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post your pajeet memes in this thread
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people are coming in contact with indians for the first time and seeing how fucking vile they are


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In the not so distant past India used to have a good reputation as being part of the "mystic orient" and people imagined it was full of yogis and temples and people who refuse to eat cows, and the only interaction most people had with jeets with through call centres where they talked to mostly professional staff or the odd guy running a gas station.

Now the west is getting the full shitty stench of jeet.


there is NOTHING spiritual about india or indians. They are the MOST materialistic people.

REAL spirituality is stuff like shamanism or buddhism.

Hinduism is empty rituals, a complete waste of time!


From what I recall, Buddhism is about attaining nothing as the ideal form and Hinduism is about becoming everything.


buddhism is when your ego-self disappears and thus there is no more "i" and all that remains IS everything.

And i did attain that, while meditating once. The i, the ego, the individual self, IS the illusion!

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Previous thread: >>>/lounge/92008
Archive: https://archive.ph/dqNN7
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Duke nukem.



Excellent, Randy Pitchford can get the centenarians from the Borderlands movie to play the roles of the Duke's smokin' hot babes.


>Troika tried to run a game studio leaderless commie style
No wonder it went to shit LMAO!


>literal fag explains communism in practice
Honestly having trouble breathing right now, it's so funny that it hurts.

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new /meta/ thread
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it worked! I don't really remember the first one.
the 2nd one is maybe too easy lol


Unfortunately, there was a CP post on new about 5-6 hours later. Hopefully it's not consistent.


Is it a butthurt ex-4chonner doing it then? Or at least, someone familiar with the website.


I don't think it is. There was the same CP spam posted on ZZZchan around the same time. Interestingly enough, both were posted in existing threads instead of being made their own. Don't know what the hell is going on there. Maybe the developer didn't enable the quiz for the replies' privilege to post images at that point.


That IP range was not on this VPN list. I can see which exact IPs have passed that quiz lately. Anyone can just open a data center VPN service in Belize the next day for an affordable price, which was where that latest IP (that wasn't on the blocklist) pointed to, unlike in the first world where you need half a million $ minimum to start a data center (similar to how you can find detatched residential property in Belize for low 5-figures, same kind of bidding, monopolization and regulation dynamics determining pricing), no volunteer-run list will catch every VPN in the world. This guy knows where to find the most obscure VPNs that sprout up now it seems, there's likely a forum or something for that like lowendtalk/lowendbox for servers and VPS's, because he's no longer using basic bitch VPN providers that he was using earlier last year, there was significant pause in between.
No. You can read that thread I linked earlier but Soysatsu and his buddies have a better understanding of who it is and what his likely motivations are since they've went through the links he posts (presumably with their own VPNs, wouldn't want to rawdog a potential honeypot), usually redirecting to telegram channels and forums they post on. Actually in that exact thread in sushigirl around Christmas time I saw the CP spammer taunted Soysatsu to show he's bypassed his endpoint thing, which is why I suggested around that time to try banning all VPNs like I did recently. Anyway they won't discuss the details of what they know publicly but you can go on their Discord if you're interested to see what they know, I'm not really interested in going there, nor do I care that much since it wouldn't help anyway. One thing I know is the spammer is likely German-speaking because you might recall a significant portion of the spam together with the shortened redirector URLs was written in German and not just English.

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Has anyone here even felt the touch of a woman?
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CWC is a world famous outsider artist that has only had three sexual partners; a hooker, his mother and a midget


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How much are the "met in a bar or restaurant" just people too retarded to understand the question-i.e. they literally met through an online service but they actually "met" in person at a restaurant?


I was wondering the same thing. Weird that it's trending up.


>>97522 (checked)
urban hipsters love bars

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Now what is the correct order to eat this?
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You're never had a relaxing drink in your life and enjoyed some delicious mceee-deee's. Checks out.


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mmm... estrogenizing adult juice and cattle-feed


Alcohol is GOOD... in moderation.

Not beer though. Beer really is estrogenizing goy-juice LOL!


Liquor is good because I can have fun while slowly killing myself.


