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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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What do you think we should do to pedos such as this guy who goes by the name of Triagonal? https://archive.is/Ybi1c

He is not only a confirmed pedophile who lusts over a 14 year old boy, but he has a small, cult-like following of white-knights and are known for doxing, stalking and impersonation too. Also a genuinely bizarre individual in general who has lied about every aspect of himself. Claims to be from Pitcairn, claims to be a woman, and pretends to have DID as well.


"We" will do absolutely nothing.

Not your personal army.


one of avid's exes?


i couldnt give a fuck


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Submit an anonymous tip.


How old was Alexander the great when he conquered Iran? 9?


some believe so but others say he was much older than that! personally I think his real age was....

over 9000 XD


obvious samefag




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