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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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How would you reinstate monogamy culture and end hook up culture if you could/wanted to?


Make arranged marriage the standard.


By fart an shit pant




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Seethe more, chud.


Monogamy for women polygamy for men.


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thats some cringe shit


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Based soy harem


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Maybe it's a you problem.


Well if I can't trust rich kikes like Dennis Prager, who can I trust?


imagine the smell


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shut-up fgt


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They are based tho.


State mandated mass homosexuality. The sexual market value of women would collapse overnight.


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I for one, welcome this word!


Well that's why people think artificial wombs and sex bots will do it but I for one don't think that's the case because men have a lack of intimacy.


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>lack of intimacy
I agree!


A sex bot is just an onahole, except more expensive. It will only ever be attractive to a small percentage of the population. That is, extremely rich STEM incels.

Meanwhile with a boyfriend you can have all the intimacy you want and it's free. Women will screech in horror as their circle of beta orbiters transform into femboy bottoms and they have to bring something to the dating table other than their stinky vagina.


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I for one-welcome this BRAVE-NEW-HOMO-WORLD!!!!


Im having a shit rn Nd it smells


Test tube babies are already all fucked up and unhealthy, imagine how much worse it would be with something like that.


I fart and my pants get shitted


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That's their names because that's what they called each other. Yep.



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Not really.

They appear underage.


make the Bible the law of the land


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>law of the land


In most places it is, and look what its done


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Slip into a coma


Slip into your eternal butthur-OH WAIT! YOU ALREADY HAVE!;;


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>I was a 42-year-old sugar baby who asked for $500 per date. I sought sexual fulfillment after my divorce and I was happy to be spoiled, too.
>• Emme Witt, 49, is a writer in Los Angeles who tried sugar dating when she was 42.
>• She met her first sugar daddy on "Seeking Arrangement" and went on to date many others.
>• Her expected gift was $500, and relationships progressed to anywhere from conversation to intimacy.

Prostitution is now called "sugar dating"


Thats a pretty old term but typically the sugar baby is like 18 not 40.


The bible has done more harm than good


Cis women are pretty terrible. I support troons on this one.


why? troons rape kids


Women do too. What's your point?

Who do you think pushes kids into "gender reaffirming surgery" and shit like that?


troons have gained a reputation for it though


you are gay fag go suck deth


your buns are iffy anyway


break your own brioche then whoresuck


youre are family, zebrachin


Holy cringe. Imagine teaching Asian men how to approach White women and apparantly having one take home a 6ft White virgin. Thankfully he's just some grifter and its either fake or exaggerated.


These 5/10 guys are just conmen. I wonder if zoomers fall for this bullshit. His physiognomy says everything




didnt this guy set up a dono goal for a 'trip to vegan pride events' and used the money instead for a hair transplant?


i wonder what its like to take youtube videos at face value while drooling at the phone

this shit is even easier to produce and has more memetic potential yielding more money than than the fake antique restorations or "natural concrete" habitats


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I h'wonda h'wat its like to be butthurt LOL


those women are getting reamed on the side 100%, theyre just with those monsters for their money, the gook especially

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