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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.38724[Last 50 Posts]

Is there anywhere people post relics from the OG chon here?

Screenshots, threads, memes?




Literally what happened to me


I have a lot of my own and from others I can post but I've got to wage for now so ttyl maybe heh


File: 1672928861237.jpg 668.61 KB, 1145x634, 1605858873520.jpg

I've got a bunch of stuff. Use to have more but technology in the future is somehow still shit unreliable TRASH.


Someone linked the archive recently. I'm sure someone has it.


I could post a photo of the original 4chon.net stickers STI mailed around for free back then when I'm home later.
He must've paid like 5$ on postage stamps to get them delivered to me lol


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File: 1673040188655.jpg Spoiler Image, 110.43 KB, 480x639, 1672884427159 (1).jpg



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File: 1673040382024.jpg 131.97 KB, 500x424, 1672886796164-3.jpg




File: 1673040657211.png 1.35 MB, 1440x2429, 1672500307544.png

'CHON nestolgia



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File: 1673040804095.png 117.26 KB, 400x400, logo_400x400.png



tribute to steadman ~ 4chon

we're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine and the machine is bleeding to death



STI supposedly offering me money to come back to 4chon

Also to the moronic trolls 4chon isnt 4chan




File: 1673041857089.jpg Spoiler Image, 14.28 KB, 480x360, dde7ee2e85b9f0dd848dc4f090c….jpg

Seisatsu young


File: 1673041935218.jpg Spoiler Image, 273.64 KB, 622x876, 1623482258871.jpg




Website Review: 4chon (Peek Usertesting)


File: 1673043785831.jpg 3.42 MB, 2396x3176, 1461050220535.jpg








Nazi boy (((Andrew Anglin))) exposed as Jew

Turns out that the notorious Jew hater (((Andrew Anglin))) who runs the Daily Stormer (the world's largest neo-nazi site) shares our videos.

He told hundreds of his follows to sub us, so we made this video for them, exposing (((Andrew's))) kosher past. :D


File: 1673046523978.jpg 1.36 MB, 1500x1229, 1400283061735.jpg

Does anypony have a link to that internet racism pdf from 2014 where some jew institute sited 4chon and credited us with inventing the happy merchant?
I lost it in the countless expellings.
Also, the coloured version of this would be nice too



It seems now that the rate by which mass murders of whites by barbaric nonwhite animals is increasing at a rate that we can no longer see as tenable. Leaders of white countries, instead of addressing the plague that is upon us, tell us that we can simply learn to live with terrorism. From Europe to the United States, hordes of subhuman nonwhite animals in black, Muslim, and Mexican form threaten our very existence and the continuance of our culture and people. What is it that we can do to respond to this?

Many in the white community feel that we must continue to use methods which are peaceful and do not scare anyone. This is a betrayal of our race and heritage. Within the ancient Nordic poetry, we can simply look to the Volundarkvidha and see what should be done to the children of one's enemies. In response to unlawful imprisonment, Volund murders the sons of those responsible and rapes their daughter.

Many criticize Anders Breivik for killing the sons and daughters of the Marxist elite which were actively being trained to destroy his nation in a Marxist training camp. Let us reconsider and realize that his actions are completely in line with the poems that founded European morality.

I unequivocally support the killing of children. I believe that our enemies need such a level of atrocity inflicted upon them and their homes that they are afraid to ever threaten the white race with genocide ever again. So the hordes of our enemies from the blacks to the Jews to the federal agents are deserving of fates of violence so extreme that there is no limit to the acts by which can be done upon them in defense of the white race.

We will not relent until far after their daughters are raped in front of them. We will not relent until far after the eyes of their sons are gouged out before them. We will not relent until the cries of their infants are silence by boots stomping their brains out onto the pavement.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. We must secure this by any means necessary. Our enemies have made it clear: us or them. Let it be us. White genocide cannot continue.

So if I support killing children, I of course support killing adults as well. Dylann Roof's trial is coming up and I am thankful for his personal sacrifice of his life and future in defense of his people. In honor of Dylann Roof, I will be growing out a bowlcut in solidarity for his trial. As the white supremacist terrorist prophet Sam Hyde once said, "I just got the ultimo bowl cut." 14/88



File: 1673047401864.jpg 14.28 KB, 386x258, Juicy!(Tv5).jpg



I hope Bestonian is still drawing wherever he is heh


File: 1673050438436.gif 1.82 MB, 321x339, 1670004532730.gif


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File: 1673051196302.png 227.23 KB, 520x549, ednenw.PNG


File: 1673051275667.png 298.19 KB, 1600x900, 150622-roof-mlp.png






Post his dick.


