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Here I am looking for a new job and once more wondering how it is some places get away with making people work for twelve hours shifts. I honestly don't understand how that's legal or how anybody lowers themselves to being abused like that.


12 hour shifts are fine as long as you only have three and a half workdays I guess


The fuck? Get a job you god damned commie. Sometimes you gotta work hard and long in life you sheltered child. 🙄


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I’m sure the overwhelming majority will suicide well before they reach 75 either intentionally or unintentionally due to degenerate coping lifestyle


Dunno how you can have no property. I am 23 and already have 42 acres. I kinda stupidly paid off my 3.25% 30 year mortgage a month ago in the first two years.

I can't understand how someone can not have property at that age short of being clinically retarded.


Whoops, I forgot 8 acres of hunting land I inherited from father.


>just be rich bro, it's not that hard



A mortgage is cheaper than rent. The fact of the matter is you're a broke nigger, or a bad goy with poor credit. Which is fair enough, but people claiming houses aren't realistically affordable are just wrong. Just don't be like me, and make sure you like where you actually live.


Or you know, just buy another house in a different part of the country that has tax benefits to claim residency. I am a Florida resident even though I normally live in Maryland or our bungalow on Kauai. Also zone your land agricultural. Saves on taxes.


Thinking about buying some land in Japan next time I go over there though. Lots of abandoned rural buildings with alotvof history for dirt cheap because of population decline and other factors.


I'd be in on starting a little community in the abandoned Japanese country side. That sounds very comfy.


That's the same shit loop that is can't get a job due to them requiring experience when you can get any experience. Same applies with credit. FUCK CRAPITALISM!!!


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If you want people to lend you money, you have to convince/prove to them first you are worthy and a upstanding citizen that will repay the principal and interest.

Are you literally in 5th grade? Cause that's when people at the latest learn basic principals like this. Get a shit credit card, pay it off on time, get a high risk loan, pay it off and over time you will get a better credit score with less interest and better conditions.

Don't blame us that you didn't get a credit card at 16, never spent beyond our means or neglected our financial obligations. That's all on you. :)


He's right, credit is bullshit. Rich people don't even have to play this stupid game. The entire system is a catch 22 of needing money to make money. The rich get bigger loans, then get rewarded for being financially irresponsible. Their resume is full of companies that they bankrupt, but they still get put in executive roles just because they have a lot of money. Banks will still give them loans too just because they have a lot of money, even if enriching themselves resulted in everything they touched going to shit, because after all the creditors are the first to get paid out when a company gets liquidated after going bust. So what am I get at here? I believe credit is basically just gate keeping and banks have double-standards, since any retard could do what all these billionaires do if banks gave them a large loan initially.


We are just coming off of a time when mortgage loan interest rates were 2-3% that's pretty much giving you money for nearly nothing. It hurts them when inflation is so high. Sure rates are a bit rightfully higher now but it still isn't bad.

As for anyone can do what an executive can do, I can't agree with that so much. Having capital lets making mistakes more forgiving and people take more chances and invest in things that one with no money couldn't do. That's risk. Rich people also make mistakes and lose alot as well.

Lately things have really been good for poorer people because of our current commie lib government. If we keep going this way, it will destroy us.


>Having capital lets making mistakes more forgiving and people take more chances and invest in things that one with no money couldn't do. That's risk. Rich people also make mistakes and lose alot as well.
Only the LLC loses anything and only the investors get fucked, the 'genius entrepreneur' only stands to gain by abusing loans. Nobody is ever going to go after their personal assets. There is absolutely no risk for them. They're not going to end up broke. They get free money to fuck around in practice. Let's say I was given a loan and I bought a software company: if it's making a profit, great, and if not then, "oopsie-poopsie, guys, looks like I gotta file chapter 11 bankruptcy". I was of course giving myself an enormous salary the whole time, and lawyers work out terms with the creditors. Poof, like magic, free money, and I can do it again over and over. It is what it is, but the people who actually need a loan the most have to build everything up slowly, brick by brick, while the people who are already rich have cash thrown at them willy-nilly, regardless of their track record.



Oh! Yeah now we are talking about a different thing entirely. Yes, if you are convincing/cunning enough that you can get investors, you're gold. That's a skill and intelligence in and of itself.


Either starting an IPO or buying an existing business doesn't seem like rocket science, but you don't need investors to pull something like this off. Granted, without them, it theoretically puts you at potential risk, but you'd have to royally screw something up to see any consequences. You are still playing with the creditor's money, you can still work out favorable terms if you go bankrupt, and as long as you retain enough value during restructuring, none of your private assets will get touched, including anything you've made from the LLC. It still costs you, 'the genius entrepreneur', nothing. You basically just sell back what you bought with your lender's money, keep any cash it generated, and you get to pad your resume as a genius entrepreneur. And this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the options you have with enough start-up cash. Something not afforded to the plebs, because net-worth > credit score. Leftycucks used to have this talking point, which they have ceased using for a long time in favor of gay shit, "corporations aren't people", and I didn't understand what made them so butthurt about treating corporations as a distinct entity back in the day. I suppose this is why. They saw these wealthy conservative types preach financial responsibly, while they're never punished for being financially irresponsible and gaming the system.


