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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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'YoU ArE nOt EnTiTlEd tO SeX'

Bodycount Americans seriously be out here just missing the point over just how emotionally abusive this is.


If those two aren't sexually compatible...they should breakup.


either this is another fake story (thought up, or ChatGPT-generated), this 23 yr old is extremely naive, or he's just mentally retarded (under <90 IQ). the moment your "gf" starts talking about any of her exes, especially anything sexual, is the moment you should either immediately ghost her afterwards or if you still enjoy having sex with her to no longer treat her as a "gf" (no more exclusivity/monogamy/romance) and start seeing other women (kinda like interviewing / job-hopping). if she's going to disrespect you then you either dump her or disrespect her back


Bluepilled. You can date women who have exes yes, but not marry. I'm trying to date now just because there are so few marriageable women.


where'd i say anything about marriage or dating (aka fucking). and unless you zoomers redefined words recently, the term girlfriend implies a monogamous relationship, which the OP in phagtasm's reddit screenshot has stated.


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I would really like to marry, dating and sex etc otherwise is degenerate. Met a 10/10 Swede at the beach the other day but she was too old (23-24) and not a virgin.


how old r u


Early 30s


Based, but you're looking for unicorns here.


wat do u prioritize most in a mate? cant have everything


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I must have everything


You will find her and get her. I believe in you.


Thanks, the Swedish woman said that too. I should've kissed her on the cheek when I left.


If you kissed her on the cheek... you could have caught aids.


All of that's exhausting and immature. I don't know how a person could keep up THE ACT if they loathed someone. Breaking up is the best solution.


ya ur rite bout the exhausting part i wouldn't do it myself and have little patience for dat kinda drama. but my point is a hoe who starts talking like a hoe to her "bf" (whom she's probly already cheating on if shes already complaining about the sex like in the OP, which i still lean towards it being a fake cuckold's fantasy story / ragebait tbh) shouldn't be surprised if she gets treated like a hoe back


>start treating wife like a human being that has a soul
>she gets mad at me

Marriage in 2023 ZOG is like being locked in a cage with a mountain lion


If you treat people like they're on your level, they get uppity. Treat them like kids and they respect you more. For example if someone brings something up, you could insinuate that you respect their intelligence by trying to discuss the finer points, only to get "why do you care so much?" In response. Meanwhile if you just give them the equivalent of saying, "WOW, THAT'S SUPER COOL, BUDDY!", then they put more trust in you and tend to agree with your ideas as a consequence anyway. What did Mr. God mean by this quirk in humanity?


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You're absolutely correct. 90% of humans want to be treated like children

>What did Mr. God mean by this quirk in humanity?

I doubt this was a feature of our ancestors 2000+ years ago. Humans have been domesticated (neotonized). Redditor types are apex domesticated
>no reproduction
>obsessed with toys and media
>work their entire lives away as menial cogs in the machine

If you look at this chart, a St Bernard never develops past the state of adolescence. Same with most humans now. Jews domesticated our tribe


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Hilarious. Apex rat utopia


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Did Men Own Women?
by Linda Scott


>Across human history, women have been “married” to men without their consent, usually by their father, for a price. In the hunter-gatherer groups, “wives” are shared freely among men, to pay a debt, negotiate a truce, resolve a spat, or simply for entertainment.

>The desire to control female sexuality emerged as men found ways to hold women captive and wrote laws that exacted punishment if another man encroached. Most societies in world history have been polygamous and men consistently have used the number and beauty of their wives to communicate status to other males. This kind of male behavior is indeed all about competition—but not to win the affections of women and thereby get more of their genes into the pool. Because women were mated against their will, the usual evolutionary rationale that whatever characteristics we observe in a species are there because that's what the females like can't be claimed for humans.

>You can see the legal machinery for women's subordination and exclusion emerging in the first legal codes. You can also see the same customary practices in ancient, preliterate scriptures like the Old Testament as well as later spoken sagas like the old Norse tales.

>In these historical cultures, women were usually held in captivity, first by their fathers to ensure their virginity would bring a high price in trade, and then by their husbands to guard exclusive sexual rights over them. The earliest law code we have, the Code of Ur-Nammu, enumerates rules protecting fathers’ economic rights to sell daughters. There is even a schedule of fines for violating various classes of women—essentially a price list.

>When women were first veiled, it was as a marker to show that a particular woman “belonged” to a man. You can trace the veils and seclusion, which have been common on all continents, because they moved around the world through trade and conquest.

