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Where do I find a collection of all the smuggies?
54 posts and 74 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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has anyone posted this one yet



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it's staged chud


prove it


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absolutely epic

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imagine the smell
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I would but I don't want to launch you into a 10 hour meth filled fapsturbest

Also im up the coast away from my pc

Also up already know what my beautiful body looks like

Women = gods gift to men/me

I love women ♥️ so much


Excuse me, um gay???

I did not have sexual relations with those women


>Which retarded yoga slut would you fug?

Remember dat scene when arnie is in the gun shop and the guy asks him which gun he's going buy?


Some Japanese guy on /pol/ said that some yoga studios in Japan are banning vaxxoids. Yoga studios may be the place to find tradwives


Oriental women can be just as attractive as White women, but I'd never want to mix with one since they can't bear White children. Funnily enough, a Japanese guy is credited as one of two people to have discovered ivermectin. Far as I know, Japanese medical authorities didn't immediately denounce it in favor of the clotshot racketeers.

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 No.83317[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

272 posts and 82 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


American culture effectively is Jewish culture. The nigger-cattle perception goes entirely through a Jewish lens. Mass media killed any remnants of grassroots America. At the end of the day being an American means to be a rootless loser, that worships vague concepts some kikes made up without putting any thought into the principles of their worldview at all. If not for economic reasons, nobody would have a single nice thing to say about the US. "My shithole is shittier" is the best anybody can come up with as it stands already.


That's a modern art masterpiece




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The photo is AI-generated in case it's not obvious.


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I can see why the Killing Fields was possible.

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/ck/ thread.
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I bet you're real fun at parties.


avid just seethe gooning cuz fanum dont taxed his ohio L bussy yet frfr ong


Not trying to defend factory husbandry (I do think it is an insanely villainous crime against nature and I don't think meat should be as plentiful as it currently is), but the snobbery of some vegans irritates me. They believe they are protesting the contribution to universal suffering by having picky diets. This presupposes that plants are unfeeling beings. Hell, many people (i.e. not specifically vegans) even try to say arthropods cannot conceive what pain is because their nervous systems are somehow significantly different from mammals. I firmly believe that both these kinds of life do intensely feel since they exhibit strong protests to negative stimuli.

I think, so long as you want to survive, you will necessarily be inflicting suffering upon another being. Even the plants are potentially guilty. So invertebrates and flora are considered incapable of being hurt, but it's even more true of minerals. It probably seems ridiculous to propose that even minerals might possess life (they do share some properties associated with life), but it seems the "official" human conception of feeling is already so flawed to deny that bugs and plants understand pain that perhaps our definition as to what constitutes living is as well. Who knows?

Anyway, a diet based on morality seems stupid to me. Just try to avoid consuming stuff that will damage your body. A diet most consistently adhering to morals as possible would be suicide by starvation, but even that has its own caveat in inflicting suffering upon the billions of individual cell lives that constitute the whole. The self is contained within a very small region of the brain regardless of its assertiveness.

tldr diet choices have no impact on suffering at large because the bottom line is that life is always sustained by the consumption of other life. It's all a competition.


literally obsessed


>tldr diet choices have no impact on suffering at large because the bottom line is that life is always sustained by the consumption of other life
There are ways of consumption that minimize suffering (ethical farming, hunting) and ways that maximize suffering (factory farming). The former is always superior to the latter

>the snobbery of some vegans irritates me

Veganism is a trap for midwits. Both the stupid and intelligent can gaze upon a vegan, see their sickly, decaying body and understand immediately that veganism is wrong

Humans need quality protein, saturated fat and cholesterol. Plants are unable to provide any of these in sufficient quantity or quality

I met a vegan not long ago, a sickly liberal woman, with a young boy aged 5 (named Strider) that she had forced to be vegan. This delusional female creates immense suffering with her self-righteous delusion

The average human is truly of less moral character than any wildlife

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Weird how covid is supposedly the culprit but all of the people having their heart explode are vaxxoids afaik heh. Even if Covid does increase inflammation Fauci is now on record saying the vaccine does too, so wouldn't that make it objectively worse


>Even if Covid does increase inflammation Fauci is now on record saying the vaccine does too
Vaxxoids I know IRL have all caught "covid" multiple times, whatever that is


man that science keeps settling huh


It's so weird how that science seems to settle right between Pfizer's profit margins and then starts settling again right after Pfizer made their money.


real brainlet caveman retard hours

 No.75838[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

retard nigger spic tranny faggot kike spammed first one well past bump limit
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Excuse me thats a little bit RUDE!





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 No.85648[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Gamescon 2024 Edition
Day 1 drinking game: take a shot every time you see a nigger.
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AFAIK Ryujinx isn't actually baleeted. Apparently plenty of forks still exist, so I'm sure many private backups also do. Nintendo can't into fighting a hydra.


