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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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>I don't know why your generation can't find and keep a gf
<Ruined an entire generation of women by raising them to be whores and not combating 'empowerment culture at all'; such bad parents they traumatise young girls into casual sex and ridiculous standards for serial monogamy
>You're still unemployed? Why didn't you give the boss a firm handshake?
<Facilitated a corporate culture so harrowing that an algorithm will just chuck out your resume without anyone in HR actually reading it with HR people usually from the mentally ill generation of women they've raised
>I went to the [insert boomer event; including gorging yourself at a restaurant and terrorising young minimum wage, going to a pointless expensive event] and there were too many [increasing racial minority]
<Literally allowed and voted for diversity in immigration and affirmative action policies in the late 60s, and refuses to vote for policies that would mean they don't exploit non-white people as serfs to feed them and wipe their arse for next to nothing because they can't change their lifestyle
>Kids these days, I did it rough too when I was buying a home
<Is almost literally the only demographic buying homes now, will be furious at rent freezes because they can't pay off their own negatively geared investment properties, bought a home for the same price of a mid range non-luxury new car today, continues to horde wealth and refuses to let the industry collapse. So much have they destroyed the real estate industry and enabled banks and bank bailouts that an algorithm will just reject your loan application outright (same as most applications tbh, including uni) and ruin your life without even meeting you. This actually applies to most debt they've accrued, including the auto industry; they're the only ones even buying new cars.
>I've had to wait too long at the hospital, the medical system in [insert Western country] sucks!
<Is such a hedonistic glutton that their poor general health is marred by completely preventable diseases like hypertension, obesity, Type II Diabetes, their inability to take care of themselves will ensure an already straining industry collapses
>When I was your age, university was free! Those were the good old days
<We are literally paying off all of their debt, past present and future, including social security and university fees. Their decrepit Marxist 70s hippie ideology has resulted in cults at the university driving up wages and thus making loans unfathomable for future generations.
>We stopped a war man!
<Literally spat on veterans from their own generation, ignored journalists showing the world what their chickenhawk policies did (which really did stop the wars of the 60s and 70s); grew up to allow for drone strikes that commit genocide and are responsible for the deaths of thousands of working class often white me. Continuing to push for CIA sponsored war in Ukraine. May actually start nuclear warfare/WWIII because they are such chickenhawks that they either remain ignorant or actively vote for modern proxy wars. Just overall abysmal at foreign policy and diplomacy.

Has there ever been a worse generation in human history?


nice copypasta


I just unironically, genuinely typed this out myself, do you like it?


I don't believe you.


I'm flattered you think I'm that insightful; check the 4chan archives and google it :)


which generation is most responsible for LGBTQ+?


Zoomies are tied with milliennials, who were raised by effeminate boomer males


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I'm enjoying some...

[yellow tail]Âź

W/a salad,soup&burger..

& I still don't understand how Australia is not a tiny island out in the middle of nowhere...

& is bigger than burgerland.



Straight from Australia.

.... it's good.

I recommend it.


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I thought Hitler was from Australia but it turns out he was from Austria. Hm.


retard nigger


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>retard nigger
miii ansesterz


It's mostly desert, mate.


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I can't into geography or math.


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I might have to into geography to understand australia.


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Also it's great to know that I can take the back of a toilet tank lid to smack over the back of someone's head in case of emergency survival self defense.


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>Toilet tank lid
Yes, everyone you're welcome for the pro-tip. I got it from the movie "zombie land".


...but the best cure of all


Phantasm times.




>Has there ever been a worse generation in human history?

Some generations in Rome were just about as fucked but nah, not really, this kind of weakness and degeneracy on this scale was never possible before.


A man attempted to murder me with boltcutters to the back of the head.

Your toilet tank lid thing will just result in you getting beaten to death because you're not able to throw it with enough strength nor to follow it up with anything else.

I have also a scar on my back from a porcelain soap dish being broken there.

I can tell you've never been in a fight.

Around here the best weapon for a woman (or for anyone) is pepper spray / bear spray / anything like that.

