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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.23493[Last 50 Posts]

You know what the most disheartening realization of all is? that no matter how hard you try, how many old games, movies, shows or old "culture" you immerse yourself in, the feeling of inner warmth, of inner security you used to have in the 90's will never come back. It's gone forever, along with that society that made you feel secure and hopeful for the future, that our lovely boomers strived so hard to decimate. Ever since 9/11/2001, if you've lived long enough to tell the difference between then and now and you're not some zoomer, you've felt like something was gone and not quite right. No, it's not some weird disease, that discomfort is something every person has felt at some point or another but they just can't pinpoint why they have it. Well, it's obvious why; our society is destroyed beyond recovery, you can see it everywhere you go. Corruption ridden people everywhere, people are only motivated by fetishes, the desire of feeling their bodies with food or of satisfying addictions, since they feel empty and desperate inside. You see it even by not even leaving your house. Remember fansites? that long gone time when the internet wasn't corporate or run by private companies and filled to the brim with spyware, tracking services, paywalls and although fansites were festering with inaccurate information sometimes, you could feel that the people behind them were passionate about the topics they wrote about. They enjoyed what they were doing and weren't motivated by economic gain, like nowadays that people even make Patreon accounts to sell their own drawings. I think I made my point. This society needs to collapse and the sooner it happens, the better.


honestly... NEL, just NEL


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"(...) Remember – these people didn’t used to be on the internet. The left and women generally are always behind on technological advancements. We all came on here as kids, playing video games and exploring the infinite universe inside of these tubes. Then these people came into our place and started crowding us out.

(...) We were blowing the whistle about blue-haired lunatics on tumblr 10 years ago, and people dismissed it as some fringe thing. Now they’re running government thought-control boards to force their beliefs on everyone."



The internet was successfully tamed, it was bound to happen, what can you do?

I made a post on another imageboard about zoomers in college, I'm the guy that was going back for graphics design, this is the same community college I went to right after graduating high school 10 years ago(literally) and the change in atmosphere is mind boggling.

But the most standout thing to me is the zoomers, there is no other word to describe them other than despondent. I've talked to them and it's like talking to someone waiting for the end, no ironic humor, no happiness, there is a very deep wound within those young kids that makes me feel incredibly sorry for them.

>We all came on here as kids, playing video games and exploring the infinite universe inside of these tubes. Then these people came into our place and started crowding us out.
One thing I've noticed, like OP said, is just how commodified everything is. I remember you could go to a website and some random dude would have a website filled with information on a random topic that wasn't just in depth and knowledgable but was made with love. Now you have some faggot on youtube making a 10 minute clickbait video with 30 seconds of content on a topic he has absolutely no fucking idea about. That or women just sexualizing everything, it gets fucking tiring.


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The reason tikthot is so popular w/normgroids is the fact that it gives them the ability to shitpost w/their faces

These types of troglodytes couldn't be assed to pollute the internet w/their retardation before the advent of soiphones, now it takes them two swipes to get going

I fucking hate what steve jobs the faggot has done to these tubes ngl, hope the turdpusher's rotting in hell rn


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>Well, it's obvious why; our society is destroyed beyond recovery, you can see it everywhere you go

just ride the tiger bro

fug some tiktok zoomers in the asspuccy


fuck off JIDF


dubs of truth


Zoomers say this exact sort of thing about the early 00s or 10s grow up nostalgia fag


black twink on the left is really cute

would smash


When are they all gonna hit rock bottom?




You mean with their faces as avatars?


Nah, shitposting was meant as an allegory

Making stupid faces on camera for likes (and bastardizing the concept of memes) to the average normgroid is what shitposting is to an imageboard dweller


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websites in 1996 vs. websites in 2022


>oh darn you have adblock on, better turn it off if you want to look at our site


Based and B-ball pilled


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"There was no problem on the internet before the invention of the iPhone, which allowed women to get on the internet (...) The number one problem in the world is white women."


