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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.37861[View All]

Body count Americans will say shit like this about men and then be like 'so what if I've slept with 59 people, the past is the past it says nothing about who I am', or 'why do you keep saying the sexual revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race, what does that have to do with age gaps, sex trafficking and the dehumanisation of women and men in dating apps'.
169 posts and 92 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


explain how


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This kike was fucking his girl.


iirc they werent together


cuck cope


She's not such a bitch, cut her some slack


they were still legally married but kanye west had a huge problem with kim and pete fucking, insulting him on twitter vehemently

that is not the actions of a cuckold, by definition a cuckhold would embrace the actions of kim and pete

what do you also mean by cuck cope? im asexual and single so how could i possibly be 'cuck coping'?


I said "he got cucked" not that he is a cuck, but maybe he is though. Either way it makes him look like a bitch. A real nigger would have killed them both, like OJ Simpson did.


Based and Nig-pilled


Why do women not understand the simple things men like if they want to keep them?

Are you a fucking moron? Of course men you'd like to keep like chastity. Now, is he a hypocrite and a sl*t maker by racking up female bodycounts because it takes two to tango? Of course. Does that mean the basic things men want out of a relationship still don't apply? No.



>Now, is he a hypocrite and a sl*t maker by racking up female bodycounts because it takes two to tango?
Your reasoning is incorrect. Most men don't have the luxury of a long-lasting relationship to begin with, and going through a long list of women helps to give them more favorable odds, both through pure numbers and through gaining experience in regards to sex and dating. It is a requirement to get anywhere like building a job resume, not something most elect to do.


This is insane to think about. I wonder what kind of effect this has had in terms of the quality of items produced by the market in general.


just walk into any shopping area..
most retail caters to women


Christianity is what produced feminism.

Or, if you want to be charitable, Christianity had zero defenses against feminist infiltration and as a result its modern outcome was inevitable.

First, let's start with the scriptural foundations. There are no biblical equivalents to the following Quranic verses:

Quran 4:34 (Surah An-Nisa, 4:34): "Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth."

Quran 2:228 (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:228): "And due to the wives is similar to what is expected of them, according to what is reasonable. But the men have a degree over them [in responsibility and authority]."

Quran 2:282 (Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:282): "And bring to witness two witnesses from among your men. And if there are not two men [available], then a man and two women from those whom you accept as witnesses - so that if one of the women errs, then the other can remind her."
Interpretation: Using an example of a financial transaction, the testimony of one man is worth the testimony of two women.

Meanwhile, the bible is littered with several verses that have been used to support gender equality:

Galatians 3:28 (New Testament, Christian Bible): "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

Genesis 1:27 (Old Testament, Christian Bible): "So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them."

1 Corinthians 11:11-12 (New Testament, Christian Bible): "Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God."

Now on to the history. Women's suffrage movement saw its beginnings in Christian movements and sets of events and conventions like the retroactively-named Second Great Awakening in the early 1800s and the Third Great Awakening of the mid-to-late 1800s, forming influential international feminist Christian groups like the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (f. 1874). The National American Woman Suffrage Association (f. 1890), now known as the League of Women Voters after being renamed in 1920, was formed by Susan B. Anthony who was educated in the feminist First Unitarian Church of Rochester which is where they eventually held the world's first women's right's convention in 1848.


It is a cop-out to blame the kikes or atheists on this one, unless you want to blame Christ himself, as being the originators and the primary vehicle for feminism because they didn't get heavily involved until at least the early-mid 1900s (e.g. Frankfurt School) after when women were already granted suffrage in almost all of Europe and the New World (during and following WWI). Many of the well-known Jewish feminists didn't come about until the mid-to-late 1900s, e.g. Gloria Steinem, Susan Sontag, Simone de Beauvoir, Betty Friedan, Bella Abzug and others. These "intellectuals" accelerated feminism by adding fuel to a burning rapture, they didn't light the first spark.


Yeah but can't you just put Christianity down under the umbrella of degeneracy? Or is that not appropriate or too much of a stretch? I see your point otherwise.


Women are scum and deserve slavery.



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You can say Christianity been dismantled, chewed up and repurposed in the 19th and 20th centuries after showing its cracks from the late 17th century to 18th century European and American "Age of Enlightenment" which introduced all the ideas of separation of church and state, religious tolerance, individualism, liberty, etc. From a statistical standpoint I judge the health of a nation primarily based on its fertility rate, rate of single motherhood, divorce rate and suicide rate. Christian and atheist majority nations are failing spectacularly on all these (Sub-Saharan Africa is an exception since they all die young).


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Your hotlink doesn't work. Try reposting it, thanks


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Okay then, Andrew Tate.
Nobody should care about this, chud.


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The media seems to push the "mile high club" phrase a lot, it makes me suspicious


White women have their own "Das Rite" now, stupid nigger loving whores.


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That article is targeted to women (sluts). It says right below your Do's & Don't's list
>Source: Relationship expert Jacob Lucas, author of 'Her Dating Coach'



Sounds like she's more interested in a sugar daddy. She can LARP all she wants but I don't think you can go from having a double-digit body count and still having tattoos to being "tradwife", whatever that means.


>visible cleavage

yeah no


chicks with a 50s fixation usually dress like pin-up girls (whores) from the era rather than wives


Marilyn Monroe worked bitch. Tryhard poser. Disgusting.




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Freudian slip.


bongly wobbin with a fury of fairground


>she doesn't know most people have genital herpes without knowing it and often isn't even detected by antibody testing


thot status: patrolled


Herpes haver copes by saying everyone has herpes. Many such cases.


no such thing as herpes



Those herpes haver coping quads.


herpes affects the immune system, your body is CONSTANTLY fighting it, compromising it, regardless of the strength of said compromise, I'd rather not have that shit going on with my body, herpes is a dusting disease and the people with it should be segregated from society


I meant to type disgusting


Do I have to give you a brief lecture about human herpes viruses, the concept of asymptomatic carriership and the high rates of asymptomaticism for this family of viruses, the recent revelations and policy changes regarding HSV-1 and HSV-2 antibody testing, and the fact that even if you were a KHV you almostly certainly are a carrier of human alpha herpes virus 1 (aka herpes simplex virus 1), human alpha herpes virus 3, human gamma herpes virus 4 and human beta herpes virus 5 and I can show you why, rendering your idea to be not only imbecilic but comically backfiring, not to mention even more fanatical than COVID Karens and their routines of masking, disinfection, boosters, etc.? 99% of people have virtually no understanding of any of this stuff, including a good number of general practitioners, at best a very dumbed down mickey mouse understanding, mostly because the average person is a dumb anti-intellectual peasant who has no interest in learning about anything, hence why it's almost certainly a waste of time for me to bother explaining anything to you.


tldr coping herptard


enjoy ur brain aids


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you are gay



This _woman_ (ahem) is such cringe-bait. The ESL, the marketing gimmicks, the plastic face, this weird attempt at becoming a "high class" or "elegant" woman or something.


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Looks like lip and cheek fillers, maybe botox because of the unnatural smoothness in some areas. Lol. Wonder if she bought subs

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