powerful the opioid euphoria could be.


No-one asked


I accidentally took MDMA thinking it was something else. At first I was scared shitless and didn't know what was going on, but then when I was with people I felt very at peace and could not stop talking. And what I mean is it was like being a toddler who couldn't shut up and stop blurting out every irrelevant, stream-of-consciousness thought.


I tripped officially off shrooms not long ago, was based, personally I can't take stims like speed and coke, they just make me walk around, I remember a while back I purchased a half of coke and by the time it was gone my feet felt like they were going to pop, I must have opened the drawer I have at least 200 times looking at random shit and putting stuff into it, amongst other things, was awful

I prefer now hay-fever meds, they're amazing, I want to hatman experience by myself one time, but they are great recreationally like 6 tablets or so and you're good, last time I took them I sat and caught myself watching the beavis and butthead dvd intro for like 20 minutes straight not looking at it perse just 'looking at it' and imagining random shit


Where to score hay-fever meds, fren?!


Probably just some local supermarket, mine for reference were 10mg tablets


DPH? Be extremely careful with that shit brotha

E.g. once I took something like 240mg or somethin and I couldn't stop rubbing or chipping my teeth together, I don't think there's even a word for it. But it started a habit that I couldn't get control over for 3-4 months so I ended up chipping a lot of my front teeth. Bruh and thats just 1 thing.

DPH in the form of Dimenhydrinate can probs be found online, e.g. I bought "Dramamine" from eBay, but see above...


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In fact, just like so many others, I don't recommend it at all.


I also did increasing amounts of DXM and DPH


And I watched Mad Max: Fury Road and it was fkn incredible, HOWEVER it got to be too real at one point, and, cutting to the chase, when it got to the bullet farmer shooting scene, I felt/thought liek he was shooting AT ME, like literally the man was shooting at me in real life and it damn near traumatised me, I had to abort with some benzo heh. Also thats another tip, don't even touch hallucinogens unless you have benzos (darknet).


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I asked

Also, I remember reading Opioids can give you like 200x the natural euphoria you get from other drugs, or something like that. I remember seeing a chart listing e.g. Heroin/Diacetylmorphine vs Oxymorphone or something like that and how one was 200x and one was 300x etc etc. Real interestin'.

I think I got it, might have come from this KIKE redheaded YTer, looks like YT shut him down but idk.



Also nobody please dox me if you see my YT handle or try to guess what it is, sometimes I've probably posted comments on YT vids I link, heh


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Just like me heh. And yes I've read that its true. More intelligent = more novelty seeking, and/or that more intelligent people are more likely to do the evolutionarily novel thing.



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I swear I'm gonna be like that one dude who lived to be 90 whilst having 60 cups of coffee a day. I will somehow just keep livin' despite all the drugs. I just have that feeling lol.


these studies seem like a jewish trick, most of the junkies I've encountered were retards


Junkies love to act like drugs are a spiritual experience when really it's the exact opposite. It's cheap pleasure. Stoners tell me that humans are supposed to smoke weed just because cannabinoid receptors exist. When it comes to the herbal Jew they are religious.


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There's a difference between the spiritual-experiencers, the junkies, addicts, casual users and all the above. Don't get it twisted.


I use hallucinogens only pretty much, the philosophers drugs...

Well its both

I'm all of that except a casual user

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