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The 90s were the last gasp of white society in America before the demographic shifts became insurmountable. It also marked the end of culture. It’s all been an amorphous blob of bland consumerism since the early 2000s


You're not the "it" generation anymore, just an old milleniall, get over it. The culture moved on without you, we had our time in the sun as far as the internet goes but that's over now, the energy of youth that propels culture forward is now with the zoomers. Us chonners are in an even worse position than regular zoomers in that the hangouts we use(ib's) are basically all but dead. The chonners you talk with today will likely be the same chonners you talk with in 25 years.


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Why the butthurt response? I understand OP's feelings completely, I'm simply trying to explain why we're in the siutation we're in and why exactly we can never go back. We're all just old.


Yes but ur ghey though heh lol


>youth (...) propels culture forward

That is extremely debatable btw, if not outright false


My cock propels into your ass


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Dats a p ghey thing to say but okay heh


>Corruption ridden people everywhere, people are only motivated by fetishes, the desire of feeling their bodies with food or of satisfying addictions, since they feel empty and desperate inside.

We had that in the 90s + car bombs and people being shot on the streets by Russian subhuman gangs.

Although there was still general optimism for the future.

These kids grew up to be fucked in the head liberals, trannies and Sonic inflation fetishists. Gamification is manipulation of reward mechanisms.



eurodance, surreal optimism


>Gamification is manipulation of reward mechanisms.

Žižek probably was right that grandiose event like 9/11 and subsequent war was exactly what American was expecting and wanted. The wealth, theme of Y2K futurism and constantly increased expectations all around is like edging.


It's symbiotic, they may be "victims" but they definitely also set trends fr no cap, kind of like how white women are the standing army of the jews to quote the phrophet d'andre al-anglin (peace b upon him)

Only Sharia can put an end to it


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are you a bum standing on a milk crate


In the 1990s, Beanie Babies were so popular that they were linked to organized crime and even murder.


Notice how 90% of the people shown inna footage are women lol

They are the primary drivers of consoomerism, always have been

The kikes couldn't ask for better goyimses den wahmin rly


Democracy: “Never before has a cultural system inculcated its followers to suppress so much of their humanity”

>While some look to democracy for salvation, many of the deeper thinkers from the West are saying that democracy has already failed, and they write about how democracy has led to a ‘consumer culture’ that is making humanity sick. Comments this week by the US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, show that even a superpower like the US is vulnerable to the same type of manipulation that is enslaving ordinary Americans to artificially created desires.

>Consumer culture is defined as a culture where social status, values, and activities are centered on the consumption of goods and services. The author, and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Bryant McGill, said: “In consumer life we become what we consume – disposable junk to be used and thrown away.” Decades of manipulating the consumer mentality has resulted in an “insidious epidemic of demoralization” according to John F Schumaker, who has authored 10 books. He wrote that “since the life of the consumer revolves around the overkill of meaningless manufactured low-level material desires, it is quickly engulfed by boredom … and discontent … wherein the person finds all of life uninteresting and unrewarding”. This is not surprising, because man is distinguished by his creative capacity, while consumer culture concentrates production and creativity in the hands of ever fewer and ever larger companies, turning the majority of people into passive consumers. Food is dominated by the ‘easy meal’ and the ‘instant drink’ and now social media shares and validates opinions for us so that we don’t need to even pretend to think for ourselves, and people are so busy consuming that they have no time for themselves or others. None of this is an accident of technology.

>In 1927, Paul Mazur, a Wall Street banker working for Lehman Brothers, explained in the Harvard Business Review: “We must shift America from a needs to a desires culture. People must be trained to desire, to want new things, even before the old have been entirely consumed. We must shape a new mentality. Man’s desires must overshadow his needs.”

>Paul Mazur had an influential business partner, Edward Bernays, whose maternal uncle was the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. Bernays became a master of social manipulation, and was hired by a cigarette company called American Tobacco, to get American women to smoke against the social norms of that time. In 1929, he organized a parade with women smoking publicly and popularized cigarettes as ‘torches of freedom’ to make women feel that smoking was an act of liberation. Even the color green was marketed as a fashionable color for women, in order to match with the color of the cigarette packets. The campaign was a success; American women started to smoke publicly and American Tobacco made a lot more money.

>Manipulation is not only for profit. Bernays wrote, “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government that is the true ruling power of this country. We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of… In almost every act of our daily lives… we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons … who pull the wires which control the public mind.”

