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 No.83088[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed...

30 year old Mike Heslin dies ‘unexpectedly’ MSM baffled:

2 star Marine general found dead:

Sheriff policeman died from medical emergency:

16 year old boy in New Zealand:

17 year old chinese sports player:
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113 posts and 52 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


28 year old woman died suddenly, and the media refuses to talk about what her cause of death was, so it is most likely a heart attack caused by the covid vaccine:



>clinging onto le vaxx deaths because its your only thing you are

gay as all fuck lmao


lol huttburt


im sure the government are deeply intimidated by your sudden death tally chart


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i have aids guys, im just a giant aids riddled faggot


no such thing as aids bro


stunning and brave

dubs confirm, (((fauci))) made up aids for pharma profits


Would Thai-Style Boxing Be Allowed in a White Nationalist Society?
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Ehrm...that's not very nice


Little man is just having a little perpetual temper tantrum all over the place.


Well I hope he heckin' gets over it soon, my gosh! heh

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why are they laughing at me
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your penis is too big


Men hate when that happens.


you have zero manners

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 No.83317[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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sue your stepfather for making you butthurt


It would be funny to see you have your face held underwater until your body goes limp. It could be a PPV event. We can call it "faggot retard gets aborted on 120th trimester".


stay mad microdick


Damn. If I have a microdick, you must have the tightest throat of all time to be choking on it.




They went to a restaurant and her father asked if she would be pure until marriage and she said yes and cried.
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>you spoilt little brat, ever thought you didnt have one because you didnt need one? Christianity doesnt need faggots like you cluttering it up only there because you want something, bet you still celebrate Christmas though, you little rat.


>1) This shit is weird.


I spend a lot of time in silence with my eyes shut. Don't know if that counts.

I haven't in awhile, but I used to do a lot. Was smoking DMT regularly for a period of some months at one point. Had taken
stuff like LSD, shrooms, mescaline, salvia, ketamine and random designer chemicals intermittently for years. Those were fun times, but I didn't consider them spiritual experiences.


go smoke more meth you ugly faggot

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 No.81361[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Blog thread
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zoomed in


>indirectly paid by men in several ways in the modern welfare economy
Please do but copy and paste it from somewhere. That way (you) don't have to waste your time.




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The Secret Service couldn't keep up. As consumer-grade Universal Constructors flooded the market, people began using them to manufacture satellite weaponry. The unthinkable became routine: holding Senators hostage with the mere threat of a strike, coordinates programmed into hastily assembled, orbiting death machines.

Page, ever the schemer, had seen the writing on the wall long before the chaos erupted. He ordered us to clone the entire Senate, ensuring his precious legislation remained untouchable and live, regardless of the threats. Now, the real Senators were hidden away, their roles played by perfect duplicates, indistinguishable even under the closest scrutiny.

But that was only the beginning. Page had his secret plan. He implanted the cloned Senators with advanced augmentation devices, giving him unprecedented control. Through SSH, he now wrote laws directly, bypassing the sluggishness of democracy. His clandestine augmentations turned the Senators into mere extensions of his will, puppets executing his commands with unerring precision.

In the midst of this upheaval, Everett, our once-diligent watchdog, had retreated into silence. He wouldn't even read the news, overwhelmed by the sheer impossibility of the world we had created. Page's grip tightened, his influence expanding as he bent the Senate—and by extension, the entire nation—to his vision.

The cloning chambers hummed quietly beneath the Capitol, an eerie testament to the new order. The real Senators, unaware of their own replacements, continued to languish in secure locations, kept alive only as a contingency. Page's machinations ensured that any dissent was swiftly quashed, his synthetic Senate unwavering in its loyalty.

As we watched from the shadows, the implications of our actions weighed heavily. The power to shape reality had shifted dramatically, and the boundaries of ethics and governance blurred beyond recognition. The lines between savior and tyrant, protector and oppressor, became indistinguishable, leaving us to wonder if this brave new world was truly an improvement, or a descent into an even darker age.


