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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.85648[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Gamescon 2024 Edition
Day 1 drinking game: take a shot every time you see a nigger.
251 posts and 40 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>chad phenotype
>health nut
>afflicted by chronic cluster headaches for years alongside other medical problems
>considered a pariah among fighting game communities
Bit of a character.


i'd deepthroat him day one


Everyone who plays RedM should be euthanized.


Bruh I haven't even played a "fighting game" in like 15 years or something. Wonder where I should start, any reccs? Though maybe I should revisit tekken 3 if there's a pc version.


Though I was checking out dbz sparking zero and it seemed pretty cool. Interesting "what if" game mode

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 No.89101[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Nu Blarg, soyboys
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>less harmful drug
I doubt this.


Jumping in here a bit but I say hi to my bus driver/s and thank him/her/they/it/them, it's just politeness. Even if they are a brown humanoid person being. Also I'm a NICE GUY! Even though my writing is not intended for brown ppl, or my activism or whatever I will end up doing, they will be able to access it anyway and ppl learn from each other in ways you don't always understand until it happens, so I think it pays to be nice really.


Was thinking about this recently and I've re-thought about my idea that "the most harmful drug is the one that you actually do". In other words, whatever drug you decide to take is the one that you're reckoning with. So e.g. you might completely close yourself off to drugs like amph's, but you're still having caffeine, and so caffeine might be the one that actually ruins you. I think it's a really worthwhile thought or idea...


Brazilian transvestite roach deformity prattles on about Trump WN Death Squads and claws at the open wound it calls a mangina while waiting in a FEMA death camp queue disguised as an EBT handout line as the future Haitian doctor-lawyer ploughs through the procession with the human trafficking van it stole from balding ratfaced pedophile Eli Rosenthal, having mistaken some rotund Venezuelan goblins for ripe bushmeat as the vultures circle overhead (no funeral). SPOILER ALERT: this lusophone mongrel in drag is a 53-year-old grown ASS man and xe just came from xer ninth booster shot of the day!!! NO REFUNDS!


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 No.87023[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Would tbh.


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>Would tbh.

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is internet piracy immoral?

pic unrelated
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


Capitalist copyrightkikes get the rope.


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of course not


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>Sigma male
Sigma male.


It's not theft when you are taking something that is freely reproducible with virtually no time or effort involved. Plenty of people are willing to finance the production of new electronic media as evidenced by crowdfunding platforms, too, so "piracy" isn't remotely affecting anything meaningful.


Creating software is labor, but software isn't a product. Since physical media is no longer a practical necessity, software is intrinsically a service. So even if it's in the most kiked manner possible, modern companies are being a lot more honest when they say that they're only giving you a license to play their games, as opposed to you actually buying anything. When you pay for digital media, you do so to support the on-going efforts of its creator, but you're not actually paying for an existing product. When you pirate software you aren't stealing anything, because there is nothing to steal. In practice it means you don't care enough about continued support or new software from said creator. Even if you did care, if it's evident they're already making a lot of money then why would you feel obligated to chip in? At the end of the day, the people making digital media are practically pan-handlers. Even major studios are no better than a youtuber begging for super-chats. The difference is they're supported by a legal apparatus and have a lot more unwarranted indignation.

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>when its indigenous people's day, but the stores are all closed for the holiday so you can't buy anything with which to celebrate the occasion
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Yeah. I would have to check my notes but I think it's like my 5th day on a nofap streak, that would easily be the biggest streak in 5 years. This is pretty amazing I'm feeling really good, its an interesting feeling, I will keep it up for as long as possible anyway (heh @ that innuendo). Will avoid porn for as long as I can...


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Confidence thru the roof we are so back bros (we never left)


>some ancestors produce mystery meat mongrels
>current paradigm is a burning pile of garbage
It's almost like these things are somehow related to one another.


Already planned on cremation long ago, but going to remove myself from the scam organ donor registry in case I don't decide to turn myself into unsalvageable mush. Fuck medicine. Big prominent middle finger to everyone involved. Maybe have the fugly, smugly reddit nurses suck my cock next cycle then I'll have a single cell I'm willing to donate out of respect. They can all get sick and die in the meantime themselves :)


Starting anywhere from 7-14 days of nocoom it feels like I'm going super saiyan

 No.75838[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

retard nigger spic tranny faggot kike spammed first one well past bump limit
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Ngl some of these songs ITT are absolute shit lol, no offense. I guess tastes differ. A lot of songs here not going HARD ENOUGH!


You're welcome to hold your shitty, snobby opinion.