Nigger, have you ever heard of paragraph breaks?



It didn't look so bad when I was typing it. Also, blame years of faggots crying about "reddit spacing" in every single thread for my lack of care to make text readable.


There are two kinds of jobs: abstract jobs and concrete jobs

Abstract jobs are "fake" jobs, as they are commonly called. But whereas most criticism of these jobs approach from a 'marxist' perspective, suggesting the market generates these jobs for no reason other than to keep people working, I'd say these jobs serve a purpose as a sort of marker between the in-group and the out-group, the in-group consisting of those who perpetuate the virtues, dogmas, and belief systems of the established order, whereas the out-group are those who do not. The in-group will thus consist of extroverts, POCs, women, and an assortment of subcultures or beliefs that congeal to create the status quo. The out-group will consist of those who pose a threat to the status quo or might undermine the belief system on which the current status quo is established, this group consists mostly of defeated males. For example, you will never give an HR job or a marketing job to an awkward white male for the simple reason that he is outside the in-group, he is not "one of them"; these jobs are essentially rewards for upholding the moorings of the establishment. Defeated males' only hope are concrete jobs where the output, not the individual, is important. These jobs could be engineering, programming, construction, mining etc. In these concrete jobs, the defeated male earns his keep not because of who he is, but despite who he is; he is tolerated because he is a necessity. The symmetry between the salary and the work load is symmetrical in concrete jobs, whereas in abstract jobs it's asymmetrical.


Sounds accurate.


Sounds like someone who’s never truly worked a day in his life


God, I wish.


What would you suggest to an autistic Hikki/NEET who masturbates most of the day to make 4 times the amount of minimum wage working only 20 hours a week?


I would suggest they get a real job. Fix their lives. Seek God and make meaningful relationships. They should try nofap.


>A real job
...with paystubs I presume.
>Fix their lives
..if only it were that easy.
>make meaningful relationships


If you make money as a NEET put part of it into blue chip, high-dividend stock to slowly increase your over-all income, with an emphasis on "slow'. And actually, if you make money as a NEET there are all kinds of riskier investments you can afford to make, assuming you live with your parents and are getting government bux, that is. I suggest getting a new hobby to focus your time on too. Working out is an easy one to get into if you don't already.


I read this in Patrick Bateman's voice.


Jobs are bad, simple as.


The job I was suppose to start Monday is in limbo for some reason. I thought I could get an easy temp job for a bit, but for some reason this place has spent a week dragging its feet. I've had to call in to know what was going on, and today, when I was suppose to be confirmed in, the case worker wasn't even in for the day. This has never happened. I should have the job but this shit is making me a bit anxious. A week I could've been filling out applications, wasted, because what should have been a sure thing is being sketchy as hell.


If a jobs in limbo... that means you didn't get the job.

>Me the expert job hunter whomst never gets hired.


>I should have the job but this shit is making me a bit anxious. A week I could've been filling out applications, wasted, because what should have been a sure thing is being sketchy as hell.
there's no such thing as sure thing when there are zero consequences/disincentives for them flaking out on you.


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I've gotten with temp agencies before. This is the first time I've experienced this.


I am a professional job hunter and never getting hired professional. I know h'what I am talking about.


unsticcy de sticcy wen


The sticcy hold powah of ur & othas butthurt.



Baby talk nonce


That cat is up to something


this and based



No he isn't. Pay no attention to that cat.


You and that cat can't fool the chon!


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Happy caturday!


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Jewmp will lose the election if he stubbornly stays in his circlejerk instead of going back to twitter


He doesn’t stand a chance


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This was a good thread. RIP Red Mage.



Was this Red's last post? Could be worse tbh. RIP Red mage. Pouring one out for ya.


>Was this Red's last post?
No, this was:


Huh, I see. Broke ass nigga. Least he appears to have a car to live in.


My new job coach is a cute Arab, she has nice skin, and the pretty typical cute Arab phenotype (hooked nose, short forehead).

She asked me what my biggest barrier to employment is and I'm thinking "immigration, multiculturalism, feminism"... and gave her some basic bitch answer about how I want somewhere close by.


based retard flag poster


you should've said autism



My recent diagnoses have been depression/anxiety/autism (all three), I don't have depression but I usually score for it on the k10 test, anxiety I've had in the past but not so much recently, though maybe still clinical anxiety, and autism is fake and gay, for most high functioning autistics like me it really just means poor social skills or communication skills. In other words its not me its male disenfranchisement.


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tfw i'm still alive


then who was supposed to be the human sacrifice for the 4chon cult this season?


Maybe the human sacrifices were the friends we made along the way.


Get back on the altar. 4chon needs your blood.


Disregard that I am dead. Avid killed me when I wouldn't indulge his fetish for proper fit lads with huge willies.

As my euology I want forced anon imposed on 4chon forever.


It's a thanksgiving miracle. Red Mage coming at us straight from the soup kitchen.


Forced anon forever? Well fuck me brb gonna go hang myself.


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