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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Mummy Milkers Edition
You may live to see shitty remakes beyond your comprehension.

Previous thread: >>>/lounge/85648
Archive: https://archive.is/hiK2N
82 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Revolting what WoW became after wrath
Wrath was probably the easiest WoW ever got (which is why so many people complained about Cataclysm actively requiring CC), it's just that Azjol-Nerub was a leveling dungeon at this point in time.
>Nothing more comfy than being a healer, laid-back in the background, choosing who lives and dies
It's a bit stupid, though. Not like it was a pull that takes big heals to clear. I've healed that same pull easily back during Wrath and after it, and brewmaster could AoE kite very easily due to how keg toss was designed at the time. It was spammable, slowed and generated threat as a ground target spell. Monks also had a good mobility spell called roll which had two charges on a short CD. Ragnaros/Quel'thalas/Azralon players are just legitimately retarded due to being brown and from countries with abysmal educational systems. They were known as the bane of LFG.


I might be jumping in at an odd point here, but I remember when I was looking to do dungeons (I think?) and I was a mage with green gear, and I remember people being pissed off specifically that I was wearing green gear, and I would get kicked or something for it, and so I would actually equip blue or purple gear, which actually sucked worse than the green gear, but I would equip it just so people would stfu (and that parties would accept me), and then I would switch it out. At least something like that happened. I feel like I have a detail wrong. Can you switch gear out like that during a dungeon? I only played Burning Crusade for like 6 months, was nolifing it. Funny thing to happen though, I mean I'm pretty sure my green gear was better than the blue gear I had, but people just seemed to think I was bad or not helpful because of my gear. Maybe they were right idk. But it was interesting anyway... Also maybe I didn't fully understand how aggro worked. I think I'm definitely done with WoW though tbh regardless, it's too much of a time sink, with Dota or Against the Storm I can do a game for an hour or a few and I feel like its over and done with.


Did you purchase a character boost for TBC Classic? Pretty sure that set for level 58 was green quality and had very poor stat distribution. People were also against paid character boosts on principle. Otherwise, I'm not sure about your specific case.


world of warcraft is fucking shite


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fattie nolegs is chimping out about blumph
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Does seem like the alphabet boys fried his brain with something. I remember he was respectable back in the day on wizardchan, then somehow he evolved into a bara furry


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He was a complete piece of shit on Wizardchan just like he was on 8chan.


He was erudite but far from respectable. He lived in southeast asia abusing benzos and heroin and hanging out with creepy nerds like STEE. Him becoming a furry diaperfag is par for the course.

>copypaste and gf

Calling her a gf is a stretch. She was a notorious "virgin killer" associated with wizardchan who pityfucked him. She had a fetish for men who were virgins.


The filename is just what the retards on ED labeled it. Don't know where else I can get this photo as quickly.


I used to have a nude picture of her that a friend took. Probably long lost now, but she was actually pretty slammable under the right lighting.

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Well, now.
This wasn't the tech utopia you were promised now, was it?
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Your reading comprehension and/or intellect is insufficient for following this conversation

>If you want to be a back to nature type you will inevitably be faced with breaking a lot of laws, and it's up to you to decide whether you want to do that
Very true


shut up retard lol


>"shut up retard lol" avid types on his iphone 16, his ruined asshole disgorging a load of nigger semen with a loud BRAAAP


youre literally gay


I'm not the one who is sexually obsessed with licking nigger erections.

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It's No Nut November brothers, how is everyone hanging in there?
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It's over


So far, so good.


Nutted this morning. Sorry bros.


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No momentary pleasure is worth the loss of this power
>Those who follow the Way do not seek fullness. Merely by not desiring fullness is one able to use to the full and not make anew


youre a pretentious moron

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Where do I find a collection of all the smuggies?
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Let's not forget that one of those European countries is like the 5th largest oil producer in the world with such a small population, too. Northern Europeans would never have to be tax raped to enjoy their current standard of living they just choose to anyway.


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Norway puts its own gas production into public stocks, and then invests them back into the population.

Australia sells gas and Uranium to China for fiat currency.


>back into the population

They can say they're doing this or that with it, but at the end of the day they still have among the highest taxes in the world. If they're one of the largest oil producers in the world with a population lower than Wisconsin and a stock endowment worth over $200,000 USD equivalent for every man, woman and child-why should they have a near 40% income (a "record low" established in 2019, apparently) and 25% sales tax ("VAT") on top of all that?

There's no shortage of Amerigoblins who laud the Nordkike system while never considering the idea that actually they're getting ripped off as bad or worse than anyone else, especially given their geographically and demographically fortuitous circumstances.

Our incarcerated population is nearly half the size of their entire fr*ckin' country for h*ckin' heavens' sake heh.


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found another one


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What's 6 foot 7 and lying in the ground right now?
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Yeah I guess...... Hmm actually, well done, you kinda made me want to rewatch NGE.


Do you have a particular way you like to watch NGE? (obviously open question)


youre pathetic


Kind of rich coming from you, Avid.


shut up loser

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The faithful who gather here are at the genesis of this revival.
Stand firm. Rise with us.


cringe as fuck

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were you popular in high school?


I wasn't popular, but I had a decent social circle for my first 2 years.


Not particularly. I had a small social circle.


>I had a small social circle
friendcel cope lmao


Wym "in high school" anyway, u mean inside or out or both?


youre a retard

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this is me
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.


You're a morbidly obese hog with a filter.



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>ching chong ching chong


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youre not funny

 No.75838[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

retard nigger spic tranny faggot kike spammed first one well past bump limit
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Stop rewriting history.
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EverQuest is the best game






Heckbound is glownibbas bookmarking a thread

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Considering how fat dogisaga is
And knowing fat chicks suck good dick because they hungry
I bet dogisaga gives good head


between the headgame and the funbags she's a real catch

 No.55578[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Comfy Vidya Spin-Off Thread: OSTs

In this ITT thread we post video game OST songs that stick in our head and are kino

I'll start

Katana Zero
>Sneaky Driver
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Oh wow, I didn't know they translated the whole thing. Last I checked they had only done the menu but admittedly this was more than a decade ago.





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 No.87023[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

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Saw this on aus /pol/ heh...


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Calling an escort is so much cheaper compared to having a relationship.
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be rich like hunter biden, pee diddy, donald trump or charlie sheen


You need hand exercises to increase your APM.


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I, at this moment, endorse escort usage.


>My point was simply twofold-
>1. Reproduction is not required to be of genuine value
>2. If reproduction is not obtainable to the extent and quality desired, then it may make more sense to get rid of this desire rather than strive to obtain it

Fair enough.

>Anyone who wants to reproduce now in 2024 has their values ass-backwards. Wait until after 2030 and collect warbrides.

It is unlikely that there's going to be any sort of definitive collapse until we're all long dead. Maybe we'll live to see it when we're old as shit, which brings me to one of the reasons that I do think it's important to breed, a classic one. Who's going to take care of you when you are old? I don't want to be tortured by shitskins at some old folk's home, I'll tell you that much. Secondly, I want people with better sensibilities to inherit post-America. It is an ideal time to supplant the "elites" after they have effectively killed themselves.


>Who's going to take care of you when you are old?
As someone with children I intend to sudoku when I become a senile burden. The childless should act similarly dignified methinks

>Secondly, I want people with better sensibilities to inherit post-America


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