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I started having girlfriends at 14 and now I'm mid 30s. Is it abnormal for people to start dating this early now? Is this the effect of the zoomer sex apocalypse? I notice this all the time on /pol/ now, Americans have no idea thats its normal for women to have breasts at 12 or 13, letalone 15. So they call this "early puberty". The "she was 17 years old you mother fucker" meme is real in America it seems.


>What are they feeding these 15 year olds
Milk and high fat diets, mostly.


American women usually hit the wall at 17


They peak at 15-16 and hit the wall at 25-26.


I was 8 years old and making out with an older teenage girl and having my penis played with in an elevator. I also that same year got my first boner and attempted to have sex with my step cousin which was unsuccessful until we both were 12. I regularly dated girls from the age 13 onwards. Why is this so strange?


>the 17 year old meme is real in America
buddy, America is kike'd by feminist beyond belief, has been for awhile. The reason why teen pregnancy and marriage is demonized in America is because feminism is the ruling ideology here. It is a gynocracy. The nature preference for young women is seen as "creepy oppressive patriarchial exploitation!" Feminism-Marxism is America. Not coincidentally America also worships niggers.





>marriage demonized
Uh. Maybe cuz a bunch of us come from broken homes. My parents divorced when I was a toddler.


Is it a controversial opinion that 14 is marriage material?


Admitting that IRL is pretty much a death sentence these days.


It seems natural and healthy to me for 6 year olds to be given in wedlock. Am I really this different from conventional normoid society?

The prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, was correct


haha yes I too love Muhammad haha where would you find a six year old wife fellow anon haha




Great fkn dancer


This really needs a swanky country song to go along with it.


I've had a lifetime of touching grass and having sex.

I grew up in a house of women and their friends.

I lived with a woman for nine years.

I have quite literally just had enough. It is not a matter of touching grass or having sex. The opposite. I've had too much of both and I regret it now that I realize how much I overvalued such things.

You might have taken some negativity from my post. But the reality is I'm happier and more free right now than I have ever been.

Part of that might be having more money and less responsibility than I did before. However the fact that I only have to worry about myself and don't have to actually seek out women or sex ironically seems to make having such encounters basically trivial at this point.

Funny how life works like that.

If only I had known when I was 20.


jorshfarms users are trying to grasp some vague secular-reactionary-moralistic framework to frame those who admit 15-17 year olds are sexually active and attractive as pedophiles and probably will start snapping each others necks over that.




Take me in a pants-off-dance-off


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I think women are generally attractive from menarche but why are we so concerned about numbers anyway, they are somewhat arbitrary. I would marry mine off at 16 if I find them a good man by then, but I may also have him live on our land and so on if thats possible.


Wouldn't you be such a hearty pig sucking kike, as not to let me into that?


English please


Able to bleed, able to breed. Simple as. It's not a hill I'm willing to die on, but it is the truth. Hearing about "mental maturity" is funny, considering it's coming from developmentally stunted adults. How do people mature? Experience. Millennials have less life experience than 12 year olds did in the 1920s.



accusing someone else of being A PEDO (she's only 16 u freak) is manifestation of the highest cultural moral highground and execution the strongest most world epic pwnage


Where's the lie?


If we are talking numbers, I don't think I've ever seen an unattractive 13yo girl

Heh I remember so well the times when my mostly all boys school had excursion things to all girls schools. The nervousness and lust was off the charts


Sounds hot. If you have any stories, greentext.


I have stories but they are very tame, I didn't have sex or more than foreplay until 19

Just funny stories like how I saw a girl that I worked with on that particular excursion, and she walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek, and all the Arabs thought I was some slayer and started shaking my hand every morning at school from that day on... LOL!

And the same thing happened when I went on a movie date with a girl, except she decided to bring 3-4 of her friends, so I was at the movies with these 4-5 girls and guys from school see me and thought I was real cool. Meanwhile during the movie I was too scared to even hold the girls hand. I put my hand on the armrest in the theatre, kinda saddled it up next to her so that it was barely touching and wanted to hold it but was too nervous heh


Cute story heh


In my country if you have sex at 14 your woman goes to jail.
Actually being married at 16-18 is good biologically, but you have to supply your family with resources and you usually don't know how to do anything at 16 years old, so most people put off getting married until later.


i saw my first pussy at 2nd year of first school, didnt know what sex was so i just lay on top of the girl, we kissed with a ton of tongue, it was sloppy and looking back quite hilarious at how inept we both were, teacher caught us but luckily didnt see shit, took us back to class, it was one of my first days there


to add, year 2 is 6-7 years old

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