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What happens after the war is over anons
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America will either balkanize (a good ending for everyone, honestly) or become some North Korea like shithole state with medieval living conditions that still manages to be a threat to its neighbours.

I personally don't know if Americans have it in them to dismantle the union. Most people have more loyalty to the idea of the United States as a whole than to their local communities/states. There hasn't been much real resistance to Trump or the federal government in blue states other than indignation and online butthurt. The retards and shitskins are obviously a detriment to society, I mean look at vid related, but retarded people tend to prefer the status quo because change scares them.


The United States won't balkanize in our life time. How do you even balkanize a state built on cynical economic opportunism and Jewish sensibilities? Who's competing for power here? The parties aren't really competing with each other, the private sector isn't competing with the federal government.
>or become some North Korea like shithole state with medieval living conditions that still manages to be a threat to its neighbours.
Probably this tbh. I can imagine that in our life time things will get so bad that anyone who can afford to is going to be a cynical economic opportunist somewhere else instead. Since nobody actually gives a fuck about "American values", people are going to move once the economic incentive isn't sufficient enough to stay. I don't think many people are thinking "Oh boy I would love to have my life essence sapped by rent-seekers, while living in an oppressive, low-trust society".


Murrica's stability rests on the shoulders of the White Man. Whites becoming a minority means greater instability in the system, and the system simply cannot withstand shitskins fucking everything up as they typically do. Lines will be drawn.





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Syria has fallen to US-backed Al-Qaeda rebels, Russia has given up with Putin making the calculation that protecting Syria is not in his oligarch buddies' best interests, says he's "not interested in maintaining an empire" and is pushing for "diplomatic solution between the warring parties"

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It's just the coastal Alawite region. Might become an eternal civil war like Myanmar or Libya.


Admittedly I jumped the gun, yeah.

That said, it's hard not to sympathize with the "actual" resistance here. Assad may have been a dictator but we all knew that whoever he was going to be replaced with by the west was just going to be as bad or worse than whatever he was accused of being. Hard to tell how much of the press against him was pure propaganda also


Without being on the ground it's hard to say. He does seem like a tin pot dictator who enriched himself at the expense of his country, judging from his palace. Even if the CIA fomented it the revolt against him does seem popular as well.

On the other hand, he's an enemy of Israel, which makes him a friend to humankind. It's also hard not to cheer for the guy who has given zog a bloody nose time and time again.


If ever there was a time for the Kurds to rise up to reclaim land Turkish-Syria nabbed, that time is now. The odds of true Syrians reclaiming their land from Turkey is probably near zero but if Kurdistan acts quick then the Turks can get fucked from two sides. Their control of the country is already jackshit on account of the ease by which Israel has been invading the south. The time is now to fuck the Turks. RISE UP, KURDISTAN.

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Are you ready to eat McDonald's and watch UFC in your hired Tesla in Gaza, /new/?
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They're already talking about sening them to Europe and Canada after their neighbors in the middle-east reject them. It's such a fucked situation. The kikes win, because Whiteoids are too stupid in aggregate.


Canada's opposition party "conservative savior" just announced an "immigration cap" of 200-250k a year. You'd think that's a little high considering the country only has 40 million people to begin with but he threatens to deport the small fraction of them that commit crimes. So based!


He does not want to be known as the guy that collapsed the house-of-cards Canadian economy. The moment any Canadian PM or incoming PM announces a significantly lower immigration cap in the long term, all investors will pull out since the economy's entirely based on a guarantee that there will always be a demand in housing, and Canada will become like Argentina, unless the US forcefully annexes it to shield it with their world reserve currency status. Although in all likelihood, suppose the cuckservative decided he actually would reduce the cap to let's say 30k Indians, what would happen is the economy would plunge (freefall in currency and TSX stocks) and then the libtard party would campaign saying "See? Cuckservatives don't know how to manage an economy!" and then there would be an early election with libtards getting back in power and announcing 2M Indians a year to bring back the investors to stabilize the economy.

One might ask, why isn't Japan like Argentina if their population is declining and housing is cheap, and that's because Japan at least has Toyota, Mitsubishi, Honda, Sony, Hitachi, Nintendo, Fujitsu, Canon, Panasonic, Fujifilm, Suzuki, Nippon Steel, Bandai, Konami, Shinkansen (world-renowned bullet trains) and I can go on and on. The world would lose a lot if Japan disappeared. What does Canada have? Literally no one would notice a thing if Canada disappeared tomorrow.


Trump now saying he's going to get China and Russia to cut their military budgets in half alongside Murrica. What a crock of shit.