>The true test of ownership is whether you can sell, destroy, mortgage, or give away a property. In the earliest laws, fathers had the right to sell their daughters, as well as to kill them if they were raped (because they are no good after that) or chose to have sex with another man. “Honor killings” have apparently been with us for thousands of years. Husbands could trade away, sell, or “set aside” a wife at will, as well as beat her or permanently disfigure her for the smallest infraction. It was virtually impossible, however, for a woman to get a divorce.

>Once you understand that this is what happened, you can’t help but see it in everything from history books to fairy tales. In history, kings trade daughters to cement alliances with distant enemies; neither the historian nor the reader pauses to contemplate what it meant to be sent away to sleep with your family's mortal enemy. Or we airily read a fairy story where the king keeps his daughter in a tower until a prince can “win” her hand in marriage.

>Stop and think about that.

>Women have consistently been required to turn over money or assets (usually in the form of a dowry) to their husbands, including in the Western nations up until at least the opening of the 20th century. Women have been barred from the financial system practically since it was invented, so even if they got a little cash, they could only save in bits and in secret. The enforced poverty—no ownership, no income, no cash, no savings—among women, even when they had rich husbands, held them in place as effectively as the walls and screens around them.

>There are architectural relics, all around the world, that were once prisons for women. Some are ornate like the Hawa Mahal, pictured above. Some are austere, like the convents of Europe. All of them have been sentimentalized to a degree that we no longer sense the cruelty of their purpose. But imagine this: one of your neighbors is keeping his wife and daughters inside 24/7, with the drapes drawn, never even allowing them to talk to anyone else. Do you smile, thinking how well he is protecting their respectability? Or do you call the police? In the 21st century, we see this kind of forced isolation as abuse—why do we think the women of the past were not damaged by it?

>The solution came as I traced the emergence of an ethic that held husbands and wives should love each other. This idea grew out of the Reformation in Europe and eventually transformed both marriage and the economic position of women in it. In the end, it was this idea that marriage is meant to be a relationship between loving partners, instead of an abusive arrangement between master and slave, that set us on a path toward gender equality.

>Women’s economic exclusion as we see it today, even in the developed nations, is actually an extension of a whole system of practices that deemed them property, not persons—and, in the West, the final demise of that system only came in the last fifty years. It didn’t happen that way in the rest of the world, which is why today’s campaigns to let daughters choose their own husbands are so important. Having been nose-to-nose with the selling of daughters myself, I cannot emphasize enough how cruel and destructive this practice is, nor how totally it is accepted. These things should never have been romanticized.

Great article written by a feminist. Apparently I'm supposed to be disgusted by these post-hunter-gatherer norms though. They sound pretty logical and based if you ask me.


>In the hunter-gatherer groups, “wives” are shared freely among men, to pay a debt, negotiate a truce, resolve a spat, or simply for entertainment
Intellectually interesting

>But imagine this: one of your neighbors is keeping his wife and daughters inside 24/7, with the drapes drawn, never even allowing them to talk to anyone else. Do you smile, thinking how well he is protecting their respectability? Or do you call the police?

<go to buy Egyptian Fayoumi chickens from some farm
<a light brown teenage kid lets me in through the gate
<he has a Muslim name
<meeting goes excellently and he gives me a good deal on chickens
<his son is the best behaved young man I've ever seen
<drive home
<realize I never saw the mom
<it's because she's too sacred


Fuggin' hell we need that system back so bad


Somebody needs to beat this whore.


The degenerate simps on plebbit are mad and coping with "S-she'll get kidnapped by someone! Karma is a bitch! Just you wait!"



Depends on the country. Not like foids getting killed while vacationing in shitholes is anything new.


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/pol/'s and Ramzpaul's favorite online personality "trad waifu", "Qween", redhead sweetheart "JustPearlyThings" who "redpills" about women, dating, etc. says she's "mainly dated black men"



that's very multipolar


I have NO IDEAA whomst SHE(?) issss


if you are aging psychotic american woman (who probably is a pathological liar and drug addict irl) you can just recite /pol/ posts on twitter and yt and simps will give u money i dunno, just make sure your on camera doing so

if you are male, you can probably hire one woman or more to that for you


TAHT is CRINGE!!!!!!


