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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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When I was doing DXM the other day I held my breath for a few seconds and my heart rate dropped to zero. Was I on the verge of death? I was so curious lol so I kept trying it and it happened again and again, at least a few times. Fuck me the hallucinations were wild though. Almost unbelievable. Puttitn together a list of films to watch while under this state. Was watching Predadator (the first) and at some point Anrold did something fuck I cant remember lol.


The film was "replaced". I think thats the best way to describe it. Same kind of content just completely different it was awesome. Like different shots of the Predator vision, totally different shots and angles, sometimes actors, lines.


Heavy shit though I don't exactly recommend it lol.


Meed to fugger out hiw to use a trip code


type avid4channer##boxdestroyed in the name field


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youre gonna end up cooked mate


Only one hashtag is needed, not two.


How much dxm you doing m80


Im drinking a gallon of dxm atm.




Stop trying to kill yourself out of curiosity, retard.


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I don't do it every day. That would be SUPER retarded.


I don't want to die yet, keeping in mind I think real death is fake and gay






what a cold as motherfuck



Fake retard



suck my boner, niglet!


fuck i miss doing dxm i loved the closed eye visuals more than anythings... quit months ago


Never done DXM, do you vape it?


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Yes. It's the skin of potatoes, that's smoked. Law enforcement is about to make tater skins illegal. You've been warned.


Tatey skins? Whaaa


Potatoes have skins.


I drank 1000mg DXM and the trip was mild, no afterglow


Does that mean there are Asian potatoes?


what's an afterglow


If y'all want to glow put on some jlo.


i remember this shit lmao


It still exists.


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Literally all the women in my high school wore was this and this Paris hilton one


Oh. I love that scent. It's so good!


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I always just get the powder. Much better than drinking syrup dumb dumbs.


It is pretty nice


I will if yous join the telegram


Pretty sure it's toxic smoked/vaped

There's a 4chon telegram? What is it



Seems like women's products always look like either a dildo or a vag, or in the former, a combination of both


>my girl



the 4chon telegram is a literal sausage fest gayfag hangout, you dont want to visit it


Deleted (my) 2 posts above to keep the discussion about my oneitis on its own page mostly.


Bro get sober and read the retarded shit you write. Do you think an innocent pure and cute teen girl wants to spend the rest of her life giving babies to a 40 year old drug addled internet addict? Fix your shit first or look for a girl more likeminded. Go to your nearest downtown center and ask the homeless girls out. I’m sure you’ll have much more in common with them this this cashier bitch

Do you even have any idea how much it takes to raise a child? You can spend days on Dxm when there’s kids around. You don’t have a clue man


Can’t spend*


>this thread is over a year old now
I think OP is in his late 20s, maybe early 30s
Must be nice to be so young h-heh


Women love drugs. They whore themselves out for it in high school all the time.


Whores do. Innocent pure girls do not. This idiot wants to take an innocent and pure girl, but refuses a whore.
That’s his problem. He lives a degenerate lifestyle but wants a pure girl. The hypocrite, he deserves the whore.


>Innocent pure girls
dis be IRL not an anime bruh


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Innocence is short lived. High mileage depreciates value.


I would quit drugs if I married and sought to have children, which I want to do within 4 years really.



I have to home-schooling them anyway remember, aussie laws don't let unvaxxed children into school and I won't vax


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OP have you ever added DPH to your DXM? It's a far more potent experience than either chemical alone. I did a 350/300 DXM/DPH a decade ago and tripped very hard. I would try 350/350 if I ever did it again

Take the DPH 30 minutes before the DXM too


That's the guy from ADVChina right? What a faggot lmao.

He's being paid to make anti-china propaganda now.


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Yeah that 2nd pic was the heaviest trip I think. I don't recommend DPH at all like I've written here a few times. It intuitively feels toxic to me and messes with my sleep for a few nights afterwards, even with a benzo to remedy it. And it caused a teeth grinding habit thing.

But it's true that its tempting and interesting. It can enhance music very greatly, really in an order of magnitude more than whats possible on DXM. It can feel like music really touches you deeply.