China responds to recent Trump statements on Gaza and Panama Canal takeover
>palestine belongs to the palestinian people
>it is an inalienable part of the territory of palestine
OY VEY! Mobilize the jidf! Post more cherrypicked industrial accident videos! Get those chuds riled up! This is annothah shoah! They oughta apologise!

 No.8447[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

defacto POTUS (pic related)

e git em MAGAbucks good

dey git gooded
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Like most of the ultra-rich in America, the guy just parrots whichever political position will make him the most money/get the most influence. His only loyalty is to himself. Being a liberal or a nazi or whatever mask he puts on is only an act by a charming sociopath.


Many of the supposedly 'chill' relaxing apolitical Facebook groups I've joined are now talking about orange man bad and doing the 'it's not politics to treat people with BASIC HUMAN DIGNITY, CHUD' crap again.

It's almost as if apolitical people aren't apolitical and shitlibs are seething and becoming more fringe because they've realised the average person is sick of their shit.
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america does feel a lot nicer somehow. You also can buy freakin guns, and people feel really warm there. I am like fake american living in Russia, I don't care about black history month I will gladly learn it and about the bus seats in Mongemery just let me have happiness.

That have said, I despise hedonism and antijewish fetish, I cannot be happy in the world like America where they masturbate to "V-tuber" and "Woman Porn Star" and idolize women and women body.


I alsso cant stand a premarital relationship.


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I can't stand lust


orange man has a tiny penis and I hope he dies


Could I interest you in some Gluttony?

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Part 4 of 7
"Thee 2025
Worlds Meanest
Podcast Listener" Special

*published this morning
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If the janny were competent, your fatass faggot posts would've been baleeted a long time ago. Fortunately for you, (s)he thinks spam is free speech or some retarded bullshit like that.



Alright Twink,
You think Freespeech is Retarded??
If a Militia Shoots your Fat Bitch mother or Rapes your stupid piece of shit Asswipe Family & Squatted your house & (people like you fuckin cowards on 4chon being who you are, NEVER DOING ANYTHING OR CHANGING ANYTHING) all you do is talk shit about Whites/Male dominated Topics, You automatically will go to Jail for 20 years for Hatespeech for Bitching & Moaning about Whites/Male Dominated Lines of Work,
That being used against you,
Go to Mexico trannie bitch,
Fuck off to Zimbabwe or Gambia then & starve & shill freespeech is retarded,
You sound like a Lousy Fed Agent trying too hard to blend in


IFWD part 6 of 7


💎 DREAD "Sneaking Inside Display Cases at Walmart/Printing FAKE Receipts"

💎 Breach
(Cloudflare CEO 📱 no./Address & "Crypto"
💎 Nanochan
💎 Dailystormer/∞Chan (Jewish Woman Sues Kanye West,Files Name as Jane Doe??"


Your speech in particular is worthless. You're just a bottomfeeding parasite and meth-addicted spic keyboard warrior newfag. Go back to flipping burgers loser.




Part 4 of 4 "Premium Blend"

•4chan "Never Fly Economy"

& "Braindead Mouthbreathers"

•Dread "How To Fake a Bank Statement"

•Hidden Answers "15 Questions"

•8kun /Nigger Community Wretchedness/ board "NIGGERS RUINED MY GYM"
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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please keep your "podbean" thing to one thread, choose which one you don't want anchored so the others get anchored, otherwise all your threads will get anchored


This nigger retard sure likes talking about 11-year-old girls a lot. Wild self-report.


Im not the one with a Flag of Children,
You fuckin Karen Cubscout Bitch Assistant


>sees adult cartoon character
>starts thinking about children
Yep, that's a self-report


isn't frieren over 9000 years old?




Part III of 4


•Cringe Anarchy (post things you've done to make Womens Life Worse)

•8kun /N*gger Community Wretchedness/ (Black Women are Brutally Ugly)

•Wizardchan 🧙‍♂️ (Real Comedians vs Female Ones)

*leave me hatemail at https://8kun.top/niggwretchedness/catalog.html
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All 4chan Special

💎When are Car Prices going to start falling??"

💎"1st Ever ➕Size Hooters Restaurant opens up Spark Debate"

💎"Worst Country you stayed At"




please keep your "podbean" thing to one thread, choose which one you don't want anchored so the others get anchored, otherwise all your threads will get anchored

you can embed youtube links in the post as thumbnails in case you didn't know


I keep 1 youtube,
1 thread for podbean
& 1 embedded only for here


Why are billionaires building bunkers?