Lord why do i visit this Site of a Transwoman(?) Rambling about Sex and feces, black death and TB contemplate to this


My tactix Just ignore


Theres a beautiful middle aged women drinking Herself to death at my train Station i Love her and say hello every time but next time i will Drink with her



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How are you going to join the army, kill people, and then be such a bitch that you don't kill a whore when she pulls this bullshit?


Almost all US soldiers have never killed anyone or even seen any of their enemies.

This guy had a job that was less eventful than a security guard.
>Kevin worked in "patriot missile defense" while serving in South Korea, his obituary stated.


Good morning I hate women.


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Can you fix her?


Women need dick though which is weird because its kind of just a phallus shaped thing but for some reason women like it so much more than dildos so whatever




The only way to fix a woman is to kill her.


>Impregnate self using your own bone marrow


men need pocketholes though which is weird because its kind of just a pockethole shaped thing but for some reason men like it so much more than plastic pocketholes so whatever


Kill her with kindness. She has a trauma response to men because of abuse and now she's schizo.


Yep. lol. How's your own test tube bone marrow baby doing?


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lmao, Andre does not approve

You Lost It, Brother: Hulk Hogan Marrying Used Up 45-Year-Old Single Mother


Hulk Hogan is marrying a 45-year-old woman with three kids?

Maybe I should just fucking kill myself?

>The WWE legend, 69, has announced that he’s engaged to girlfriend Sky Daily, 45, at her best friend’s wedding over the weekend.

This is the most humiliating shit I’ve ever seen in my life.

Here’s the deal with women – they have two purposes:
• Fucking
• Producing progeny

These purposes, obviously, are closely related, because the definition of a woman is “a useless and demonic mass of flesh that surrounds a very valuable gooey hole.”

Because that is what this is all about: mommy.

That is what the Hulkster wants. He wants a mommy.

Men, who are broken, need this approval of women, because they are attached to the relationship they had with mommy. They need a woman running their lives, because they never understood what it means to be a man.

You have to get over your mommy. You have to get over the need for a woman. You do not need a woman. Women only offer two things. That’s it. Nothing about your life will be better with a woman in it. They can’t even cook – that is an absolute myth. Everything they supposedly can do – cleaning and… well, and sex – you can pay someone to do for you with all the money you can make while you’re not wasting time dealing with women.


He could do better tbh.


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I am not a homosexual like Anglin though. I can't imagine being such a closet faggot that I start fantasizing about utilizing fucked up soyence for ways to birth children without women like some weirdo tranny. That nigger needs ro reexamine his life.


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He so gay lmao you're 100% right


Hulk Hogan is a geriatric divorcee that practices cuckoldry and sued a website for exposing it. Unironically a single mother of 45 is too good for him.


Is this Nigel?


Nothing wrong with a guy having a kinky sex life, even if you don't like his particular fetish. Hulk didn't nothing wrong.


Dudes 25 years older than her how is she his mommy you tard lmao



People should sue globohomo rags more often, and from what I remember, in the leaked audio he was talking about he didn't like his daughter dating niggers, and that if she was going to date niggers it should at least be a famous nigger, or something to that effect, while having nothing to do with being a cuck.


That butt-beaker full of facts didn't go down so well.


Obviously a real fleshy, silky, moist warm vagina feels better than plastic... Retard!


he was in bed with another man's wife while saying all that. the camera was there to make cuck porn but the cuck and hotwife decided to use the racist comments as blackmail; when he refused to pay up they sold the footage to gawker


I'm so butthurt, I want to read the comments and comment myself but I still don't have a Twitter acc. If someone can find me a burner email, paid or free, and/or a burner number if needed, I'll send you $200 in the crypto of ur choice.

And this shit is ridiculously hard to get in Aus, I went to a supermarket and bought 3 differen't $2 SIMS and they all needed me to supply my address or something to set up a number and/or add credit.



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And then, forty years later, this stupid whore is old, miserable, and alone with nothing to show for it except maybe a wealthy husband who's never home because he's too busy fucking women fifty years younger than her.


She must be lip syncing. There's no way I believe that's her actual voice. It all looks so mimed.


>It all looks so mimed.
Audio is off-sync by like 0.1s. You have OCD like me.


Please be trevor moore who faked his death to retire and quietly rase a family while releasing new stuff from beyond the grave by twkyk going into their "vault" and "reworking" "old" "unfinished" "projects".


stupid blowjob whore is seething so hard lol
maybe drink less cum, babe.


>complaining about entitlement
lol lmao


learn to spell

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