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Interesting. I did 3.5mg/kg of DXM, only once, an hour after taking 12 pills of DPH. Overall I spent maybe 6 hours tripping in darkness. Strong open eye visuals of psychedelic runes extending into space in all directions, also what looked like cobwebs and force fields. Eventually I closed my eyes to sleep but on closing my eyes I beheld a nightmare world of ghosts and demons in a psychedelic, badlands environment

If I did it again I would up the DPH to an identical dose of DXM, and take it only 30 minutes earlier

The hangover is potent and lasts for several days though. I have too many responsibilities now to inebriate myself to such an extent


I keep a fart diary


>"le drugs lol"

grow up

also hiding this dirty junkie thread now


Guy you actually just gave me an idea LOL. I actually ran out of DXM really just due to laziness, and it should be here this week or the next, so I've been kind of sober for a while, but maybe I might do a Ket/LSA/DPH trip... I have Alpraz to abort. ANYWAY! I should be careful though because DPH is legitimately FREAKIN' EVIL!!! And I don't even believe in evil lol. Anyway......

I actually don't really like Ket by itself btw, not a as a "trip" drug, I am way too tolerant. But it is really nice as a social drug. REALLY nice!!!

Also I heard someone (I'm sure this was on a dnm page but I think it was also elsewhere) suggest combining Ket with coke. I've never done coke and don't want to but that sounds potentially good or workable, though also obviously potentially dangerous. Sounds like it could make you feel king for a bit lmfao. I'm just laughing thinking about it. COULD YOU TELL I'M ON KET WHILE WRITING THIS?! Anyway......


DPH solo sends one to the shadow realm, but DPH makes wonderful combinations with other substances


You better be a girl

You will never get a virgin gf to wife at this rate. Stop abusing drugs.


Rn I'm on Ket/GFJ(grapefruit juice) and just took 60mg DPH (it's really Dimenhydrinate but I'll elaborate later). I should be able to control myself but maybe take my next posts with a grain of salt. It's interesting, I felt the DPH working immediately.

I have so many things I need to buy lol, spearfishing fins, weightliftings straps, and so on...... Actually buying stuff is what I procrastinate on or find annoying. Would absolutely love a woman to do all the buying for me ~ so that I can WORK!


>so that I can WORK
Getting high is not working


>spearfishing fins, weightliftings straps
>Would absolutely love a woman to do all the buying for me
If you gave a woman your credit card, she would not want to go on a shopping spree to buy your man gear.


leaked vid of moody

moody this is what you look like when you rabbit on about you 'oneitis'


Needed to see H'what the full title is.


PRETTY PATHETIC! Good inspiration.


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Yeah so Dimenhydrinate is DPH + a caffeine analogue.

I ended up doing 60mg+60mg DPH (plus Ket and GFJ), which is 6 pills DMH. Apparently a 50mg DMH tab is 30mg DPH, so thats how I count it. I used the brand/thing in the pic but probably with different packaging as I got it about 5 years ago as you can see in the pic. I almost never throw out drugs.

It was really really sedating/tiring, I forgot about that aspect of it. Even with the caffeine analogue it makes you very very tired.

But yes it added to the visuals. It gave me, in the dark, lots of images forming of Berserk-like monster faces - pretty much EXACTLY like in this 2nd pic I'm posting. Though 120mg isn't a lot of DPH as you'd know. I'm guessing you know the exact kind of monster faces I'm talking about. So it is indeed interesting but you're right in that it gives you a withdrawl which makes you dysfunctional for a while. Easy to see why people often combine this with DXM.


Do a 350/350 DPH/DXM if you're 220+, or less depending on your bodyweight

If you're feeling really ballsy do 700 of DPH to join the 700 club. Wait a month first though so your brain can recover from your previous drug abuse



I got a lot of enjoyment out of dph at times years ago but no more. It feels like bad news, and I've read things about boosting chances of alzheimers plus being really dangerous past a certain age for the heart. When I did it there lots of interesting things like seeing vines growing out of the walls or talking to ppl who weren't there but it is not so great as it has no meaning beyond the moment it happens, like a dream or something.

