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 No.47159[Last 50 Posts]

I turn 33 today, and I am drinking cheap wine and eating knock-off lunchables alone. I believe it was around MLK day when /new/ got deleted, so I've been posting on 4chon since I was 19. Pretty pathetic. I wonder what some of the tripniggers are doing now. I wish LF would give us one more update about his guinea pigs at least.


I thought LF died


You think everyone died.


if only

happy birthday btw


Thanks pal.


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This looks disgusting lol

Happy birthday, I'm also 33, chon syncricity


Yeah. They aren't good.


Happy b-day op.


I suspect you and OP are pretty average for this board

t. older than you


Happy birthday OP. I turned 32 recently myself


wish STEE would make an appearance


Not the worst snack for a dollar.


In a morgue.


I farted and it smells like shit


Happy birthday op! I'll be 33 soon as well.




and I'm 33yrs old.

5 people including myself on the chon in there 30s

>+smiley makes it 6...

and so on....


Make that 6.


You mean 7?


>i was smiley all along


I wonder if there are guys in their 50s still chatting on BBS.



>don't do yourself dirty like that


There are. Same with phpbb forums.



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I'd love an age-range-poll of the chon.


34 reporting in
here since the start




Ok lets start the count. Who here is over 30?



Frosted butts



Where is there to go beyond imageboards? Tiktok is pure cancer



Bro, there is no "beyond". We're at the end of the cosmos. There's only implosion from here.




31 now, turning 32 in April.


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I got so nostalgic reading this. This is from Krauser's book and I swear it kicked up a huge amount of fuss in the manosphere a decade ago. But I can't find it anywhere on the net its been totally scrubbed.


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This nigger charges 7k pounds for 5 days of coaching. I'm actually tempted, he obviously knows his stuff and would get you results quick.



Soz wrong thread can't delete posts


Everything is fine fam. Chill.


i have no interest in tripniggers, i want to know about what the imageboard terrorist is up to. that one guy was more impactful and entertaining than the entire tripfaggot crew combined.


>Imageboard terrorist
There are many.

Which one?


the one mentioned on STI's board for autogynephiliac trannies in this picrel


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Don't do it, faggot.


Damn, what a young man.


delphine is gross but that image is pretty kino


She should have never gotten into porn. She destroyed her career.


it was the only step she could take from where she was


i faryed and it snell of poo


stfu avid we're talking about something you know nothing about women


I would have a beer with one of you niggers in Syd! But I think there's only like 3 of us and would be 2 scared I'd be too identifiable afterwards


Shut up


don't you have some big fat cocks you could be sucking or something?


Im not gay retard


I had some coors recently, nice drink


33 year old reporting in, I'll be 34 next month. A part of me isn't surprised about so many of us in our 30s being here. Where else are there places for us who grew up on web in it's older years that don't want anything to do with the modern web and it's "app" bullshit.


Idk lol


yes you are! now suck OP's dick as a birthday gift


Kill yourself you fucking faggot


I don't think I'd ever go to Australia in the first place, but it would be nice to have someone to drink with again, since it seems like nobody younger than gen x drinks anymore.


i'm ~29.8. ofc i'm not thrilled at all aging, who is, and i never celebrate my birthday (it's an arbitrary thing, i.e. the number of times a rock has done a full revolution around a star since you were ejected out of your mother's vagina, to celebrate anyway), but i'm busy enough with life that i don't have to think about it and not be dramatic about it like smiley right before he hit 30


>never celebrate


damn i just turned 17 and im new to the site


o im 19/m/cali hbu




Oh my science I'm also always in the moment, carefree, self-centered and self-obsessed, and I also want fun, happy vibes, shiny things and boundaries. I'm a woman stuck in a man's body! Reddit, help me fund my dickchop surgery!


Scum like you- don't respect other people's boundaries. You have no boundaries, not for yourself and not for others.




I love to rip ass


Learningcode07 is 40. I know this cuz he's about the same age as my older brother whomst also hates me.


I hope he got clean tbh.



There are plenty of people who are nostalgic over Web 1.0 and pre-2007 internet. This place, 4chon, is unironically a time capsule to those days.

I miss them.


Hurt people-HURT PEOPLE. I understand why he's a cunt because he's hurting but damn, I am so happy that I will never be his punching bag again. Yikes!




>mod ski trips
>people actually believe this

I don't blame them, STI did call me once in 2013 or 2012, at 3 in the fucking morning to go to Crown Casino and do coke with him
On a weekday
When I never gave him any inclination that I do drugs or gamble


...I just realised that was now over a decade ago

What the fuck even is life


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>What the fuck even is life



You didn't want to hang out? You're no fun.


That symbol.

Thanks for ruining things cripple-cock-fattie-no-legs.

God damn. Hotwheels is trying to stay alive cuz he knows hell is going to have a damn good time kicking his ass when he croaks. Satans pitchfork is ready and patiently waiting.


he wanted the D, bro


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Bro I would've had to drive/take a train from suburbia 15 km at 3 am, on a weekday with class at like 9, to go to Crown

I never gave STI my mobile number and now that I think about it I don't think he called me via Skype, I never asked him how he got my number


Are you worried sti is going to feed you Viagra and bill Cosby pills to make you pass out so that he can snort cocaine off your cock and have his way with you?

...if your answer is yes, you should be very afraid.


STI is like that guy that won the lotto at 19, and lost it in a year. One time he showed me a Commonwealth bank statement with 300,000 dollars in it, just randomly, out of the blue. This is likely because he was one of those people who cashed in when Bitcoin was like 10 cents.

It was all blow, and probably hookers. He is in the right place for it, Melbourne is a cesspit.


You're a good writer, fam.


Whats the appeal of cocaine for nerds? Lots of them do it.


It helps normies simulate what it's like to have autism



I did cocaine once fairly recently. It didn't seem like some big deal like I was fearing and expecting. it wasn't really much of anything. Why are boomers and beanwords so obsessed with it? I have basically zero intention of doing it ever again.


Traitor! Apostate! Mutineer! Scoundrel! Get out of my sight!


Did you snort it?



That's because it's pretty much just like you're getting jacked on five cups of coffee or whatever it is. My targeted ads are going to be really interesting now I've searched it up.


Did you do a lot? I've never done the classic stims aside from caffeine ofc


Sorry, I'm getting less risk-averse as I get older I guess. I've been around people who'd done it for many years and I just decided "Oh heck".

Yes, pretty undignified

I don't know, probably the equivalent of a "line" or so heh

Interesting. It's crazy to think that people will spend a lot of money on this kind of thing.


>It's crazy to think that people will spend a lot of money on this kind of thing.

It's not actually that expensive once in awhile but habitual use adds up.


What are you supposed to do on cocaine?




They talk endlessly about fuck all


Did you steal her tarts?


You heard it here first, folks. A mysterious pony-enthusiast says cocaine is a baby drug for little weenies. #LEGALIZE IT! Put it back in soft drinks!


my queen

You absolute degenerate.


G-d I wish that was my POV. Uhm...just kidding though aha
>10 years of my life

Sorry heh


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You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a degenerate. There's no way someone makes it to 30 with a low degeneracy score. It aint happening. Not these days.


Okay, smilesperg.


>t. degenerate


Yes, you are.


I can't wait till that chonner posts your degenerate list smilesperg.


Yes, we are degenerate kindred in this tainted world.


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She's going to be okay. Somebody order her- a box of sex toys, wine, cats, cocai-OOPs


That webm is jokes

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