Just make sure you're downwind of it though or you can easily fuck yourself up.


Won't make any difference you will die horribly. If you threw it at least you'd keep them from closing distance for a bit and be able to grab another object such as a chair or some such thing.


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He's got dementia.

We live in a capitalist society and we're going through a pandemic.

The hell is he talking about?


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>we're going through a pandemic.




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That pic. I'll have to watch it sometime.


>Bernard Marcus was born to Russian Jewish immigrant parents in Newark, New Jersey.


He's 93yrs old.

Why are they giving him a voice to loudly verbal vomit nonsense all over everyone!


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he's a rich kike


...yes but can't people slap a microphone out of his hand?


sadly no



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reposting dis here cuz dwarfeggcelspergy raged in de other thread

Millennials are now approaching middle age, and they are the single most worthless generation in all of human history. This is what the boomers have wrought.

Boomers were peasants who came into extreme wealth due to the way history flows towards the United States. Because they were genetic peasants, they had no idea how to deal with wealth, and they just became utterly self-absorbed psychos.

Most of them got divorced, permanently crippling any ability their children would have to develop normal family relations. The ones who stayed married had weird, alienating relationships that most of their kids didn’t want to copy.

Basically, if you grow up with parents, you base your entire perception of what relationships are on them. (Unless of course something changes drastically, such as a situation that makes you an order of magnitude materially better off than your parents, which is what happened to the boomers, which is why they broke the line of normal sex relations.)

Millennials grew up in a situation where, for the first time, parents cared more about themselves and their “happiness” than their children’s wellbeing. Even pushing 40 and obese, millennials are still just broken little kids. So of course they’re not having kids.

The average boomer peasant in America had more material wealth and comfort than European monarchs had had a couple centuries earlier. It’s understandable that it felt to them like life was just a big silly party, and that they then developed an ideology that said they had a “right to be happy” (something that does not exist in any religion, but was pushed by several religions the boomers created, including the new age, atheism, and evangelical Christianity, all of which actively promoted feminism and divorce).

This kind of infantile idiocy represents the entire boomer paradigm, and it extended fully to the way they made decisions about family. Feminism was embraced under the slogan “if it feels good, do it.” This was the creed of the boomer. Of course their relationships failed universally. I’ve never heard of a “successful boomer couple.” In the very best of cases, the boomer male submitted completely to the boomer female to avoid the hassle. In any boomer relationship that did not end in divorce, the woman had total power over the man. There might be some exception that someone knows of from their personal life, but I’ve never heard of it.

Basically, in the 1960s, men thought that “free love” would lead to unlimited sex, so they encouraged these women to go totally off the reservation. It was then impossible to put that genie back in the bottle. The entire society became monomaniacally fixated on expanding female power.

Of course, we can talk about “millennials,” but what we’re really talking about is women, because it’s women’s choice whether to have children. Women can convince men to have children or they can just stop taking birth control and tell the man to ejaculate inside of them.

Millennial men didn’t go out of their way to have children, but it probably wouldn’t have mattered if they had. Millennial women are about six million times worse than their mothers when it comes to just totally unhinged hysteria. A woman’s life only has order equivalent to the amount of male authority in their lives. Boomer men never developed authority (that train left the station during Pussy Quest 1969), but boomer females still had the influence of their fathers.

Millennials didn’t ever even know the concept of male authority, so the women are wrecking balls that destroy everything around them. There is an ideology built up around this, but as with all ideologies, it’s just an explanation for something that is already happening due to material factors.

Women’s sole purpose is to breed. Obviously, if women are turned into an absolute mess, they are going to stop performing their primary function.



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New Anglin article where he says correct things so that people are distanced from doing something about it because his job is to be a fed caricature and for normies to have a visceral emotional reaction so no one does anything just dropped babe


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>Why aren't millennials in Western countries having kids??


