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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Is there a 4chon hangout? discord/tinychat whatever?

looking for conversations or some shit


You can have a conversation here, on 4chon.me.



I got banned from here, pretty gay discord anyways, just normies ive never heard of playing League of legends, I want a 4chon posters only discord

Someone make one or some shit






what is this


Gay homo sex chat. Your favorite.



no, we kill gays in that server


Do you run them over with your cyber trucks?


he'll yea! we also kick them into active volcanoes


That sounds homorific!


i dont use that program so i cant help you, just linking to the closest thing i saw on here


yea horrifically based 😏


Not horrific.


suck my balls and eat my ass, you gypsy fuck







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You wish, goblin.


You be always goblin on cocks.


Fuck off


I'm going anon cya


>[ - ]


The most active 4chon-adjacent thing I'm aware of is the Telegram server which I think you can find on the steam page heh. I check it once in a while but it's too fast for me (it gets many hundreds of posts a day).


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ban redx the pedophile







no thanks, not downloading that shitty app, just use the tinychat i posted, no login necessary


Telegram more like dox-yourself-gram.


honestly and i mean this, have those women, never talk to me again and live happily ever after with them, i mean that, im not bitter

take your gang and concepts and leave me the fuck alone

im not interested, im ascending

you saw the light and you know thats me, not you

ladies, not interested

men, i will fight anytime you want but honestly, i mean this too, grow the fuck up


like i said

grow up


You need to grow down.


you could never grow it up without some viagra, isn't that right Hirsch?





nice companial regressional circlejerk diploma fuckbag


convince me the song admit it by say anything isnt you and ill give you my last tenner


did you ever expect when you were young that youd be this way?


H'what? You want me to come up with a jingle?


Rub crisco all over your body and go outside.


Certified brit


This is what people should be telling others instead of touch grass tbqh.




i am outside


What's your point? yes I'm a brit, so what


Answer my question, you seem to think you've worked something out that required mental fortitude to achieve


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this cartoon rocks


that aftershave or deodorant smells like some poundland shit


schmells like peking prime rib


you are gay


straight outta compound sentences


you'd fuck the PO but you won't fuck ME


post bellend


correction, i wont fuck anyone


post fat gross stinky warty unwashed loose cunt


still waiting



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portst belllens


yes but we can only let you in if you post bellend with timestamp


Oh god it's dog what the fuck it's disgusting



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youre just mad that youre such a porcine goblin goblinsaga


the irony of this post

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