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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1681906587926.jpeg 141.41 KB, 1164x1114, E475032F-A4FE-4564-AD95-6F….jpeg


So can you really hold back your cum if you practice a shitload of kegals? How long does it take to master this ability?


They claim you will see results if you consistently do it for two weeks why is it always "two weeks" for everything?, but I've never bothered to do it. The issue is doing kegals in itself makes me want to coom.


>see results in two weeks
What results will manifest in 2 weeks? And 2 weeks of how high intensity workout?

Also I think you might be doing them wrong if they’re making you cum. Don’t see how that should be happening


I don't know. I watched a video about it on youtube and I just did it while I showered. My dick hurt and I wanted to coom.


Probably but it might be dangerous


How so? Semen getting redirected into bladder? can’t you just pee it out later in that situation?


File: 1681927634919.webp 104.46 KB, 1200x1001, kegel-exercise_TantricAcad….webp

In my experience, kegels are valuable because they give one conscious control over the pubococcygeus muscles (PC muscles). This allows direct control over the ejaculation response, meaning one can simply will ejaculation away by performing a reverse kegel

In dire circumstances a strong normal kegel can stop ejaculation but it's possible to never go this far in the first place


>meaning one can simply will ejaculation away by performing a reverse kegel
Explain this more please or provide a resource, this is what I was asking in op


Kegels are the act of squeezing muscle #1 in >>52252

The sensation of doing a kegel is almost identical to stopping a stream of urine part-way into the process of urinating

A reverse kegel on the other hand is almost like the process of peeing

By doing exercises for both of these three times a week for 10-15 minutes you can get the muscle very well developed for sexual purposes. I use the Kegel Trainer Pro app on android


Semen doesnt 100% get transformed into urine i dont think, also for why, I think that too much semen may put pressure on whatever organ handles it


File: 1681932647449.webp 68.66 KB, 1270x2133, Screenshot_20230419-143008.webp

Pic related is hot.


File: 1681935331689.webm 354.42 KB, 326x358, 1681914745882933.webm

Op wants to have big cooms.


>dwarf moist over the prospect of getting an AI generated husbando


File: 1681936151676.webp 226.7 KB, 1440x2668, 1681750693668.webp

Smiley calls everyone that's short a WOMANlett/dwarf/midget OR MANlett/dwarf/midget.

So ummm... It's not a designated nickname or anything.

It's just him being rude.

It's like the equivalent of him calling-EXAMPLE: a black person a nigger/negro. Yep.

The disgust/loathing feeling of being called a slur and dehumanizED is COMPLETELY NATURAL!

That just makes him a bigger asshole for trying to act as if it was some kind of loving nickname... like wow. You scheming evil manipulative jew. Wow.


File: 1681936182630.webp 33.34 KB, 1243x821, Screenshot_20230419-152328.webp



I already do have mega cooms I just want to not get my lady pregnant again right now


Do you suffer from pre-mature ejection?



Just use one of her other holes


I dont pressed the ejector seat button flew out and landed in the road


That can happen when jizzing.


Mr. Tuesday knows what he's talking about!


Mouth isn’t as fun all the time and she won’t let me in her butt


She doesn't love you-if she won't let you fuck her ass, even if only temporarily.



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>Sex sex sex sex sex sex sex sex


control established, stay frosty


We were both into the idea but during the birth of our first son her butthole exploded and she was extremely butthurt until it healed many weeks later. Since then she’s not liked the idea of it and I love her so much I don’t want to hurt her so I don’t want to force her to do something uncomfortable


>I don’t want to force her to do something uncomfortable
Women have been selectively bred to enjoy submission through millions of years of tribal warfare


There is more to submission than just giving up your ass, Avid


Yeah like pretending to be gay online


>her butthole exploded and she was extremely butthurt until it healed many weeks later
ebin :DD
> don’t want to hurt her so I don’t want to force her to do something uncomfortable
you're a good guy
love goes both ways and taking to heart these considerations is exactly what makes love last
don't let anyone tell you otherwise

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