Take your bets folks
World War Terminus, another pandemic due to biological warfare, or do they think, Bolshevik style, that the population is going to be angry enough to come after them and even their own private guard won't protect them?
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This youtube influencer "JayzTwoCents" who covers PC tech stuff destroyed his body with gastric bypass surgery. In recent years he's become severely anemic and he mentioned his hematologist told him poor iron absorption is one of the long-term side effects of this surgery and iron supplements have hardly helped at all with his iron levels


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Amerilards would rather risk going blind with a weight loss drug instead of cutting carbohydrates and sugar from their diet.


It's a nation of addicts. And they blame other countries for their own fentanyl addiction.


I looked into this just now and apparently it can cause NAION (non arteritic ischaemic neuropathy), but people who have diabetes and fat people also are at risk of developing NAION relative to the general population. I can't find anything about
any mechanism of action Ozempic/semaglutides in and of themselves that would cause NAION (not that there wouldn't be, drugs do odd shit all the time).


Oh wow...


Doesn't Ozempic hollow your bones out as well lol

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The concept is simple. A place where people can create and discover topics in a structured way. Each topic serves as a digital room where people can post content such as text, images, webm and voice chat. Each topic can have subtopics related to the parent topic but of more specific nature. Subtopics can again have subtopics etc.

Everyone can make topic room about anything at all and everyone can post content. You can post anonymously without logging in.

Hopefully you could try it out and let me know what you think. Maybe try to do some posts or make new topics about something you care about. Experiment all you want. Any feedback and suggestions for improvement are highly appreciated.

The site is: https://depvana.com

feedback: https://depvana.com/topic/4

Of cause no censorship.

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no fuck off lol haha gay site is shit and crap fuck off again haha lol




I like the look of it. Bookmarked for future browsing. I'll lurk and post if anyone requests any information I can help out with.

My only crucial request/advice is that it needs to be pruned and curated by a dedicated team of mods so the best posts are easy to find and spam is minimised.

My thoughts.


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Thanks appreciate it. Please do, any post or topic you make is very helpful in increasing activity.

>My only crucial request/advice is that it needs to be pruned and curated by a dedicated team of mods so the best posts are easy to find and spam is minimised.

Yes, I believe you're correct. The methods in this regard will be continuously adjusted to address any potential spam activity that may emerge.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on how we can quantify the best posts? Nothing is set in stone, but right now, posts with the most likes or replies are featured as 'popular posts' on the landing page.

Note; a new feature that you guys may like. A webapp called "4chan video slideshow" that lets you add urls to threads with videos, then the program extracts all the mp4 it can find and automatically play them one by one. Find it at: https://depvana.com/topic/344

And as always, any suggestions or ideas you have are always welcome and will likely be implemented. Cheers!





thefuck does this means. mains?

also thats a thick book to swore to. from far away, it could be any book. or anyone.
id say the fire just feeds on anything. bullying is lame, but god is...not above it. maybe cut it off so it is actual sacrifice lol. but alas, too much for everyone. even itself. i hope when i die, you say its laziness, then id know, you left much earlier, just like it always, always, already did.


don't feel like talking about parasitic worms nowadays...


Why not?


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I don't even want to eat food, I don't even care about anything.
I feel so exhausted from disassembling my PC and there is no sound on my computer any longer, I don't have reason.

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Another plane just went down in Alaska, what do you suppose is going on? Could there really be a villain working at a busy airport and sabotaging every plane that's unfortunate enough to have him assigned to it?


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no. it was probably just an accident.

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Thirty zoomers kidnapped and beat up a 22 year old massachusetts college student for setting up a date with an 18 year old woman at the same school. Five of them are being charged with assault and kidnapping. Somehow they got it into their heads that this is pedophilia.

What the fuck is wrong with zoomers?

>pic related

The 18 year old woman in question, LOL!
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it's a complete zoomer psychosis troonout out there


probably not much different from weather underground in a sense just discord ai brainrot philosophical pseud whimsy bs


and dey grew up with windows 8.0 on a 1377x768 celeron or chrombuk magine that does to the brain


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do zoomers really age faster?

thats what they get for fucking with my nerves all day and being so psychotic.... i am so tired.
why are they so weird and so terrifying...


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> They spend all their time watching streamers and youtubers who parrot whatever ridiculous social moores
excluding anything about holocaust or jews, you are absolutely right. Their role models are like retarded people, so they are imitating somebody who is stupid and get stupider themselves. Also, they do not support imageboards or any kind of y2k culture (thanks god because i think they would have completely exterminated it good thing soy party is concentration camp tier, so that they dont have to bother .) unironically, being popular - sucks. once you are famouis, you will be literally sacrificed and eaten by collective mankind and zoomer conscience. avoid seeking fame, Kabuto.

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