File: 1673066543839.mp4 991.4 KB, 376x470, ezgif-3-4db15e32f3.mp4

His H'what?!


File: 1673074083448.mp4 Spoiler Image, 1.78 MB, 640x360, 1673062449348.mp4

Seisatsu young mp4


Don't think I've ever seen this. What a sperg LMAO!


>Don't think I've ever seen this.
You're welcome!


File: 1673090297994.webp 3.54 KB, 210x250, 1672888500076.webp



File: 1673090728025.jpg 36.47 KB, 720x712, 1673049618259.jpg


File: 1673090794443.jpeg 134.77 KB, 1080x810, HRoryU0UaRBy.jpeg

Did you have fun?



Show us that ass




File: 1673091331620.webp 3.54 KB, 210x250, 1672888500076.webp


File: 1673091617391.jpg 36.47 KB, 720x712, 1673049618259.jpg


File: 1673167385561.jpg 75.9 KB, 568x515, trevor george.jpg

lmao when ebaums world made picrel into a banner and then spammed the banner voting


Ebaumsworld didnt make that banner retard






I screenshotted some 4chon posts, that one was from r9k just for context

Also anyone remember I made this thread and people edited the image?




File: 1673207237733.png 18.45 KB, 858x622, firefox_v2l7vnzieN.png

anyone remember this guy who got his mum to cut his hair?

Ugh file too big, i must link



File: 1673207368560.png 238.19 KB, 515x456, 167320728429483543.png


File: 1673208074439.jpg 17.71 KB, 500x333, thank face bird.jpg



internet archeology







File: 1673209798498.gif 580.29 KB, 220x319, bird-birds.gif

Have a (you)!


File: 1673210111345.png 206.46 KB, 350x500, phantasm 4chon.png

*wonder years music starts to play*

Yeah looking back on some of these posts sure fills me with a kind of mix between a joyful and a heavy heart. Sad that it ended up going, but grateful for the good times, times that can't always last but doesnt mean you can't have other good times. I know I did.



granny's spoons



File: 1673210836195.gif 1.63 MB, 220x165, birds-owls.gif


what's this place like then? i've only just got here really

fucking post looks automated be gone!


File: 1673210984721.jpg 41.44 KB, 500x452, 1673142202014777.jpg

People think I'm a robot but I'm a flesh, bleeding, breathing human being- STOP IT!!!


if youre not a roboat how come your post make no sens?


Have a (you)!


HAVE ANOTHER (you)!!!!


File: 1673225266052.jpg 34.94 KB, 540x365, mooot.jpg


Moots mom is not a MILF! :(


I'm still here lmoa, just too busy wagecucking and spending time with my gf to pump out dank OC maymay joke pictures for my chon bros.




I have broken wind again


hey how you been?

4chon gallery telegram channel




excellent contribution



Same here, minus the gf thing; haven't made an OC in a long time. Waging really do be taking sh*t out of a n*gga smgdh


File: 1673478482645.png 145.42 KB, 471x400, hello frog feel.png

i love you all very much

remember there is a 4chon telegram channel and group


Thanks, Giraf; good to see you again fella



File: 1673480707990.png 199.92 KB, 800x800, giraffe is sandPNG.png

Not gonna lie, /meta/ was often my favourite board where i posted the most

i think looking back, i may have been a shitposter




















i need this










File: 1673483306279.png Spoiler Image, 1.28 MB, 1440x972, Screenshot_20230111-182801.png








File: 1673483610824.png Spoiler Image, 1.08 MB, 1440x1643, Screenshot_20230111-183310.png




File: 1673483822999.gif 240.24 KB, 354x267, 167347585711899092.gif


























File: 1673485346791.mp4 1.5 MB, 640x480, 4chon lion.mp4

Does any mirror of Super STI 64 still exist?
There was video on youtube of 2 spics called 'jose shows me 4chon' trying to get past it an use 4chon, but they sperg out when they see the star of david and close the window le moa.
Also, there was a video on liveleak (rib) called 4chon lion with a load of pictrues of stee edited into early syrian war footage that had some kind of bug that only let the first 20 seconds or so download properly, so I could never grab the whole thing before the site went down. The song was a banger and I could never find it in any syrian music comps.