All good


Wtf bruh


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They're doing this to me tomorrow.
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I sprinkle seeds:
This text is related to the group's video that is shown to some teenagers at school. To society and its nature.
The real host of Finland and all other western countries is this so-called system, usa corporate state fascist empire, which covers everything from these regions: EU, North America, Israel, Australia and New Zealand and Saudi Arabia. Also Asian and African countries as sub-countries. South American countries also belong to the belt
Finland is not an independent democracy. It is part of the empire, colony.. Finland is corporate-state fascism. In Finland, you can vote for globalists, globalists or globalists. Social phenomena and trends are defined by social control programs and decided abroad. Imperialism and psychological warfare. There are also neuroelectromagnetic technologies that are like remote controls for humans. A network has been developed for these devices that is connected to computers and the dark web and society and the people forced into it. Some people are controlled by algorithms in simulations like in the Matrix movie. If this sounds crazy, it has been possible to publicly control a mouse with the help of an implant installed in the brain. Encrypted technology is 60 years more advanced. Society is simulated. Mainstream media is propaganda, i.e. opinion manipulation and influencing the atmosphere of attitudes, the narrative of which is controlled from abroad.
In Finland, people are persecuted for their lives using methods developed by the CIA. They commit suicide. Some people are also killed physically. Group harassing was originally developed in the Soviet Union. At least the deep web I dug up some data from suggtested that. In Finland, people are murdered by suicide. Outcasts with multiple problems. Sometimes their problems are caused by these entities through simulation and forced into things with a neural network and then they are persecuted and killed. They have no right to society. They cause their mental illnesses and drug/alcohol addiction too and force them to live on the street, like in usa and kill them. USA is also under heavy attack on civilians.
Disagreement about running the terrarium itself is not tolerated. You can just do "terrarium stuff". To be red green or Kokkari or any defined unit that works in the overall picture. Society is programmed like multi-segments connected to society's manipulation channels, segments to which you select through your psychological profile. ThPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


word salad


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H-hey! I spent 3 hours writing that! You're just jealous that I can write so well.


OP is a tard and posts it on a bunch of different sites randomly. Was already posted here at least once: >>>/new/6729

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Post about autists, retards, trannies, pedophiles, drug addicts and/or grifters lacking the sense not to constantly air their dirty laundry online. Also post about the chronically online autistic, retarded, transgender, pedophilic, drug-addicted grifters whomst stalk them.

Previous thread: >>>/lounge/65630
Archive: https://archive.is/nD6mO
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That woman is for billionaire chads ONLY! Let's keep it movin!

 No.83937[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This video is shadow-banned on google and youtube. It's actually worth a watch. I never paid attention to this guy, but ever since the tranny incident he's finally getting some well-deserved flack.
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this is better than the sam hyde mass shooter memes



Are u black enough to dance like dis?
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I just learned about STOMP the musical. I am blown away.


That looks gay as fuck but also fun. Guessing avid is centre-stage.


He's in the backstage servicing the actors.


I wanted to go to my uni's dance club today but I think I twisted a tricep muscle dancing so I think that plan is off. But also I just really need to move out anyway...


Was dancing so much yesterday I twisted a muscle in my tricep. But then I prayed and it seemed to have healed itself overnight. The power of prayer (to my own deity).

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rec me some documentaries or some shit
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new explore with us


Microcosmos is a very good (mostly) unnarrated documentary about small arthropods. One of my favorite memories was watching it on a heroic dose of LSD.



fuck off pedo


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what are some of ur fav animes?? i need some recommendations cuz im bored. my favs are azumanga, demon slayer, madoka and d4dj
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Master Keaton is a very good anime/manga. Think Monster but episodic. Largely European setting like Monster, with European characters and stories. Same artist as Monster, too. It's basically about a half-English half-Japanese ex-special forces guy obsessed with archeology and history but working for a strange insurance company. I guess it's maybe a dry series for some, but I really like it.


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Love this retarded catgirl


Mardock Scramble. Three (nearly) movie-length OVAs about a young girl being saved from nearly dying to take vengeance upon her rapist. It has elements of Monogatari/Kaiji and GITS/Psycho-Pass. There is probably a better way to describe it. Has some faults, still like it overall anyway.


Oh, meant to compare it to Gungrave more than GITS and Psycho-Pass.


Dominion Tank Police is pretty good and this scene is great.

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new /meta/ thread
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Wasn't trying to sound threatening or anything by the way. Everything I said was either to make fun of fagvid or warn you that future spam from someone else can get much worse. I'm not always coherent or nice after I drink. Thanks for adding the Fern flag (though a lot of these recent flags look like they're from hentai, won't raise a fuss but just not quite my cup of tea, though I'll take what I can get).

If you're just another poster and not one of the mods, WHOOPS on my part. Sometimes just feel bad reading the deranged shit I post while drunk long after the fact.


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Maybe you can add Aisha as a flag someday too, though I guess she has comparatively less "safe" art (and the good art is far too large for this chon).


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>Thanks for adding the Fern flag (though a lot of these recent flags look like they're from hentai, won't raise a fuss but just not quite my cup of tea, though I'll take what I can get)
I think it's hilarious that many of the anime women flags look like they're from hentai

Dev-kun should add Falin from Dungeon Meshi in her chimera form with huge dragon boobs


>though a lot of these recent flags look like they're from hentai
>I think it's hilarious that many of the anime women flags look like they're from hentai
Get your mind out of the gutter. Ever heard of shoulder-baring dresses?


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Need Asiatic catgirl Izutsumi
yea rite

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shut up nerd lol


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my fav heckerino soycore band!


the soysinger sounds noticeably less of an wimp in 2007 ~ era of obongo or whenever this came out than in the 2018 postdrumf twitter soy era huh


*2014 twitter male feminism soy era

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