>Today, with powerful internet search engines and social media companies tracking our thoughts and actions, those seeking to control the public mind have much more powerful wires to pull than ever before! Even elected governments fear a loss of control to external actors.

>When the US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said that “Russia is already meddling in America’s next big round of elections, and there’s not much the US can do to stop it” he is simply admitting that elections are based on manipulation of public opinion, which now transcends national boundaries.

>Some Western thinkers wish for change. Erich Fromm said, “We can’t make people sane by making them adjust to this society. We need a society that is adjusted to the needs of people,” and Schumaker said, “All signs suggest that our obsolete system—what some call ‘disaster capitalism’—will prevail until global catastrophe dictates for us new cultural directions”.



> We are governed, our minds molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of… In almost every act of our daily lives… we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons … who pull the wires which control the public mind.”


Also just because disaffected individuals on this board can't get any pussy or sunlight or haven't invested years of their life to attain employable skill-set while living in poverty in single parent household, doesn't mean I don't sincerely and fully appreciate my new fridge. It doesn't collect moisture and mold, it's efficient sophisticated technological magic that is only attainable and maintainable in superior White-Germanic-South-East-Asian civilization. And there is lots of space for freezing meat at the bottom. Whining about "capitalism" is so bourgeois.
>but muh housing
Modest property in the Germanic Eastern Europe costs less than American yearly salary and the prices are about to crash 3x again in 1-2 years.

This movie elaborates on what the post above is talking about though.


>doesn't mean I don't sincerely and fully appreciate my new fridge.
if you thinking we're talking about fridges, ie. items of utility, which the video in >>25895 clearly promotes, you're too low IQ to discuss anything with us


I don't watch other peoples videos, that's like gay. I am right and you are wrong. I bet you put toothbrush in your mouth as well, faggot.


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>he didn't gather the neighbourhood kids to play Jurassic Park outside with half the kids being raptors chasing the other half being Malcom, Grant, etc.
>he didn't have that one boy in the group that always volunteered to be the girl characters


I probably would've been the girl ngl



U ghey bruv?

Also nice quads heh


*trips acshually
Need to get muh eyes checked LOL


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This is what sanic and yugioh cards and tamagochi and the original xbox and rugrats and goldeneye64 and spacejam did, I don't know exactly how, but it did.


"I'm a girl because I have long greasy hair I'm too lazy to take care of like a real girl does and also I have purchased the gay dick eating Ikea shark that my Discord friends told me to hurr"

How are these people even real it literally boggles the fucking mind lmfao


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>...AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I'm going insane!
>I'm a Gen X'er with a secure cushy office job making 6 figures a year with benefits and paid time off.
>I wish I were in the sweltering sun suffering from sciatica, hitting concrete with a hammer 8 hours a day for 40% of what I make now!


I think culture is stagnating. Our culture and tech is still very similiar to what it was in 2011 while 2000 is very different in both to 2011


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I seriously hope this turdpusher faggot burns in hell right now

Fucking ruined the surface web by inviting the normo scum + poojeets + women in


I will up dis


Interesting sidenote btw, the tranny phenomenon started being noticed around 2007 which is exactly the same year the iphone came out;


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ok doomfag, guy just use memes and go play some 90's games bro, anyway, you deserve some credit for noting the marginal economic changes of the internet, very nice


you deserve rape


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*thwack thwack*


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Let me tell you broccoli headed zoomers something. For 4 decades I have been roaming freely throughout Gods kingdom performing mini quest everywhere I go. My base level stats have been maxed out since before the release of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle's Pizza Hut mixtape which you shitheads didn’t even know existed. If you diaper wearing power bottoms had even a blues clue on what's really going on you'd burn this motherfucker down to the charcoal before the next rolling server update yet here you are finger popping each others buttholes with VR goggles on as the merchants farm bugs that they grind down into your gamer juice concentrate. It's astonishing. You're an entire generation that wouldn't know what you were doing if there was an anime made about it called Neon Genesis Evangelion spoonfed to you on Netflix by luciferian transsexuals. We used to shitpost so proficiently together on early Stefan molyneux videos it was as if we would collectively became an unbreakable faggot. My own first clandestine memetic warfare experience resulted in the financial blockade of my purchasing English language P3K magic cards from certain kvetching overseas sellers before you could even log into Club Penguin you fuckwits, now here you are calling me a newfag on the fourth channel. Nice. While I was getting head from goth girls playing spatterhouse on a turbographix 16 you weren’t even a protein coagulation in your fathers testicle yet and you still can't even get a girl to talk to you so I'd listen up and listen real closely because I’m only gonna say this once. All of my skill points, and I mean ALL of my skill points have been pressed into situational awareness. I can see right through your Globohomo programming like an empty liquor bottle that I should beat you with. Do you see THAT? That is my skill tree. It is long and straight like the spinal column of a man. It’s not all over the place like a prolapsed jellyfish on a Wii fit side quest like you rookies. heh


