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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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how do you think you'll die /b/ros?


goddamnit that's not the right video.


well i'm not in my 20's anymore, i'm not really reckless or take uneeded risks but I'm a loner and eat a lot of takeout. more than likely in my 60's of heart disease I would say.


I have high bp, an achy liver and a colonoscopy scheduled for february.


Drowning in cum hopefully


Bout 3 fiddy


idk but I hope you get bashed to death for being a nonce


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Heart attack, suicide, or shoot out.


Looking like suicide in my mid 40s or early 50s probably


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No dont do that heh


That video is perfect, op. Just accept that!


shithole fartcancer


Is that smiley?


His current blogs are about him constantly vomiting and experiencing pooping out -liquid shit. I'd say yeah, that's most likely him atm.


strange people live in this world, the world as a backdrop can sometimes lament away all proper knowledge of intimacy, such is the case of misaligned cultural movements, it will all cease once the sin is done


Speak english.


What's that statement have to do with smileys diarrhea and vomiting problem? Do you have a vomit and scat fetish? Do you want to tell smiley that? Do you want his email?


Smiley should only wear dark brown pants.


Smiley is a freak and so are his followers


you will die by being bashed


He doesn't have followers. He just blog posts and people read the dumb shit he writes.


This isn't a fortune telling thread.


you should suck my cock to prove that you aren't gay


Has this become the new meme?


I hope not.


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by sucked off to death


yers it hers


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i fartet


i shidded and bissed myself




suck my dick and I'll answer


Brb gotta find avid.


I'll probably be chopped in half by an axe.


Juggalo going to kill you.


I dont know, probably cancer




I don't know, because my grandparents and uncle all died as a result of causes related to drinking or smoking, and I hardly drink and don't smoke.


Good for you on not smoking and drinking.


Their hands will turn to butter :DDDD


Health issues from a poor lifestyle and nutrition. (Or possibly suicide, if my life goes to shit and I get desperate enough)


blood pressure measured at home is 157/90
how the fuck do i make this go down


Good shit, I wish to be no smoking, I already don't drink


By being satisfied to death, probably mid sex I'll die


A corpse with a boner. Probably happens alot.


I hope that I hate whoever you're with-that way I can enjoy some schadenfreude.




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3 retards and all of them fake, SAD!


probably lung gansur


why does he have lipstick on lmao what a fag cunt


Lipstick is good! Retard!





Splurging mah BWC seed in some SEA pussy hopefully


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Is that dog Travis Barkers


I'll die the same as everyone in 2028 when the comet apophis hits earth just off the Swedish coast




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