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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.85648[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Gamescon 2024 Edition
Day 1 drinking game: take a shot every time you see a nigger.
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>The idea that the mechanics are supposed to take a back-seat to the role playing elements seems like the more modern sensibility. For example when I tried to get back into D&D a few years ago every DM was very obviously soft-balling encounters
I'm teaching people how to play TTRPGs right now. I tell them it's like reading a story, where you control a single character in a story and the GM controls everything else. The game system introduces an element of chance, balance and fairness

It's okay to fudge rolls in secret occasionally if it results in greater fun for all parties, but typically the most fun thing of all is pure random chance. Full party death is fun. Maiming, crippling, all the terrible things out there make the game have real stakes and genuine fun

If the players act like retards they should all die like retards. There's absolutely zero fun to be had if the characters have God on their team and can't lose at all


TLDR: playing with cheats isn't fun


Space Marine 2 works pretty good on the Steam Deck. Just have to lower the resolution to 1024 x 768 but it doesn't look too bad; still some pretty significant frame drops in scenes with a lot of Guardsmen and Tyranid swarms but it's very playable


Min-maxxing nerds can be annoying, I think it's valid to be invested in the gameplay mechanics and playing well too, of course, but I agree it's really about group storytelling first heh


Shining Force 1 and 2 are a buck a piece on Steam. Not even a sale. Obviously you can just emulate them for free and they're ancient, but the price is very surprisingly un-kiked.

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 No.85752[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

What's on your mind?
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At least he doesn't censor you for disagreeing like ImKampfy.


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Put 4chon on it and make it a new banner heh


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Does anyone else schiz out when they receive a call from a strange number? Just spent 15 minutes looking up a person who called me. It's a nurse or something. I want nothing to do with anything related to medicine. These assholes solicit so much. Medicare fines you for not scheduling regular checkups lol. Free country my ass.

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 No.83088[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Latest sudden deaths from healthy young people, all fully vaxxed with the covid vaccine. Not looking too good for the vaxxed...

30 year old Mike Heslin dies ‘unexpectedly’ MSM baffled:

2 star Marine general found dead:

Sheriff policeman died from medical emergency:

16 year old boy in New Zealand:

17 year old chinese sports player:
Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Damn I forgot to call him conservative. Would have been funnier. Peter Steele is a conservative gay traditionalist Christian guys, remember THAT! I mean Peter Thiele heh


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>Pfizer starts trotting out their most charming negroes to push the vaccine again over the past couple weeks
>people on [social media website] obituary posting and local ambulance activity rapidly increases (again)
I know it's "just an anecdote" but you can't make this sh*t up


I think that ad is from last year, though I recently got an automated text from the state medicare program saying that I accepted to hear updates about the flu and similar things. It said to text a certain word to stop receiving messages, so I was about to do that, but then my phone warned me I might be charged for the message. I just blocked the number instead. They already texted me twice about that shit. Not letting some faggot government organ directly spam me with vaxx hysteria.


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Whether it was made last year or not I just screen grabbed it the other day; it's in the current rotation it seems. I don't think I'd ever seen the flu mentioned alongside C-19 in this context either heh



My former coworker's wife passed away today I was just informed smh

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They're doing this to me tomorrow.
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The land revolution was a mistake; retvrn to the ocean

70% of Earth's surface area is ocean


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They're doing this to me tomorrow.


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Ancestor of horses and other equidae


That reminds me of an old picture book I had as a kid. It was about prehistoric animals and had an illustration of a huge flightless bird picking up a small horse with its beak.

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 No.83317[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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wanna hear a joke heh larry


YHWH protects Trump!


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Republicans support LEGAL immigration. If it's LEGAL then it's alright. The employment rate of the locals is too high, just ask business leaders and politicians, they're experts.



A dead dog and a cat just flew over my house

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did it even happen?
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Really makes you think


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 No.85933[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Things you may not have yet realized about JD Vance:
He was born in 1984, you're older than him.
He was 15 years old when 4chan was founded.
He first heard about 4chan when he was a college freshman.
He is an oldfag and knows more memes than you do.
He started the first habbo hotel raid
He painted the n world on drawball
He got the 42m GET on /b/, but it was nothing special to him since he always gets doubles
His posts on /n/ were why the FBI (at the direction of the Obama administration) told moot to shut the board down
He is the author of the Ken-sama copypasta
If elected his first act will be to bring back snacks
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meatcanyon was my nickname in secondary school

that orange geezer has no taste


trying to beat my 3 cocks in 1 anus record tonight, wish me luck faggots


fake avid! my record is 5 in the anus and 3 in the mouth with one in my right hand and two in my left!

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grenstrer bolfungleshret





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retard nigger spic tranny faggot kike spammed first one well past bump limit
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Weird, guy





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Varg declares total war against all niggers kikes and shitskins
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And nothing of value was lost.