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nope, im ned flanders raping you


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>turkpedoTardsm!sperg says, while he's so fucking desperate for attention he keeps taking his trip off when doing shitty bait posts like these, as you've admitted to doing many times in the past

Kek kys already you projecting homosexualist shitskin bear fetishist virgin freak


Based schizo TMNT mixtape enjoyer. I also had that fucking cassette tape that I'd sit in the backyard playing on my walkman while pissing in my sandbox. Not trying to be a smart ass, I literally enjoyed pissing in my sandbox while listening to music. Just something I did back then.


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Secretly be an irl cat on the internet...talk about pissing in a sandbox. On the internet no one knows that your a mammalian-feline-creature.


I had a green TMNT tape that was like an audio companion to a comic book back in the day. I'm kind of interested to see if it's available on youtube now heh


Found it heh


Meds now dwarf!eggcel


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american upper class white male childhood portrayed in movies or shows
>fries marshmallows durning a camp fire
>sleeps outside the house in the garden reading comics
>catches fireflies
>has a tree house
>makes a rock band with friends in the garage
always remember what they took away from you


meth now smilegrem


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>>30552 oh shi latest bladee dropped


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Microsoft explains why you can't move Windows 11 Taskbar

She continued, "And when you look at the data, while we know there is a set of people that love it that way and, like, really appreciate it, we also recognize that this set of users is really small compared to the set of other folks that are asking for other features. So, at the moment, we are continuing to focus on things that I hear more pain around."

The ability to be able to move the Taskbar is one of the most-requested features in the Feedback Hub, so Roth's claim is likely based on telemetry gathered by Microsoft or other data.


Microsoft is testing ads in the Windows 11 File Explorer

The new Windows 11 "feature" was discovered by a Windows user and Insider MVP who shared a screenshot of an advertisement notification displayed above the listing of folders and files to the File Explorer, the Windows default file manager.


Microsoft is showing ads in the Windows 11 sign-out menu

Microsoft is now promoting some of its products in the sign-out flyout menu that shows up when clicking the user icon in the Windows 11 start menu.



Mum Destroys Leaked Windows 11 Build 21996.1


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>the perfect woman doesn't exi-


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>During 2022, Diana Adams ran for United Australia Party's senate.
>She has both Australian and Croatian ancestry. Her mother came from Dubrovnik, Croatia.


I'd tap dat hehh


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I remember distinctly back in 2005-2010's, everyone was happy, well adjusted, had REAL social lives, hanged out with everyone, were really chill and there were less sociopathic/psychopathic behaviors. Then the 2012's came and you see this shit:
>suddenly everyone is “taking selfies”
>constantly doing faggot shit with their phone
>”what is this psychotic, self-documenting behavior”
>refuse to be a part of it
>”what’s your facebook anon”?
>”oh.....you don’t have one? Oh... I’m”
>”what’s your insta”?
>“Oh...you...don’t have one”?
>start to see the most hyper social faggots getting all the irl attention and social status because they can manipulate social media to make their life look cool
>the reality is they’re just sitting around with other phone staring faggots taking pictures

Instead of say hanging out, just skating or playing basketball and other team-oriented sports, being with groups playing on our PC in LAN parties or just having fun with every chick we see and catcalling them as a joke amongst ourselves, everyone is now glued on their phones all day pretending they have a life. Truth is most people now just stare at their phones all day then pretend they're the coolest shit with their bants and pics.