>people are distanced from doing something about it
What can they do? (((They))) have perfected the art of propaganda in all facets of social and now digital life to maintain order in a decaying empire. It seems like the globohomo judeo-gynocratic US empire will continue to be a neo-feudal vestigial empire ruling North America, Europe, Japan and South Korea for the next hundred years. To prop up the real estate industry (which is the largest industry by share of value added to GDP in most Western countries), since the citizens don't want to reproduce, these countries will continue importing immigrants from the less developed countries. Long after we're dead, assuming no nuclear annihilation of humanity, this vestigial empire will be broken apart by the incohesive multiculturalism similar to the Roman Empire.



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>To prop up the real estate industry (which is the largest industry by share of value added to GDP in most Western countries), since the citizens don't want to reproduce, these countries will continue importing immigrants from the less developed countries.
That will work, briefly, until they hike up interest rates, increase inflation, increase government bailouts and cause a Depression similar to the Japanese Real Estate Bubble of the 1980s, because even immigrants are finite.

>Long after we're dead, assuming no nuclear annihilation of humanity, this vestigial empire will be broken apart by the incohesive multiculturalism similar to the Roman Empire.

I completely agree with you, except the only issue is if this happens slightly sooner, and we manage to be in our 80s when this occurs. Then *all the vibrant immigrants brought in to wipe your arse won't want to, and you'll probably die of elder abuse if you're not rich enough.**


You have a big family that LOVES you very much! You'll be well taken care of! You won't face any elder abuse, fren!


how many kids does phil have?


Kill yourself




I like phil tho


Most of whom would be dead unless they're my own
But it's not just about me; plenty of people either lose all their family by the time they're very old and have to have the state take care of them, or never had any.


Watch happy Gilmore. It'll make you feel better!


Happy Gilmore is one of my favourite comedies, I've seen in like fifty times.


NOT a fan of adam (((sandler)))



You have awful taste.


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>All charges were dropped against #JasonHayden who filmed himself beating 75-year-old Army Veteran Norman Bledsoe in a Detroit nursing home in 2020
>Mr. Bledsoe died weeks after the assault.

Boomers voted for this. And they kicked out their kids at age 18 for no reason other than some self-destructive survival-of-the-fittest ideology. Oh except for actual rich families, like the Trumps, the Bidens, the Waltons, the Rockefellers, the Kochs, the Bushes, the Kushners, the Kennedys, the Musks and so on, they do everything possible to ensure their offspring get every advantage in life no matter their age, just like Asian parents. They don't seem to listen to Fox News's advice of treating your offspring as shittily as possible and kicking them to the curb as soon as you can to "teach them about life and how to be strong & independent."


Sheboon Nurses Caught Running Senior Citizen Fight Club Ring at Retirement Home


>Three women who ran a “fighting ring” at a North Carolina assisted living facility encouraged residents to get into a physical altercation, officials say.

>They were workers at the Danby House in Winston-Salem in June when they didn’t intervene in a fight between two residents with dementia, according to a report from the N.C. Department of Health and Human Services.

>Staff members took video of the fight, which led to “one resident being strangled with her face turning red,” and shared it on social media, the state report says.

You might have been able to avoid diversity while you were healthy and hale, living it up in your Boomervilles safe from the ‘groid menace
 but you won’t be able to avoid it in retirement. Because of your greed, you let the country be stolen out from under you.

It’s really mind-boggling how much abuse goes on in these homes. I would assume that pretty much every nursing home has low-level abuse at least going on in it at any given time.

Welcome to Fight Club, Boomer!


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"It’s a weird state of affairs when you’ve got the old acting like degenerate hedonists and the young left to wallow in poverty and despair. Boomers are just hopeless, naive and clueless. Like overgrown toddlers. But they need to start handing over the money that they stole quick, lemme tell you." - Andrew Anglin


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No one believed he would rape nursing home residents. Now he is going to prison


At first, no one believed them when they said the charming, well-liked aide in the nursing home where they lived had raped them. Claims like theirs are often dismissed as drug-induced hallucinations, signs of dementia or attempts by lonely residents to get attention. And even when the cases of nursing home residents get to court, they can fall apart when victims’ memories prove unreliable – or they are no longer alive to testify.