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Once you thought you were going to fart
But alas you mistakenly broke your own heart

It was not just breaking wind

You sharted yourself
You were not prepared

God spares no one
and no one cared

Rest in peace
Your briefs

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your sense of humour is fucking trash

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They're doing this to me tomorrow.
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stfu goofy ass pigga

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Attention all anti-Zog Gardners, I have tons of blackberries growing in my yard. They're not ripe yet, but there are hundreds of fruits already.
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I planted three fig trees in one area. Two of them are barely growing, but the last tree is on the grave of a dog suicide and it's explosively growing compared to the others

Turns out that trees really benefit from corpses


One on the left here is about 10 feet closer to the camera than the right


>Turns out that trees really benefit from corpses
That is the circle of life.


perhaps just the soil is looser


Identical planting methods


retard nigger spic tranny faggot kike spammed first one well past bump limit
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ZOMS (Oh My Science) i remember when i first heard this song at the BLACKEDcade. i was heavy into the folk punk scene already but i never heard this absolute gem from AJJ. just wow, they're really sticking it to the establishment with this one. alright i got a date with a jug of this new soylent flavor: bvll milk. toodles for now!
#FreePalestine #SlavaUkraini #DontMissTrumpNextTime




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 No.80149[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is the /comf-v/ vidya thread #4

>Low bit
>High bit

OST's welcome.

Wrap up and post some nostalgia based or comfy based video game materials ITT.
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Usually I think driller, engineer and gunner should stay together and scout should go ahead first to find nitra nodes and clear leeches.

I think gunner needs a utility buff or something, like two more ziplines and/or a small ammo bag that restores 25% to everyone.


rival presence is the worst drg mission type. i even did a bunch of setup as driller but my build was for clearing small robots so all i can really do is toss my c4 from my ceiling hole to get rid of the caretaker's shields then hope for teammates to kill the eye fast enough. i hate doing that mission but it's the first part of the lethal enemies assignment for unlocking haz5+.


I find the map where you have to set up the pipes to be consistently the most fun. But I get butthurt that the average person makes the most retarded pipe setups, like pipes that are longer than needed (inefficient for several reasons) or pipe paths that don't really come together (it tends to be easier if the pipe paths are in greater proximity).

I just don't find rival presence to be that fun. Though when I play with the guy who mods the game he makes the caretaker gigantic which is pretty funny. Also when you die on it you spin super fast its kinda funny.


if you play driller, you find that a lot. you also find engineers that don't understand they can make paths to wells that driller can't as easily. something annoying about wells lower than the platform is that it's very easy to dig a tunnel that's just slightly too steep. better just to be safe and drill meandering paths instead of direct routes sometimes. you can also just get terrible well spawns in general (though salvage mission equipment can also spawn in utterly shit spots, especially the second one). otherwise, i don't really hate the mission. i used to hate aquarqs a lot but i kinda like the urgent feeling of it now. sometimes you get neverending enemies on that, though.

escort can be fun and they recently updated it so there is a bit of variety in the phases. i think you still have two bug phases (1 and 3), but now there are three different core phases that will randomly be selected from for phase 2 and 4. the new possible core phase they added is the core targets one player at a time and creates a rock prison around him, expecting teammates to help dig him out before it kills him. the gay shit about escort is finding bonus events like korlok boss (another thing that can spawn in notoriously shitty spots) or core printer ones since bugs spawn more frequently until the heartstone is collected which doesn't give you time to safely do anything else besides collect nitra.

also it is possible to lose a mission if the only person in the escape pod gets pulled out by a stingtail. you don't take damage as far as i recall, but i guess bugs can still fuck with you in other ways.


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Enemy health bars don't belong in an action RPG. Hell if you really want to display damage points you still don't have to display enemy health bars, even an action MMORPG like MapleStory didn't and it worked fine. I don't get why people think breaking immersion is a good idea. Keep that nonsense in MOBAs and MMORPGs.

 No.77180[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post about upcoming films, videos and any other related media ITT, post about what you are hyped for, reviews, and so on

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga trailer 1 (releasing mid-May 24)
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straight men don't make posts like this


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gay because i dont find THIS attractive?



maybe the outfit isn't to your tastes but get it off and you'll be in funbag city which is a most desirous destination for any straight man


kill yourself
see above, you samefagging grotesque


Rebel Moon electric boogaloo Snyder cut trailer. Thoughts?

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Biden drops out, it's her turn CHUDS

Who could've predicted this coming?

Oh wait. Everyone.
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Me thinketh not! Tho thou doth protest! :^)


I don't think he dropped out willingly. Somebody else probably made a tweet under his name announcing he was dropping out without him even knowing, and then gas-lit him into believing it was his idea.


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Biden was assassinated, this is a coup. Harris is a globohomo communist jeet slave manchurian candidate with a jewish husband
<Harris's father


Christ, that explains why they didn't go with Newsom

Apparently a recent statement by Biden was created with AI lmfao


>family intermarried with jews
just like Trump and Biden

at least one of his kids has to marry a kike or pajeet before he can be president

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