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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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What's this website and what's its history?


It was a spinoff from 4chan when moot banned certain communities there, like /new/, and gradually became its own thing, with a much smaller and more intimate crowd. Per capita it has had wide yet often unrecognized influence and a lot of folks crossboarding spread out among all the other little imageboard corners.


moot kept deleting /new/ and /pol/ sometime around 2010, so a teenager called michael decided to write his own imageboard software in php called tinyboard and host it on 4chon.net with boards to compete with the then-deleted /new/ and /pol/. michael disappeared not long after, and more updated forks like vichan and infinity were made and maintained, to power other imageboards like 8ch.net, lainchan, wizchan, mintboard, soyjak.party and countless others. i'm not going to waste time describing any public personas / tripfags from the years because that's like several essays, but to sum it up it's mostly a bunch of literal schizophrenics (2 of them women, one still remains and shitposts/rambles here often), convicts (one guy's serving a life sentence for attempted murder, google "zack davies tesco"), degenerates and other lolcows.


support group for retards


hiiiii ^-^


oh and a dude blew his brains out on stream


4chon is normie chon. We’re all normies here


We are the dead "neo-nazi" imageboard. We have wrongthink, shitposting, multiple fap threads for some reason, and our admin wants to fuck ponies. You could be in worse places. Also, we have spastics that occasionally lose their entire shit here.


Two to three spastics. And very frequently.




4chon was a bunkerchan for people who left r9k and new when they were axed, it consisted of the new board and the r9k board, it was ran by STI, he invented tinyboard, a lot of imageboards use this build
He ended up in the later years of the URL 4chon.net implementing a lot of new ib features I personally had never seen before
Then the site died, again and again, because nobody donated to run it, so, the site died on that specific URL, the site was cloned over on 8chan when it was 8chan.net, this time though it was just one board, instead of the two, I personally hated this iteration and never really visited it other than to say >come to 4chon hide every thread leave
Then that 8chan URL was goosed so the board shifted over to .pl, it was the same as before, just news threads and racist stuff like black people hate and stuff, 8chan is still there but the 4chon doesn't exist now, probably because the board application process is so deranged
Here's a greentext of random info
>4chon used to be very good, the separation of boards was very prevalent and posters used to think about their trolls if they ever did try to, new was high brow cigar smoking tldr discussion board and r9k was good sometimes, there was a lot of OC on r9k at one point
>later there was added a /meta/ board, STI telling posters to shut up and stickying posts for ages ,my favourite board at the time but an utterly useless board if you wanted to not get trolled to oblivion, just shitposting ontop of shitposting, it was great
>STI also added h for no text image dumps, collections of anime tits and other random stuff, good board also

OK so we get to now, the site is now 4chon.me and its like for random generals I'd say, you're better off using the catalog if you're going to view this site as a lot of good threads don't really get new hits and so drop off the front page


Post your dick op its important to initiate new members. Gotta make sure your foreskin is intact.


Not an idiot...

8. Circumcision decreases the risk of urinary tract infection.
7. Circumcision reduces the risk of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in men.
6. Circumcision lowers the risk of STDs.
5. Circumcision protects against penile cancer.
4. Circumcision reduces the risk of penile HPV infection and the risk of cervical cancer in female partners.
3. Circumcision prevents chlamydia infections and subsequent pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and infertility.
2. Circumcision decreases the risk of balanoposthitis and phimosis and the later need for postneonatal circumcision.
1. Circumcision improves sexual function and creativity.


Okay rabbi.


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Tldr also
You have one


You're forgetting Dwarf.


There's been no proof. No timestamps, nothing.



Hi midget, manlet, dwarf. Sup?


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kek at pic





imagine the crime scene photos of her raped then stabbed to death while in one of those outfits in her room


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Want to see without the pound of make-up. Cute otherwise.


>fawning over a old hag who is clearly over 13yo.


Uncut here never had any problems


Post it. 4chon penis inepection patrol needs to inspect your penis for jidf infiltration.


if she was my wife we'd 69 daily


Add me on discord and we'll see 🫠


Avid is still having a meltdown.


I'm actually fine though


This thread is giving me some warm fuzzies reminiscing about back in the day. Those were the days. 2011-2015 when my depression was inits deepest and my insecurities about life all compounded and the only joy I found was posting for my bros on 4chon.


r u le me?


A bit like me I guess but anxiety not depression, also 2016 and half of 2017 too


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Danganronpa series in a nutshell







you can embed shorts now numbnuts


Didn't know



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Saving throw.


oh look it's exhibitionism porn disguised as a creepshot

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