A fork by a dev who actually knows what he's doing? Nonexistent. Zilch. I don't think you understand how complex emulation programming is and the amount of reverse engineering that is required of proprietary blackboxed hardware and firmware that you'd need to do to be able to obtain the technical expertise for this esoteric specialized knowledge. Because it is cutting edge knowledge, you can't just ask ChatGPT to do for you. Emulation development of modern hardware is more complicated than any of the development that high-six-figure Big Tech yuppies do, and it's thankless work (Yuzu devs made lots of money off Patreon but they lost it in legal fees and AFAIK are in debt now). Yuzu spawned hundreds of forks since it got shut down and not a single one has gained any improvement whatsoever, they literally just changed readme files at best. An 8-year-old can make a GitHub account and spawn a "fork" of anything, it means nothing.


That's not the point at all. I wasn't talking on further development. I'm saying the software is still completely accessible even if the main repo is gone.


wish i had a copy of this when i was 7 or so years old

had the DOOM at least


yeah it relies on hiding the lack of environment detail behind visual artefacts, it needs to look like crap or it will look like crap, it has to obscure things to ensure that the viewer fills in the detail that isn't ackhually there or technically possible

in contrast doom with it's original textures seems to scale well to modern high resolution (as long as some shitty blurry gpu texture filtering isn't used which zdoom had as the default setting for opengl for very long time). gzdoom has a few effects like ambient occlusion that actually adds to the atmosphere adding fake soft shadows in the room corners, voxel models are very fitting to the style and surface gpu shaders e.g. reflections and depth-maps can look cool

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Post about autists, retards, trannies, pedophiles, drug addicts and/or grifters lacking the sense not to constantly air their dirty laundry online. Also post about the chronically online autistic, retarded, transgender, pedophilic, drug-addicted grifters whomst stalk them.

Previous thread: >>>/lounge/65630
Archive: https://archive.is/nD6mO
12 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


William Pierce was actually the best person in the history of the "movement" no matter how you look at it. You can criticize him as a person, but no one can compare after his death. People that came after are all degenerate subhumans and "losers", the kind he called out during one of his speeches.


>People that came after are all degenerate subhumans and "losers", the kind he called out during one of his speeches.
Pierce was married five times (no one married that many times is a normal person, no matter how you slice it) and invented a woowoo cult. He's as degenerate as Jim Jones.


These guys are just f*ds. They likely have little gayops trips in The Grampians to show off on 60 Minutes.


Cosmotheism is nowhere close to whatever quackery Jim Jones was on (and who gives if a shit if all those lefty shitskins dumb enough to follow him were mass-murdered, good riddance). It's highly possible he just bullshitted a religion up to obtain tax exemption for a WN organization. At least it paid homage to pagan roots. Don't really care if he was cruel to his Hungarian mail-order brides. Still leagues better than satanic pedo feds or dysgenic retards like Anglin hiding out and copulating with SEAmonkeys.



LMAO even

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 No.89101[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Nu Blarg, soyboys
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i thonk it also comes part of a flawed designer hipster mentality that if it more closely resembles print publishing design of yesteryear (e.g. is flat shapes based arrangement) then it's beterer more mature established design style like a newspaper than if you got newfangled digital age fake graphical depth cues gradients shadows and shit that wouldn't work or provide any function in print


I saw 2 hot girls sunbathing and I didn't approach them after thinking about it for a while. Self flagellating mentally now


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My childhood


That was my late teens and 20s lol


Ok I approached 1 girl. Got the ball rolling at least.

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 No.87023[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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roleplaying some goyslop kike movie is pure unadulterated ntgger


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what are some of ur fav animes?? i need some recommendations cuz im bored. my favs are azumanga, demon slayer, madoka and d4dj
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Rick and Morty the Anime is actually decent.

the 12 year anniversary of avid's original "I want a big fat cock" post is coming up... does anyone have screencaps of it? iirc it was on 4chon.net/r9k/ on October 15, 2012 and it was made by the real avid before his trip was leaked. the real avid is gay.

lmao pwned him again


Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin video game got an anime adaptation




Why can't more dubs be like Yu Yu Hakusho?


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Impressive bix noodism
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>Think you the shit, bitch?
>You're not even the fart (grrah)
Kek legendary lyricism


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Am I supposed to understand what this means?


Now that I'm exhausted from the cock carousel and found my betabux provider, let me show you guys a good way to cheat and get away with it. Hide your cheater gf's phone number deep in your phones settings as your "home number" and it'll pop up as from "Settings" when she texts you. Hope this helps!


this bitch an undiscovered species! she gonna be in pokemon ketchup and mustard, pass

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new /meta/ thread
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Hey guys, how are you doing today heh


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Thanks for asking. I'm doing alright. How about yourself?


How did my thred about watching ethot day in the life youtube vids get deleted


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TGIF seriously not even joking. It's been a long week.


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It'll get better.

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>Thot article about hair removal
>Turns out shes a hairy Middle Eastern
>Google her name, as you do
>She's dating a decent looking White guy



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Byt seriously though kill me


I made this thread didn't I? But I somehow forgot about it lol

I mean it was prolly me because I use lightshot which names things screenshot_x number


Hairy big nosed Brown women are HOT retards! That's so hot here comment implying her public hair turns into thigh hair seamlessly lol. I want to neg brown women about this irl


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Negging. Y'all pick up artists were lied to and for good reason. Nobody likes to be insulted. In fact, it's straight up PREDATORY.


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