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File: 1673486321309.png 358.85 KB, 1962x672, maurice rip.png


oh yeah, you did make that one lol. Been too long to remember all this shit.


Heh this is great

/meta/ was genuine fun

I remember you giraf. I remember mumuplayer


Do you have a cap of that apology email the owner of mumu sent out before it went down with cum all over his face?
I remember funfriend or redx showing it before the awful exile to other music/video playlist platforms began.



Much love :)


Nope. Beyond my memory or what I have salvaged


File: 1673501000450.png 147.2 KB, 536x736, typical paultard.png


File: 1673632844861.png 93.46 KB, 439x311, 1442126314590.png

There was some local news article up years ago mentioning an asian student at a university posting pro-nazi propaganda around campus or something.
I think we managed to all but confirm it was towelface lol


It was. I wonder what that n*BBa is doing these days... Last time I checked, he was selling vintage clothing on eBay and spamming pro-Russia memes on Discord.


How long ago was that?




Around November I think.


It's always good to know that chonners- in the year 2023 -have not succumbed to -THE CHON CURSE -and push forward!!!!


Shut the hell up nigga


File: 1673643874616.jpg Spoiler Image, 55.16 KB, 800x600, 1673640993022924.jpg

I hope smiley kills himself.


I hope you kill yourself


File: 1673649343624.jpg 122.3 KB, 960x639, 1673635430676816.jpg

Have a (you).


File: 1673840007012.png 133.98 KB, 253x223, stees_cock.png

Does anybody remember the 'Don't tell mom'/'Weed Dad' meme?
It was literally just a shitty drawing of a middle aged man with red eyes and a spliff with "Don't tell mom" in text somewhere.
I remember it existing but I have no evidence to back it up. It felt like it could have been a chon original that never gained traction elsewhere and faded away with the site. Maybe redx drew it?
Any leads, lads?


I do not recall such a thing existing. Thank god tbh.


I'll post it tomorrow, around this time. I'm pretty sure I know what you're talking about but I don't have it on this computer


I feel like I would remember that but it doesn't ring a bell.


fun reminder that 4chan pass was a dystopian meme for about a decade before it became part of our dystopian reality


Shut up brainlet


And retards have been happy to pay for over a decade.
>trust me goy, my website with millions of users doesn't make any money!









Lmao. He probably scribbled IT'S OKAY TO BE H'WHITE!


It was "Stop the boats, keep Europe h'wite".
>oh gawd, what horrah!




File: 1673929697654.jpg 44.31 KB, 554x554, 1673833454224905.jpg

Thnx for the sauce, fren!













File: 1673969963122.gif 390.4 KB, 354x354, ezgif-3-14ac104db3.gif


Lmao did he write it in chalk?





Not old but chon related nonetheless


Is this grassclacker65 from club penguin online roll




File: 1674315366790.jpeg 67.08 KB, 427x519, 1674315136519.jpeg


File: 1674358379951.jpeg 67.08 KB, 427x519, 1674333528736.jpeg


tits or gtfo





The chon is waiting.


Even his cartoon depiction has foetal alcohol syndrome


I hope it's not on giraffes hard drive.


Rest easy on the other side giraffe but...the list.


its giraf you retards

what happened to bestonian anyway


It's not my fault that he couldn't spell giraffe🦒


found a video of smiley


shit site bump out goblinsaga thread


why are you copying my posts?


suck this arschhole copycat


Ching chong bing bong


File: 1730577416315.jpeg 81.51 KB, 312x559, IMG_0244.jpeg

I shooped most of those.

Tagechan? remember the epic Thor! thread?

I remember this but I didn't draw it. I have no drawing skillz but did a lot of shoops back in the day.

I still have this on my laptop somewhere.


Old ass post, but was it either of these?


someone archive this thread


Can't believe he's gone brehs


I forgot that LOL.




Dis is a good bread.


Nah, but thanks for vintage countersignal maymays


does anyone have old tinychat caps?