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Is dis nogger serious?


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Welp that aged badly


Wtf I can’t fucking believe this stupid image actually made me nostalgic for the ‘10s specifically now I’m pissed


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Avatar actually came out in 2009 and MLP in 2010, but it's accurate insofar as the fandom itself didn't really blow up until mid/late 2011ish

The balance of technology was so fucking perfect too during the late 2000s to early 2010s, UMPCs and blackberries ensured that retarded women, boomers and niggers/shitskins didn't have (easy) access to these tubes but that all changed when soiphones became commonplace as the mid-2010s approached

Fucking awful really, wish we'd live in a timeline where soiphones and their disastrous socio-societal + cultural effects never existed


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fr tho vibe comes from within. until you're happy with the vibe in yourself, you won't be able to vibe with other things. no cap. it's called self-esteem. start by giving yourself a bussin' affirmation each morning.


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>we are now closer to 2040 than the year 2000


gangnam style


ive finally gotten back into scrolling through tiktok

its kinda fun watching 50% usa vs china psyop content and 50% white girls dancing

truly the battleground of the internet


china is based



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>2023 is less than a month away


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Wat dis


Oh no no no
He can't keep getting away with it!




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30 years ago, the English software engineer Neil Papworth used his computer to send a message to Vodafone director Richard Jarvis. The message simply read "Merry Christmas" - It became known as the first SMS message ever sent



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this is zoomer entertainment





It's Zoomers. I fucking hate Zoomers.


Zoomers won.


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I was born in '85. Nearly everything that you hate about the modern world was already a problem in the 90's, but you probably don't remember it. Feminism, forced diversity, political correctness, materialism, corruption. A few things have changed, yes. The economy was better. The internet wasn't just a handful of big corporate sites. Popular culture was a bit more colorful and optimistic. But, overall, society was already "destroyed beyond recovery", and anyone who was paying attention knew it.


I was born in 89.


Cheer up


What Happened To Google Search?


Its macabre


2015 was such a strange year


What's w all the stormfaggotry?


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Why is this word making a comeback all of a sudden? You know, over on kc, they bitch a lot about 8channers, and it's the same exact bizarro world boogeymen. It's like people crying about gamergators.


Its not real retard


Paragraph break, nigger


Y'all are cringe



go back to reddit



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Why is Vash shooting at Spike? Dude's just trying to smoke.


Excuse me, I can't find Waldo.


Spike is a kike and Vash is fash.


>Spike is a kike
I refuse to acknowledge this as ever being true.






Wtf i hate spongebob squarepants now



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the dub voice actor sure is at least




how do i become a ~32 year old millenial man watching downloaded anime since the age of 9, who later kind of missed out on the of 2000s eyeliner-girly-hetero-twink black skinny jeans popular-cool-kid phase, in other words social acceptance, but to whom all anime highschool plots with weak guys with hair in their face were always pseudo-believable, now sitting on my computer chair in a diaper full of shit because i have hard meth-head-prison-inmate tier metastasized fetish of men assholes and chat open and saying "UwU, stimky! :3" and baggy nike sweatshirts always make my wrists look smaller and "cute" and i'm obsessively making a "Y2K-n(g)eocities" page between coom sessions with my mental conception of what an elementary school girl in 2001 would have put in one but with obsessive structure and detail of an adult computerman so it's not radiating creepy weirdness as soon as it is loaded at all tell me more about your larp "webring"


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thats that nigga








millennials as 8 year olds watching morning cartoons in 1999 be like
>that anthropomorphic purple jiggly teddy bear has oddly round ass


>”honey watch out for candiru while you’re swimming!”
>”what’s candir-“ *record scratch as his face contorts in pain*
>*candiru pokes his head inside the guy’s dick* another candiru is sitting on a toilet reading a newspaper already inside
>”Uhm, occupied?”
>dramatic shot of guy in the mirror holding a pair of scissors looking nervously down at his dick (tension is broken by the guy hearing the muffled candiru having a phone conversation)
>JULY 2023


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>I saw Barbie and Oppenheimer on a double feature for like $50 with some friends. Afterwards we played tiktoks for hours and doordashed some McDonalds. I think that might be the single greatest day of my childhood.




muh roads


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Imagine living in a society that has had decades of total jewish post-WW2 dominance in business, mass media, academia, film, government etc. with no opposition, where 'they' have embedded themselves so deep within your psyche that you don't even know they are there, structuring your thoughts for you.

