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 No.48783[View All]

Is child institutional chemical and surgical castration to align their human 'identity' a required metaphysical or scientific stepping stone towards transhumanism?

It's obviously medically pants-on-the-head illogical from long-term mental and physical health perspective, comparable to cinematic body horror shock porn.

Does it have a ritualistic metaphysical or a scientifically justified function? Is it even pragmatic?
249 posts and 114 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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This is on the front page of ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation), which is like the PBS of USA or BBC of UK.



>I was scared, but smashing cats with a hammer was the best decision of my life


I aint readin' that heh


The headline says it all.


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Finding out how to transfer consciousness from one body to another is paramount to understanding both the nature of consciousness and to transhumanism.

Cutting off genitals and giving people hormones however is a dead-end. It's not a stepping stone to something else, it's just useless degradation.


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>transfer consciousness from one body to another is paramount


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Just FAS things


>Cutting off genitals and giving people hormones however is a dead-end. It's not a stepping stone to something else, it's just useless degradation.

That's why I'm thinking it's act of spiritualism and concerns metaphysics. Wishful thinking, attempt to establish different axioms (unquestionable truths). Nature and biology their creation of human life are not things to respect and fear anymore, but akchually cold oppressive and evil forces that limit potential of human soul by creating creating suffering and "inequality" by implicit roles and morality and physical limitations (e.g. aging, illness, injury, requirement for food, shelter, highly limited ability to experience pleasure etc.) required for species self-preservation. Nature literary made "women" weaker and dumber than "men" by almost all metrics (women are observed more patient, precise and commited to repetitive tasks like care-taking and factory assembly work, but technocracy is automating that perk away), how unfair and oppressive is that! It's a spiritual imperative to do everything towards overcoming and destroying those roles and morality and physical limitations, by any means necessary. ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO



I am back and we are back

To destroy smiley more

The first time resulted in meth

The second time will result in death

We are of the death, of the evil, of the light

There is no escape

He will suffer, this is it, this is the final stretch, this is the ending



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You are concerned with FAS things, your brain cannot know anything more


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Twitter looks like a complete headshop!


Good. I hope muskrat burns twatter down in Minecraft.


Ever got gutfucked with a steak knife?


Oh. Yeah. Happens all the time. How's about you?


The only reason you ever got a fake degree in "medicine" is business sales.


I only have a highschool degree and it's not fake.


You went to the Nevada school for whores, and it is a skid mark.



Did you butter up your backside again? This time for me?


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i'm sure that abuse and murder and resentment towards "the biological" women will be openly celebrated openly at some point, they already house hunky rapists in drag in female prisons and it's not like they don't know exactly what they're doing, it's the progressive stack, "biological" women deserve that in their book. besides that there will be also more "mass shootings" and in-family murders of genx and millennial faggot parents.


and i can't wait and anticipate the future of psycho murderer costume gangs just like in the 60s and 70s arthouseesque top 10 reddit dystopia kinos


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>Be tranny
>Last name Haddick


literally obsessed

an entire thread no less


Whatever you say, Mr. Haddick.


youre mom haddick in her ase lole


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Tranny beats women in the oppression olympics


i suspect i have conversed with that faggot on some alt textboard, he brought up sucking off niggers or someting. and with the asian faggot who took down jershfarms on 4chen\g\ i think he posted his face there to display his immaculate beauty (rooked rike the youtube "techlead" grifter wearing a wig).

worlds small huh


this has got to fucking stop


no keep going. the "professional sports" is the most niggercattle thing ever that keeps the altar of television going


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Skittles, the borderline poisonous bolshevist kids candy, is the latest product to throw all in with wokeness after it released special edition packaging celebrating transgenderism and the Black Lives Matter organisation



it doesnt keep tv going


This is ancient news


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bump to spite u lol


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Canuckistan: TERFs Whine After Tranny Sets New Powerlifting Records



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Washington: Small Protests After ZIOG Governor Signs Bill Allowing Cops to Come Kidnap Your Kids and Turn Them Into Trannies



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