This time was different. The two women made their way to the courthouse in Waynesville, North Carolina, last week to testify against the man entrusted with their care.

One entered the courtroom in her wheelchair, two oxygen tanks behind her, and defiantly described the February night when 58-year-old Luis Gomez lifted up her nightgown. He had entered her room at the Brian Center, a nursing home in the center of town, when she was alone and asked if she needed to go the bathroom. She said she did, and climbed out of bed. As she entered the bathroom and faced the toilet, she heard the door close and lock. Then, she said, Gomez raped her.

At first, no one acted on her accusation, and she feared Gomez might appear in her room again at any moment. But when a nurse insisted on notifying police – against the wishes of her boss – the call triggered an investigation. And women just down the hall from the resident came forward, with their own allegations against Gomez.

Now he has been sentenced to at least 23 years behind bars.

“What this man has done for a period of almost a decade is 
 prey on Alzheimer’s patients because they’re forgetful and they can’t remember and oftentimes they die,” the prosecutor told the judge during sentencing.


Mp4 is fucking lel


Ass gas


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Why did you post the photoshopped version


Holy crap. That's real, I can tell that photograph is the real deal by the pixels.


I forgot to add that boomers are responsible for coming up with the ridiculous concept of the credit score. Not only do they destroy the housing market but they spit in your face by making up ridiculous rules for their usury lol


As someone with a near 800 credit score I think it's an imperfect but fairly valid system considering the rates of delinquency and legal protections placed on delinquent debtors


>they spit in your face by making up ridiculous rules
The ultimate hazing-bullies & gatekeepers. Truly.


San hyderson, is that (you)?


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Sam hyderson kingsbread.


You love credit. I bet you work at a bank or something.


Mine is 800 too. But you're kidding yourself if you think the same financial planning that stops someone buying a dbrand skin for their Steam Deck online is the same as buying a 1 million dollar house.


I knew you have a perfect credit score! I just knew it!


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If they pay taxes that makes it alright


There's no way they give to the system more than they take regardless.


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If (((managers))) have such difficulty with workers lacking "technological skills" maybe they should stop hiring people primarily based on appearance, charisma and DEI requirements (and horniness over the prospects of sleeping with female employees). You reap what you sow


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>zogbot gets cucked by feral animals
Shabbos goy moment


American work culture is so corrupt, it's unreal. One example that seems to be universal is that everyone only pretends to know what they're doing and they only pretend to follow procedures. So your boss will give you a list of things to do, expect you to get it all done, while knowing full-well that it isn't possible for you to accomplish unless you cut corners, and it's exactly what they're implying you should do. They will never admit to this even in secret. They push the responsibility onto their underlings and throw them under the bus if they get caught. It seems like every work place is full of this kind of retarded intrigue, and it's really only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how cutthroat and kiked merely working a job is these days.


>They pay taxes!
That's literally a Ponzi scheme


Boomer hate gets old because everyone is doing it, and a lot of people genuinely do blame boomers for their own personal shortcomings. Yeah, there's no denying that they had it easier and that they were complacent as things went to shit. I can't really get too angry at them not realizing young people have it harder, because old people just seem to lack awareness in general.

That said, it's not just Millennials that hate boomers, the silent generation that raised them fucking hated them with a passion too. Basically everyone that's been forced to share time in existence with that generation has been fucked off with them for one reason or another.


Ok boomer


muh greatest generation




What you're overlooking is that a lot of boomers are generally really shitty people. They did the bare minimum of parenting, if that, expecting everything while never having given anything in return. Maybe your parents were the exception but mine and a lot of other peoples' I've personally known have been abhorrent, neglectful, inconsiderate assholes.


Leave grandpa alone!


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Honestly would rather unironically salute the union jack than the rainbow lolcow flag


Not much difference these days.




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>wojak artist



Can confirm that is all true including the oddly specific observation of the boomer man being completely dominated by the boomer wife.


Petty criminals are always ugly it seems

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