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πŸŽƒ Halloween thread πŸŽƒ

πŸŽƒ Happy holiday! πŸŽƒ

πŸŽƒ PLEASE keep it Halloween-on-topic&friendly! πŸŽƒ




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Best holy day of the year, question mark. Summon spoops and worship your ancestor. Maybe break into Pelosi's home and murder her and her brother. They'll never see it coming. In Minecraft.


Happy Halloween chonners


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It's Samhain (a Germano-Celtic festivity!) ya dip


>When the light goes out all of a sudaah


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The Scariest Thing On Halloween - Inflation

>With nearly everything we buy costing more this year, Halloween is more of a trick than a treat...



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Counter Currents guy describes how niggers ruined his halloween



I do not understand the spelling for this, considering the pronounciation is Sowen.


Wat he mean by dis


I don't know how I managed to mistype that but Samhain isn't pronounced Samhain, it's pronounced Sowen.


364 days till halloween


delete this thread because Halloween is over!


Heh de moar u kno



363 days until halloween


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>Heh de moar u kno


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Thoughts on zoomer horror?


Kinda reminds me of jackson's braindead btw, has that same nigh-cartoonish violence to it imo tbqh


Also made by a kike ofc afaik


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362 days till halloween


Gore porn is so cringe. Even with Tarintino's stuff, all it ever comes off as is some middle schooler who's spent a month on /b/ trying his hardest to trigger somebody or come off as hardcore. Which it isn't. It's tryhard baby shit.


This tbh. I dislike edgy stuff heh


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Why did she do it bros


361 days till halloween


Someone stop this mad lad heh


360 days till halloween


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This remind me of *that* scene from bone tomahawk towards the end


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this looks like a movie juggaloes would watch while high on cold medicine



Yeah i skimmed over both kikefier 1 and 2 and the fx + ""story"" are generally quite laffable, you'd have to be quite low IQ to enjoy stuff liek dis

Now vid rel, that's a proper kino slasher that still holds up to this here day heh


i juset freted qnsf it sameledd likew gapoween




Me onna left



>Just the tip, i promise

I laff


These zoomers really seem to love horror, all the leddit threads are full of zoomer comments too

This vid also has a bunch of zoomer kino janitors complaining about the credits track being too creepy when they hafta clean up after a showing lol;



Anything that requires more than two sentences to convey apparently qualifies as a """"long story"""" in a zoomeroid's eye, lol

Truly ADHD: The generation






Halloween is 365 days a year.


Site gay



Lmao. Even Chucky can get a gf. Explain yourselves incels.


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Microcosm of DEI, affirmative action, etc.


I don't understand how the kid on the right didn't get first place when he clearly put the most creativity and effort in. Girl is just Wednesday Addams and I can't even tell what the nigger is supposed to be besides a nigger.


How did the kid on the right even do that? That's impressive.

The other two are meh tier but they won because you need to have a brown person and a woman for diversity.


If it was student votes, then it was just a popularity contest. If there were judges, they want to fug the girl and gave the nog a diversity prize.




I forgot it was today.


based and halloween pilled


They handed out card packs in one of my brothers' classes. He got a cool holographic Darkrai with a Pikachu pumpkin stamp on it.


That's cool.

Niggers are the scariest monsters.


Happy Halloween-er!


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>Samhain isn't pronounced Samhain, it's pronounced Sowen
I was just talking about this with someone yesterday. I thought it was Sam-hain. Why the hell would they spell it with an M if it's So-wen? Makes no sense

People put foreign words into the English language in the most retarded ways


Blame the french. The norman yoke.


One of them got a holo Mimikyu from trick-or-treating too. Handing out first edition base set packs would be insane for Halloween.


Was barely enough candy this year. I usually tell kids to take a handful of small candy bars, but I would've been wiped out by a couple large groups early. It's funny what a handful means to different kids. Some are very timid and only take one more when I tell them they can have more and others take like 5-6 pieces. Don't think any of the kids who looked under 5 took more than two pieces.


Having the same experience. I'm doling it out now so it lasts the night. I ran out last year.


Kids don't like Haribo anymore lol. I swear half of the remaining ten or so pieces were packs of Haribo gummies. To be fair, these have only 4 gummies per pack. Holy jewish. They should give 6-7 maybe.

Though, gelatin also fucks the digestive system something fierce. Kids are probably tuned into that better on a subconscious level. Shame various addictive carcinogens and unhealthy compounds are legally allowed to wrack their bodies from a young age now. This shit isn't even trying to disguise that it's a cattle farm anymore.


>poisoning children with sugary slop

you disgusting brat


>erm ur evil if u partake in a holiday about bringing joy to children
Go fuck yourself, kike.


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I ended up having a small amount of candy left over. It's about 9 pm now and I haven't seen a kid for half an hour so I figure it's about over.

I decided to test out a few of the candies and you're right they're mega jewish with the portions now. I opened a box of like "popeye candy sticks" and the box had two measly little candies in it. Mostly just empty space.

Earlier in the night I had a crate of 36 fullsized chocolate bars I gave out heh. Hopefully they were well received. I used to like getting those when I was a kid.


They'll run it off.

Halloween is genuinely a great holiday. Christians keep trying to ban it in schools here but it seems to be coming back strong despite that.


>joy to children by giving them empty calorie goyslop

youre the fucking kike here not me


JIDF hands typed this post


I think they stopped doing Halloween marches in public schools. Either last year or the year before was the last time I heard of them. Also hilarious seeing christfags claim Halloween, then rejecting it, as they do everything else pagan. I was gonna complain a few days ago about how it wasn't even Halloween yet and I was getting ads for Chris– sorry, Xmas already.

I call it Yule personally


Samefag butthurt and actual JIDF agent well-poisoning yet again. You should be made into fertilizer, that's how much your life matters.


Fully two weeks before Halloween I was seeing Christmas stuff in stores. It's the big corpo holiday.

I think it's insincere to call the modern conception of Christmas yule. As a holiday, it is fundamentally jewish in character. A consumer holiday.

Yule brings to mind a celebration that is less about lights and gift giving and more about good food and enjoying time with family and friends.


kill yourself you ugly fucking kike


Keep projecting, ratfaced pedophile faggot.





Oops the sad tranny deleted it?!








And you can hear his mother's TV in the background LOL










Ready for all of the fake semitic/consoomeristic holidays to die so real culture can begin manifesting again



With half the scant amount of Halloween candy remaining by the end being Haribo, I've actually come around to liking these. They're a lot better than other gummy candies I've had.


They're decent yeah.

I was left with a bunch of lolipops and hard candies, predictably. I don't mind them but I'd rather have some gummy bears.


>I was left with a bunch of lolipops and hard candies
Always liked chewing those up when I was a kid. Took awhile to appreciate savoring them. Wonder how much tootsie pops ruined rock candy for kids, since you're always expected to chew part of it.

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