File: 1730941934040.png 77.23 KB, 1488x1488, steedick.png

>open thread
>stee_dick.jpg nowhere to be found
>stee_dick.jpg special 10th anniversary commemorative png edition nowhere to be found
>close thread
you are all newfags and cancer


thanks for the memories



it's seisatsu you newfag


seisatsu = sti


seisatsu wasn't sti you retard




File: 1731009283188.png 454.67 KB, 377x559, rA9NsAwQSjdU.png



Steesatsu openly admits that he was STI, go on uboachan and ask him yourself


STI was Australian, seisatsu is American, bait more


Seisatu is also Australian. Two Australian...4, 5, 6-oh this is an Australian website?


if you were there in the IRC and you saw STI and seisatsu both chatting then you'd know they are different people, just take the L


File: 1731169017763.png 292.81 KB, 1663x2489, 1422491097997-1.png


People who pine for old 4chon conveniently forget that bullshit like this was commonplace. Every few weeks there was a similar "mod leak" in /meta/ where people showed off just much the admins of the website hated the userbase.

We should be grateful for hdv.


Stee and IRC were like Satan his legion of demons. An unholy pit of hell where the negligent dark lord dwelled surrounded by resentful, manipulative cackling devils. Completely disconnected from the heavenly realm of 4chon itself


melodramatic, but accurate.


did you even read the pic? seisatsu and STI are both mentioned separately you dumb cunt.


also this is the link mentioned



here you go retard


They're literally the same person. Hsargz is clearly misinformed. You'll notice he also thinks smiley is a good kid, rather than the rather disgusting person he really is.


shut the fuck up you retard


You're the retard Avid, for believing the carefully crafted lie by known troll STEE that he would share power on his shitty donation scam website.


If it helps, I have spoken to STI once back in 2012 and seen him on tinychat and he is not seisatsu.


is yet more confirmation that >>92987 >>92941 >>92861 is a fucking retard


What does phantasm have to gain by perpetrating this lie...

Could it be, that phantasm is steesetsu!?!?


>>93122 (checked)
dubs confirm; phantasm, stee, seisatsu, avid, HDV and liberal feline are all the same person wearing different colored panties




your trolls are shit


those are screen caps of someone who was stupid enough to become a 4chon mod, a very gullible and low iq individual, they could never even figure out when I was ban evading. thats why it was so easy for steesatsu to trick them into believing that 'STI' was a real person not just a new nickname. steesatsu invented the STI character because he stupidly dox'd himself shortly before 4chon formally opened for business (because he thought he was going to open a software business selling imageboard software lmoao) and so he did want it to seem like he was personally responsible for 4chon, so he invented "STI" to lay the blame on.


>they could never even figure out when I was ban evading
Heh is that you imageboard terrorist?


so much nostalgia in this thread. fug


File: 1735854637638.jpg 52.5 KB, 640x727, 1735852342054611.jpg


File: 1741240301672-0.jpg 79.28 KB, 717x325, 1361409877734.jpg

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File: 1741240442368-0.jpg 19.83 KB, 300x100, 1385396060391.jpg

File: 1741240442368-1.png 23.69 KB, 300x100, banner.php.png

File: 1741240442368-2.jpg 22.75 KB, 300x100, ffsc1.2.jpg

rip stormchan
rip dievas
rip bews


did hdv draw that slapper man?


File: 1741240562316-0.jpg 266.65 KB, 800x869, 1384394723333.jpg

File: 1741240562316-1.png 944.55 KB, 900x900, 1360686190960.png

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File: 1741240704545-2.png 706.43 KB, 740x599, pH8xK.png

File: 1741240704545-3.jpg 86.79 KB, 384x500, 1389306071279.jpg

That's a good question. I have no idea. I'll tell you what, it really does pain me that all my truly good stuff was lost on a different laptop incident years ago. So much more lost to time.


I've got Olm and Dievas' faces but I'm not wholly sure how welcomed that would be received.


Don't post people's personal information here, even if they don't use the board anymore.


Even smiley's face is in poor taste imo, despite it being a meme at this point.


I figured as much. In the same vein, I used to have a screencap of right before Stormchan went down and Dievas was asking for money for a trip with his sick mom. Some kind of kickstarter. But that seems to be completely lost now.


>Even smiley's face is in poor taste


Giraffe was supposed to dig up smileys list off his hard drive but now....


Isn't he dead?


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