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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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If the DNC nominates this dude and he runs, he will win against Trump; he has the name, being President Kennedy's nephew, and the experience and the more common sense electable takes at least on the dem side.

But they won't do it and the DNC won't nominate him on purpose like Bernie to cuck him.


Have a (you)! Love ya, fam! 💕


even if you ignore the DNC he would have no chance because of his speech impediment, the average amerilard is extremely superficial. you still have a naive faith in (((democracy)))


honestly i think theyed just make him out to be just as bad as trump


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Please internalize this. It's not in the president's power to do much even if they wanted to. A lot of people claim to recognize this, but then a switch flips in their brain every election.


It's cuz of all that mk ultra brainwashing.


It's ridiculous how demonized how orange man is demonized despite having down just about fuck all in the four years he was in office. Bombed Syria, started some parts of a "wall", made a bunch of retarded tweets. Literally nothing changed while he was president. His only purpose was to give a strawman for the two minutes of hate.

>politicians are all liars, don't listen to them
<the politicians claim there's no voter fraud, they're telling the truth
People are stupid.


I genuinely believe there isn't even a point to voter fraud, and that the voter fraud narrative in itself is the psyop in this instance. The problem isn't voter fraud, the problem is the election system itself is so fucked that it's effectively a 2-party state without any need for tampering. Policy isn't contingent on who you vote for. It's not just one guy or one party that's a problem and voting them out isn't going to remedy anything.
>I'm gonna vote Zognal BLUMPF, that'll stop NGOs from hiring lobbyists 24/7 to tell our politicians what bills get introduced. That's what's going to stop PACs from buying politicians off.
If everyone used 1/10th of the energy they used on electoral politics to start their own organizations then maybe they could start playing the game. Everyone gets so worked up and they don't even have a piece on the board.


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>voter fraud
Please internalize this. It's not in the president's power to do much even if they wanted to. A lot of people claim to recognize this, but then a switch flips in their brain every election.


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He's not a complete ignoramus like jewmp or jewden. Too bad he's still a zionist libtard


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He's still a wetback.

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