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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Why does everything have to be rebooted into an amorphous, formless, raceless, androgynous blob?


This is the worst time line. Fuck gamergate.


Tranny's did this.

Remember what they took away from you.


They think it will appeal to amorphous, formless, raceless, androgynous consumers of television.

Boomers in other words.


Boomers and children.

The cycle of life.


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she weighs almost as much as dwarf now


Dwarf is fatter, stupid.


it's gross but it's fairly accurate to how women actually look and act. Old April is how men would like women to be, kind of a pleasant escapist fantasy. The fat toxic homeless-looking karen is how they actually are. Women give zero shits about how they're seen by others because they have a pussy pass to life and don't need to try.


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Here. This (you) is for (you) and it's on the house! ENJOY!


Unfortunately those people are now Gen X. Gen X has evolved into ran through tattooed blobs like boomers before them. Millennials are beginning too. Last year I went to my high school reuinion; everyone looked thoroughly dried out because of the years of drugs, drinking and partying with many people being fatter.


i thought i remember you liking tattooed women


>fat ugly nigger
pick one


Never. A sleeve can be nicely done but nothing is still better.


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>Going to highschool reunions
I've never gone and never will.

Anyway, time is kind to no one and aging is a bitch.


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i fated ander smeler set


good lord


time to split those cheeks nigger


2003 one is best. It was a better time fams.




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whats up with your fixation on children's entertainment?
also you have shit taste in 20th century children's television, adolescent radioactive blackbelt hamsters was a better franchise.
>oh no, the literal kikes in hollywood have fucked up my favorite children's entertainment in order to push their kike political agenda
when has this ever not happened? hollywood spent the last 3/4 of a century making historical films about an event with never transpired.


Excuse me, Street Sharks was the superior badass 90s anthro furry bait show.


>street sharks


Fimally a show with badass masculine characters for us male gym sweaty crotch sniffing sneaker pissing enthusiasts


Shut the hell up dogcunt





Me on the left!!!!

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