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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.52325[View All]

Smiley calls everyone that's short a...




So ummm... It's not a designated nickname or anything.

It's just him being rude.

It's like the equivalent of him calling-EXAMPLE: a black person a nigger/negro. Yep.

The disgust/loathing feeling of being called a slur and dehumanizED is COMPLETELY NATURAL!

That just makes him a bigger asshole for trying to act as if it was some kind of loving nickname... like wow. You scheming evil manipulative jew. Wow.
102 posts and 39 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


how tall you are you?



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9ft tall and the ultimate chad.


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Fantastic meme. I upvoted and subscribed.


I lol'd ngl


I'm 5"4inches + 1/2inch... but one of my IDs says 5'7" but I am definitely not. Oops.


I personally was never insecure about my height-until heightcells started their PSYOP.


In other words, giants.


It's amazing what shoes can do. Adds height, cool stuff.


Height doesn't matter m8


You're not helping but thanks for trying.


Dwarf has a higher body count than 4chon. 4chon has had four long-term relationships with 4chon.net, 8ch.pl, 8ch.net and now 4chon.me. Women say blowjobs don't count as sex, so we'll leave out forechan.org and endchan.net.


H'what are you trying to say, schizo?


Idk if avid appreciates being called a woman.


You do though


Requesting pics of dwarf


There's pics of hdv floating around.


Okay, avid is a sissy slut.


Learningcode07 is in the archives along with all the other midgets.


Smiley is such an unbelievable shithead.


That's not what I asked


you wish


Do you have any brain cells left?


rather be a 'midget' than a slow unrefined brute anyday


Yes, how else would I type this


Great description of smilesperg tbqh.


Idk with the last five neron synapsis firing off-before you die cuz the rest is all spinal fluid-in your skull. Something like that.


Shut up brainlet




Point proven


You're dumb too.


You're are a gaye




Do your tits bounce floating in air just from breathing like in this vid @ 1:27 too?


Anime is essentially a digital lobotomy


Dear Dale
Your mother is a truck
Your family name is trash

You are a MANLET

and you didn't say anything to me, you fucking drop arse millhouse looking cunt, pull up to the same place tonight and I'll fight you fair and square, honestly though have you seen the fucking STATE of your life, driving around aimlessly with your pizza round LMAO


>If I repeat my catchphrase enough it will become a le chon meme!
Normalfaggotland is calling for you to return.









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What's the smilewiz's current bort? I have a fringepillt question he might know the answer to


Idk but you can contact him



I emailed him a couple times basically asking "sup" and he never responded. He's mostly done with the internet and I think he's invested in his MILF street woman fuckbuddy "Freya" now
You can ask Locnar, he's like a discount smiley but has studied a bit about Hinduism and stuff


Does he lurk here?

Basically my question is what is it called when a greenpillt bitch you just had sex with suddenly recites the name of a woman you've been involved with and asks u if u (still) know her

Like what technique did this witch use to look into my past and get this randomass info and how do u shield urself against these kinds of mind invasions

This shit sent chills down my spine back den, the name in question was rare so the chances of this having been a cohencidence/lucky guess on the cunt's part are extremely low


>Guru Bada bing

I laff at dis


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She's a fed/elitist succubus, she's going to eventually lead you to a house where you're going to be chained up and tortured to death


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