After the holidays I decided to take a break from drinking. It ruins my sleep schedule.

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Hope you've eaten your fair share of hair this year, otherwise the Winter Man won't come.

Previous threda: >>>/lounge/77180
Archive: https://archive.ph/ZV3Hs
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95% of Steve Harvey's life has been spent just standing there in silence making this stupid fucking face


This is a good documentary about what happens to people who die with no next of kin. I like it because it's doesn't have any annoying music or narration, and it's about a faggot who got what he deserved (dying of AIDS alone).

Don't really know of many documentaries with minimal editing like this. There is Microcosmos, which is good, but it also has some music in it. Can't remember how much music and voice-over work is in Carts of Darkness. Baraka and Samsara are OK I guess, maybe a bit too flashy in some scenes.


>mfw tim heidecker



Remember watching this years ago, really good documentary. Thats going to be my pauper's funeral most likely lol, lmao

 No.75838[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

retard nigger spic tranny faggot kike spammed first one well past bump limit
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oh look, hitler blessed my post with his initials





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can we have a pony thread
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Which horse would you fuck?


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Definitely these two


all of them


Please...don't send me back there...


Get in the stargate anon. It's time to go back.

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Prev: >>87023
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>Has own van
It was already cursed, but that made it eldritch.


This can't be real. No fucking way.


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 No.80543[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is the comfy ASMR thread
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She'll do anything for a line of moon sugar.


men just do it better honey


This one's good. When she taps her leather corset. unf


I am so tired of foids and vagina-worship I unironically support this.
not avid btw


It's not gay if you're on top anon.

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 No.91678[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

This is a designated thread for [redacted] to post celebrity pop culture garbage because of constantly getting kicked off of lolcows.farm/ot celebricow threads and whatever else. Will [redacted] blog?-yeah probably not but whatever. [CONTAINMENT THREAD]
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 No.50550[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

vaporwave, retrowave, j-pop, k-pop, canto-pop, anime ost/bgm, japanese shoegaze, j-rock, 80s/90s pop, lo-fi, chillwave, classic hip-hop, chillhop, jazzhop, vgm music thread

plz include artist name & song title or no one will click your embed. spam gets deleted

previous threads:
>>22879 https://web.archive.org/web/20230326173628/https://4chon.me/lounge/res/22879.html

>Sola OP (結城アイラ - colorless wind)
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Sometimes I think about going back to rewatch this but then I remember that the entire show is the same plot regurgitating itself over and over again.


Inuyasha still unmatched for best anime opening/closing songs.

It's worth it. Or read the manga, because iirc the anime just terminates suddenly halfway through the story.


 No.88474[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

/ck/ thread.
236 posts and 93 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.





Appreciate the search, but I haven't trusted anything labeled TPB in a long time. I'm alright with never watching it.


Afraid of letters from your isp?

Probably isn't worth watching anyways.


No, more about seedy seeders. I've had connections from Taiwan use mine as a bridge to download JAV when I've grabbed popular magnets for anime off nyaa. Probably need to reset my desktop or build/buy a new one at some point.



sex havers please answer sex Q's.
3 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


He'd never cut off his pennis.


How do I have sex?


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Excuse me, Ms. Stephanie. Would you bear my children?





for the first time in my life, I'm attracted to a woman!!!!


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another RETARDED thing about this is that sunlight always bleaches everything blue. so whatever colour something is if it is left on the roof it will turn blue under sunlight.

leave a can of soda out in the sun for several years and youll see what I mean


from like a 1920s modernist book on typographic grids - the only inks that matter in print are black and red on a white substrate because everything else fades, yellows and gets bleached to unrecognizable shit by sunlight

either TheNewTypography - Tschichold Jan .pdf , Typography, Emil Ruder_S .pdf or Grid Systems In Graphic Designs, Josef Müller-Brockmann .pdf


Literally the other day I took down a poster from my room because it was getting direct sunlight every morning for the last 4 years and it had turned completely blue as all other colours faded


That's what happened to VHS and DVD covers at Blockbuster and other rental places with lots of windows.



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