Last night I used some morning glory seeds in a cold water extraction and it was decent, just a mild stoned euphoric feeling, neither as psychelicly strong or as physically uncomfortable as I remembered from years ago. It is a lot more potent to just munch the seeds but also very uncomfortable nausea for a bit and vasoconstriction pain in my legs which wasn't there with the extraction. I wasn't just using it to get high but part of a particular shift I was trying to make

I get diminishing returns from dxm big time now after a long time of repeated use. It's still fun but nothing mind blowing beyond feeling weird and if i take it too often between trips nothing at all happens. It is sad bc those early days were some of my best memories and my wildest most frenzied and creative times. It is for the best that I not dwell on them and just appreciate it for what it was. Most ppl don't enjoy this drug but it fills a hole for me and allowed me to enjoy life like I never had before, leading to a change in lifestyle where I can't really go crazy with it anymore.


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I have this 6ft fish. I like it but really want a high performance shortboard. They are much harder to use (basically bigger, wider and longer surfboards are easier to catch waves with generally and and also much easier to paddle with (much higher acceleration and I think top speed too, but I'm not sure how much conditions affect this stuff). I've used a longboard and its startling how much it easier it is to catch a wave. But shortboards look cooler honestly, are much easier to carry around (including to and from surf) and require much greater skill so I'm drawn to them even despite being just barely an intermediate surfer. I've been surfing since about 2014 but have never had a mentor, I think that would've helped massively. But I also just liked getting into the water. Also you can turn much more easily on shortboards, which gets to be impossible the bigger a board gets, and turning and tricks and stuff looks cool.

I was thinking about taking the supermarket girl surfing with me so I've been looking into buying another board, was looking at these used ones today.

It could be completely over with her though, a lot of my motivation has been lost but she's also aging. The DPH made me sad and I teared up about how long I've waited to make an advance on her. I feel (deeply) that there is woman out there waiting for me. Perhaps she's still quite young. I've felt like this very very soon after using DXM (2017). I have a duty to find her. I also feel very much that it would be saving her, from something. Whether it be feminism or other degeneration or just another man. I actually feel some grief over losing this woman, I'm not sure I can reignite my interest.

But it's also a pain that she seems to make herself hard to pin down to ask out. Already wrote about that at length in the other thread. Actually I'm getting these threads mixed up a bit. If the girl can hear me, SHE should stop floundering or skittling about. But that's advice for me too.


>lots of images forming of Berserk-like monster faces - pretty much EXACTLY like in this 2nd pic I'm posting.

That's fucking awesome.


>But it's also a pain that she seems to make herself hard to pin down to ask out
She's not interested fam. If she was then she would make herself available. People make time and space for their interests

Other fish in the sea


I haven't gone in (on the days i know she works)since that Karen manager went weird on me. But that was like 12pm on a Thursday, it was busy and the girl was running around. Was impossible to ask her out like that unless I saw her in a lane. But my patience has limits honestly, I think I wrote it before but despite the fact she paralyses me I still think I'm more valuable than her. She's a hot smart young girl but I'm a decent looking intelligent manwithaplan.


Abundance mindset is key. You are better


I believe that unironically. One of the main reasons I was interested in this girl was because we had/have such similar faces and would've made very good looking children.



Also when I did those beach approaches like a year ago some of the girls LIKED me right off the bat! I mean they were giving the obvious IOIs like smiling and hair touching and batting their eyes.

I'm critical of this notion of not relying on external validation. Obviously external validation matters, its how and why people are drawn to the incel community - they are ugly and/or they keep getting rejected. Makes sense as to why they stop approaching or don't make any attempt whatsoever. And when I've approached a few women in a row and they all like me or at least are nice and polite it feels GOOD! And vice-versa - I had one time where like 5 women in a row were not interested at all or had boyfriends (sortof the same thing really), and I was trying to suppress the butthurt, but it was a challenge.

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