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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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la creatura


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( - )


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ur gay, heh




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just kys already ladyslav


not them, take meds 👍🙂
no thankyou


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Uncle dogi?

No that’s uncle pigroach


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She's really just average. How she takes care of herself determines if she moves up or down the fuck chart


She's ghastly right now. There's no denying it.


get your eyes tested


I wish dogisaga would take proper medication get well and date some desperate down under cellar dweller in his 30s instead of being outright insane


cancerous faggot employed aids drones here


What happened? I've had two drones visit my farm in the two years I've lived here and one other unidentified electronic humming noise flying around my home at night once. Was freaky as hell

Drones sound like a large swarm of bees, but the humming was slow and gentle. Nothing like a normal drone noise


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human drones employed to piss me off, by god or satan, im not sure


dogisaga samefagging




I wish I was her toilet. Also i've been following her telegram and she's not washing her hair anymore for some reason. Her scalp probably smells like rancid cheese~


fuck off and die slobisaga


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I have no idea what is even being said here.


She needs to partake in some diarrhea, because she consumed too much coffee


What the hell are "reverse buckbreaking keywords"? What does bubba have to do with CP?


slobsaga samefagging talking about itself


File: 1693458372528.mp4 2.96 MB, 576x1024, 6847784178709269767.mp4

Are you ok?


>be dogtroon
beyond words


imagine waking up looking in the mirror and seeing your face when you look as slobpigsaga looks LOL

that shit must hurt


I rather meant the unspeakable tier of its existence


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she looks like the grinch's nightmare


lmao dogisaga youre actually pathetic


dogisaga here, i lost 3 kg


Well done, a long way to go though


gj, dogvid


thats fuck all lol


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autistic cunt


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sadly yeah, but im not gonna bother going under 85kg at this point cuz of the skin sagging issue that will come about


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Dogi shitting blood lmao 🤣


Nothing about shitting blood.


bleeding from the butthole tho


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it makes me feel sick to look at this grotesque wildebeasts face


They're a terrible person and use their mental illness as a free pass to treat everyone like shit.


That tranny takes it up the ass and has blood coming out of their pooper on the regular.


Dogstrailia has explosive anger issues.


dogstralia needs to be mincraftily poisoned with ricin


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File: 1696631506195.mp4 5.53 MB, 576x1024, bumblebee.mp4

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