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 No.15064[View All]

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lol quit my job


Chat LGBT heh


Come out, we promise we won't hurt you.


I asked a boomer/old x mum outside a Hungry Jacks if she was going to vote Yes and she said "yes, I'm not a fool". Makes me kinda laugh just because its not going to pass (has zero chance according to polls)


If I were the mariana trench you could guide a sub through me and search every bit and you wouldn't find the tiniest sliver of gayness. I wonder if that makes me even more attracted to women. But idk thats just a thought




How very phallic and homo.


Yes to what?


Yes to Otherkin Relocation. Oh, uh, just goober business.



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posted without further commentary


Racism is boring now.





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facts don't need to be exciting. don't be a weekend warrior tourist smh


Kill yourself


It is. It's just reddit edginess but w slurs


You can still be naughty when the campus police are about, but you'll need to use a condom instead of a pussy.

Let's go feed our ducks at the lake.


Ducks? I've always liked ducks..


Let our ducks lead you down memory row.


There's a retro game store I found near me w/ old system games like that, it's pretty sweet and not too expensive, I've been working on a couple ps1 titles.

Last night I had a pretty heavy thinking session where I had a realization I very well could have been molested as a kid as I was babysat by the same guy that molested my sis and another kid, I had never considered it before but it would explain some things and some tears and confusing feels came up... :/ parents are so careless abt who they leave their kids with


fuck man shit man, oh the fuck you deserve to know man i know man you gonna take this shit back man oh yeah that's right fuck man


Your babysitter molested your sister but not you bc you is an UGLY nigga


Will coal-powered personal computers be allowed to generate the appropriate solution for the nigger problem in ethical white society?


What happened to the guy?


You can't just call on the phone and be weird like that.


Did anyone actually read this in full, because I'm 2/5 in and tempted to just read a summary because its 500 pages (1500 epub) and I know he's a gay honorary tribe member and I just have other stuff to do or read


You could just use the audio book and "sort it out" while you're playing minecraft xD


>Did anyone actually read this in full.
Probably not. It's probably ghost written (since all these fags do that) and Pidor Zion didn't even read it himself LOL!


He'd dead, was insanely obese and gross. This all would have happened back far as my memories go





let it ring


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I won't keep posting about this if its too much drug stuff for this board, but ~

I've been doing DXM too much (2-3 times a week, though low doses) and need to lay off but I'm too much of an addict (and also I'm watching films in a way which helps my myopia) to go completely off drugs, any ideas as to something I could switch to? Some non-dissociative. I don't really like psychedelics recreationally and don't need to use them therapeutically.

Was thinking kava but maybe even kratom. I think those 2 might increase appetite however so thats annoying.

I also have some real mild stuff like NAC, Taurine, Inositol (seems to do nothing), Bacopa, Ginkgo (does nothing either it seems), some kind of Ginseng. Most of that stuff doesn't do much < I've tried combining them and even then it isn't very fun.

L-Theanine works though, I recommend it as a nootropic or mindfulness-enhancer specifically, its pretty interesting. 400mg is okay for me, maybe 400mg twice over a few hours, but if I take around or close to 1g it can turn into a bad trip (thought loops or just becomes anxiogenic).


Have diarrhea. Currently on the toilet watching yt vids and shitting.



you'll be just like audrey hepburn if you place confidence in >>67982 and cut the cheese with us and our amazing police officers.
drink abstinthe. i think it does a good job at keeping degenerate individuals busy with force-fed habits.


"heh, thought you were trans" is a great pick-up line, girls really like it


I almost completely switched to kratom, it definitely doesn't increase appetite as it has to be yaken on an empty stomach to be effective


Go sober. Kratom is garbage that builds tolerance extremely fast and has withdrawal like opiates. There's no magic drug out there that you can take regularly without paying a price for it


This. Kratom is the ultimate reddit meme drug. Tolerance builds so quickly in fact that it's hard to know where you're at. If you take just a little too much, you feel sick and if you don't take quite enough, you feel nothing.


Had diarrhea again this morning. Not as much but, more watery. Gunna not eat anything for a couple days and hope it goes away.


Sounds terrible. Of all the great drugs out there to take why the fuck would you take kratom. Even weed is better.


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>Go sober.

Heh... I think I got kratom mixed up with this other drug which actually does increase appetite but the name eludes me. Its sort of like Pregabalin/Lyrica. Its a really popular one. Anyway... Will probs just go sober or try NAC plus L-Theanine, which is close to being sober anyway. I particularly need a break to lower diss tolerance.

>drink abstinthe.
I really don't like non-social drinking. Did that years ago and haven't done it since, my hangovers are too bad.

>There's no magic drug out there that you can take regularly without paying a price for it

Actually DXM/Ket has been that for me for quite a few years, though my "withdrawl" or "afterglow" to it has changed over the years. First it was an afterglow, then it was some anxiety, now it isn't very much at all, though I stick to quite low doses (like about 1-1.5mg/kg of Robotabs every few hours).

I don't actually find Ketamine to be as useful or fun but I mostly use it because of the short comeup (like 5-10 min onset/comeup) and it seems to be easier on the heart or blood pressure than DXM. Its also somewhat stimmy at low doses but because of the short onset/comeup/withdrawl its easier to go to bed if you take it to top off the night.

FWIW the Ketamine/benzo combo is the most disinhibiting I've tried so its good to be wary of that...



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