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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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>tfw no gf


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Too bad she's a massive bitch and basically infertile.


Idk who that woman is but it was very sweet of her make that sign. I know it's legit and real. I can tell by the pixels.


.. You've never heard/seen the nuWars movies?


Please stop reminding me of this modern world. I haven't seen it and therefore it doesn't exist.


>please stop reminding me of this modern world
Get off your computer then idiot


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You're an asshole.

Not my problem.


guys theres a female who lives in my town and i want to have a relationship with her, or passive sex i dont mind

I actually am coming more to terms with masturbation as a practice to help with basically all aspects of life

my cock and balls are suddenly full and sexed out


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You're a submissive person?


She is a very attractive woman, both sexually and on the whole 'would go for walks with' spectrum too, but i have yet to make even myself known to her, other than walking past each other or seeing each other in the street. I guess I would say hello but if she doesnt say hello back or whatever im fucked and will blame myself to oblivion because im like that

Shes white as all fuck, dresses well, doesnt wear makeup and has a great body and face, i feel frustration at my autistic tone of voice cucking what interaction i may have


I meant casual


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Sure- thing. lol.


Kek and lmao


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Have a (you). ❤️


Flat. Is it justice? Find out on tonight's news at 10.


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We will never know now.


i want to hug and kiss and fuck a female milf or brunette



Whats lol?




league of legendarios


4chon League of Legends clan when?


never! that game is soy


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I want to die


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Have a (you).


Fuck off kike


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Have a (you)!


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Being in a relationship is crazy. Having someone you fall asleep next to and wake up next to every morning and night (and let's be real, early twilight Twilight Zone-esque afternoons lately, oh god the circadian rhythms, we'll work on it when I LVL up in my training a bit more darling I simply don't give a care when everything feels so dreamlike) is crazy. Having an other half partner who is perfectly fun'd in the head the same way you are is crazy.

Like I can just turn over and lick and kiss anywhere I want. I can fall asleep with your body parts in my mouth. I can fall asleep with your body parts in my body parts. I can cuddle your stuff with my face and fall asleep holding it. And! You LIKE!?!?!? When! I DO THESE THINGS?!?!?! I can be frantic and pressured-speaking out every flaw and worry I might be wiser to keep you unaware of, I can be giggly and goofy, I can be fiery and forgiven, whole, every stage and every measure more, with accordion file full of rhinestones and head full of big ideas your presence in my life necessitates room for a la paradigm overhaul, I can be super cereal while we cronch cereal and brainstorm fantasy narwhal species and benevolent-but-never-boring world conquest, I can be lewd rude crude and you're still my dude. You whimsywham flipflop glitterfacetglint around with me but all according to your own authenticity, not just in mirrored automatic response; every side of yours can hold space for every side of mine and the combinations are endless, and birth new sides constantly. I gotta let myself bask in the gratitude..but just as quickly as it all sinks in I start to get a little restless because I just want to deduce the perfect game-plan to make sure you feel this way too, all the time, more and more each day, exponential mutual worship!



[ - ]


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He needs a knife to his spine


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Have a (you)!


Butthurt much?


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This, gentlemen, is how you get a gf


That's a gif.


A portly autistic homo just hit on me. This is the only visible sexual interest I've gotten from someone in years.


It's your time to shine.


just let him suck your dick, bro


This is the only way.


Leave smiley alone troon



Im a genetical freak though so its ok


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>ywn be called upon to fuck an alien woman


Was this alien a female, tho? Or was it a man in deep cover? Or do the aliens breed in some way that doesn't require two sexes? Why didn't the movie tell us this WHAT ARE THEY HIDING?



Not sure


the aliens' sexual biology is never explained but they do see to be fascinated with human females


iktfb, hopefully i die of natural causes before i care enough to suicide from this




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I've reached the acceptance stage again heh, there's more to life than getting your dingly wingly wang dang diddly w-...well, you know what I mean. Being alive is kind of based even despite clown world and my own problems. We can all still be a positive influence to others in our own way and should endeavor to be the best reflection of ourselves possible.


As long as you're doing your best without fear of failure or loss you have nothing to feel negative about. It's a lesson I need to keep reminding myself of, but regardless of external factors I only really ever feel bad if I haven't been doing my due diligence. It's easy to be bitter when you've cucked yourself due to laziness or cowardice or impatience, but when you're on the path of virtue and you feel like you've done everything you could it's hard to be mad.


find a girl with a fetish for sucking limp noodles, duder


As ridiculous as it sounds, I think it's within the realm of possibility to find a girl who would overlook that.


You will find a woman who will scissor your flaccid cock&balls with her kitty. You two will make a beautiful lesbian couple!


This is the only way.


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