And imagine that your icons, your culture, your favorite television shows, movies, music, everything you were brought up on and know and love, is a jewish creation (a trick) and/or was pushed by 'them', likely so as to weaken you in some way.

Now imagine they have invented an unknown amount of terms, have drastically changed the English language and made up new words, changed their meanings, all to usher in radical change that they fund and then propagate through their global inter-connected network of news, tv, movies, and so on. Imagine they have quite literally bombarded you, your parents, and your grandparents minds from birth, and you're so accustomed to it that you don't even recognize it's happening.

Still with me? Imagine they own you, your family, and everyone you know and love. Their total assets are in the 'mere' trillions, but in reality they have a literally unlimited supply of fiat currency to prop up anything they see fit. Imagine every aspect of modernity being entirely dominated by jewish influence.

And then imagine dedicating your whole life and existence to debating over which piece of this propaganda was 'better', which had hotter chicks, better scenes, dialogue, and which made 'them' the most money to further destroy you.
Imagine wasting your life metaphorically playing around in an endlessly deep pit of excrement, splashing it all over you and your friends and dunking each others' heads underneath.


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Normies unironically want the kill themselves more than the average NEET does. They subconsciously want to die and that is why they are taking the vax. Normies know just like NEETS know that the world is fucked up. They know it's degenerate, pozzed, and unnatural way of living. Deep down they don't really enjoy Fantasy Football. At least NEETS have a proper way to vent. Look at all the broken people, broken families, people in debt up to their eyeballs, alimony, 3rd world immigration. They want out just like the Hale-Bopp mass suiciders wanted out.

My dad is in his late 60's granted he's older, but he was always a pit bull and critical thinker and would often piece together things growing up and figure things out in ways that I couldn't believe. Never took any shit at all. And he just lined up for the jab like they were offering flavored shaved ice on a summer day. Why wouldn't he though? Kids are all gone, he's divorced, his parents are gone and the best years are behind you. And a lot of younger people realize their shit is fucked before it even got started. No 80's and 90's comfiness for them


My dad also took the shot despite agreeing with me that it's a depopulating weapon many times over many different conversations. He's a 60 something boomer also, however in my case he's knowingly and willingly choosing death and hedonism over his grandchildren


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If that's true it's possible he's willingly committing suicide (or knowingly tempting fate in either case) but taking it out of his own hands. Sad to say considering he has a duty to his grandchildren. Perhaps the coercion from work, SOCIETY etc. was too much smheh


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If someone would have told me I was going to spend 10-12 hours in front of a computer most days to do my job, I would never have chosen my current occupation, but it seems like most jobs these days require constant computer use. We do everything electronically now -communications, writing/documentation, searching for information, etc. – or filling out a survey I would much rather be having this conversation via a phone than sitting and typing at my computer. … Also, we text and email in most of our personal communications now, too, rather than speaking by phone or meeting up in person. I email with a colleague two office doors down from me rather than arranging a meeting. The consequence for me physically is that I am sitting too much and I have chronic back and neck pain, as well as tendonitis, from repeated motion and leaning into a computer monitor. I also worry that social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc., are increasing social anxiety and are as destructive as they are potentially beneficial in their facilitation of communications. And we all never seem to get a break. I wake up in the morning and cringe at how many emails I already have waiting for me to attend to, and the need to keep up takes away from my time in more concentrated and potentially productive endeavors


For imageboards, excluding bots, it has to be 99.99% male and 0.01% female except for /fa/ where it's probably like 90:10, /lgbt/ 80:20, and for /cgl/ 10:90. /r9k/ I thought would be 99.9% male because the few times I checked it seems to be just a board where virgins and simps whine about women and is filled with a lot of pornography, but seeing that Dwarf visits that board a lot, perhaps I got the wrong impression and it might be 95:5 or something.



Lmao super sick burn lmao


It's funny to think that 4chon probably has one of the highest ratios of female posters.


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Haha sick burn



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