Cute girls. They need some guys to balance things out though, they shouldn't do all work all the time.

Euronymous was legit a piece of shit. I heard he poisoned some Polish guy with lead too or maybe it's just a rumor. Maybe Varg is a plagiarist and burned a few churches, maybe he's a liar, a narcissist, left his previous girlfriend and even took jabs at her in his videos, without mentioning her directly with his daughter, maybe he has a retarded cult, but he still has his heart in the right place and played a part in waking people up. He was a voice of reason during all this alt-right, seej LARP cancer shit and other movementarian faggotry. He's a sperg, sure, but so is everyone else in some way, at least he makes sense sometimes. Compared to the people I encountered in those kosher right wing circles, he's saner. I'd say he is less spergy compared to the rest of twitter. Still, it's not making his case any better and this entire cancer really took a toll on his brain.


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Speaking of murderers, 4chon veteran Zack Davies (Rockerz88) may be released as early as 2029. He was given a minimum term of 14 years for his attempted murder and the average length for "life" sentences in the UK is around 15 years.


I'm not a fan of any social media I have to sign up for, but I don't care much that he uses twatter. I don't know how recent the post in OP was made, but I am surprised if it is recent. I figured he considered himself WN a long time ago. I say he is a good WN role model because he has sired a large White family. That or [censored] are the two most impactful actions to White survival.


when he gets out I'm going to suck his willie

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Are you really an Apple fan?


One of the weirder scams, QR code points to sites.google.com/view/iphonequiz


No, us based Zionists use Linux. Linus Torvalds is an honorary Jew and has an open invitation to come to our kibbutz to creampie some Jewish pussy to make superior tech-nerd babies!

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Hello, it's me, Jon Lovitz! I'm just hear to remind you that there are good Jews out there who hate niggers and faggots and that I'm one of them! Don't support those cringe Palestinians, support based Jews like me!
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Would anyone notice if Jon Lovitz died? Probably not.


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Trying to turn me away from John lovitz. That's low. Even for you. I could watch the critic on repeat for the rest of my life, those two seasons back to back.


Well you have jewish blood, so...


I'm smiley. Of course I have Jewish blood.


Niggers and faggots would certainly notice, because I wouldn't be murdering them anymore!

Always good to meet a fan.

Those are some fine numbers! Come live in the kibbutz with me and Ben Shapiro- we kill any nigger or faggot that comes with 1,000 feet of it!

 No.77180[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post about upcoming films, videos and any other related media ITT, post about what you are hyped for, reviews, and so on

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga trailer 1 (releasing mid-May 24)
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> i wonder if you were to get the same treatment as i have what would you do
Two things:
1. you being brain-damaged and feeling suicidal over words on the internet is not me "glorifying suicide"
2. you have told people to commit suicide many times before

You completely lack any shred of self-awareness. You really can't expect to be treated with kindness when all you post all day every day is the most autistically negative bullshit about everything. 95% of your posts just make me think "KWAB". I can't sympathize with you. Autism doesn't give you a pass to be such a miserable little cunt all the time.


Documentaries with minimal editing and narration are great. No music is also preferred, but it's fine if it's tasteful.


Stay on topic and be nice everyone please heh. It's important to be polite.


Live. Laugh. Love.


Why are they still dragging on this garbage show to the point where the voice actress for Marge can't even do her voice properly anymore?

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Brother N once again pulls the curtains back on the jew's disgusting evil habits and practices
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Physiognomy is direct and honest as usual, though midwits won't see it

He looks like a clown. Intentionally so. He's controlled opposition specifically made to look like a retard so his followers also look like retards. Glowboys have had several documents leaked this last year talking about using "traditional catholicism" as a deradicalization psy-op

Any retard that follows this agent will be corraled into worshipping Rabbi Yeshua ben Yosef and thinking that *another* group of people is God's chosen people

As always, the greatest lies are coated in and mixed with truth. Just because a man speaks some truth doesn't make him a genuine individual


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>"""traditional catholicism"""


>Rachel Naggar


she's the only gentile on there and she's arab heh


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what are some of ur fav animes?? i need some recommendations cuz im bored. my favs are azumanga, demon slayer, madoka and d4dj
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Kemonozume was genuinely good. I gave it an 8/10 on MyAnimeList™ two decades ago


I think the first thing I saw directed by this guy was Tatami Galaxy and it didn't interest me much. Only watched a couple episodes. I like the art style, but the romance plot is so boring. Second thing I saw was Mind Game, another romance plot, but it was actually great solely for the animation. The humor was alright, too. I think Ping Pong has the same director as both of those and Kemonozume, so I'm checking that out now. Watched the first episode and thought it was pretty good.


Rewatching Cyberpunk Edgerunners. Last time was around two years ago. Still a 10/10


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