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I literally don't know why people are mad about this. He was supposed to read her mind? Redditors are calling him a rapist.



Do you usually need to argue with your GF to fug? Doesn't sound like a good dynamic. I wouldn't know. I suspect he made things worse by acting guilty and spamming her with apologetic texts though.


She's not his gf because she went out with him three times
I've ghosted a million whores after 3+ "dates"
This dude is creepy because of his lack of awareness and clinginess

He should have smashed her as absolutely hard as he could have, slapped the shit out of her and choked her while she cried, and I bet she would still be texting him right now


I see. I didn't really pay attention to that part, but it would seem they didn't know each other for that long.


>was supposed to read her mind?
Protip: if someone's arguing with you for 20 minutes to do something and they then relent, they didn't want to do it and you coerced them.


A lot to unpack there guy.

I've thought about this recently, I think there's a big difference between:

1. Aggression and coercion

- and

2. Forcing someone to do something

The former is not necessarily so bad whereas the latter would be rape etc. Morally and legally the former isn't so bad.

I assume we all know not to try to argue a woman into doing something though because they don't act via reason like men do or can.


Raping women is okay. How else are you suppose to fuck them?


You've actually described the way a lot of rape trials go. 1) is sexual assault. 2) is outright rape.

1) if proven depending on the crime could get you prison time or put you on a registry. If 2) is proven you're going to jail and getting on a registry definitely.

In the OP case she would need to prove she felt threatened if she didn't relent which actually is kind of easy to prove here because he got angry and intimidated her enough to cry and wouldn't leave of his own accord.


Harsh but true. Women want a man who will beat them mercilessly. It's not romance for a woman without two black eyes and a broken nose.


I think what you're thinking of as aggression and coercion is harsher than what I'm thinking of. When I've been hitting on women I've been putting my hand on their shoulder and brushing it a bit or doing the same thing with their hand, like lightly rubbing it for a second or two before escalating. It's aggressive but its clearly not sexual assault because unless the woman rebuffs me in some way or otherwise demonstrates she's not interested, she consents.

I also think everything is violence. When a man comes up to a woman and stops her and demonstrates he's interested, he's expressing force, whether it be his physical presence and the threat that he poses (all men are potential rapists) or his charisma or both and so on. But then women also have their sexual attractiveness so w/e.

I didn't catch where he said he wouldn't leave.


Cityfolk always have this ivory tower image of females, as though they wouldn't enjoy being violently raped


I'm talking about the scenario in the OP; I mean literal aggression, yelling, anger, blocking someone, etc.

>I didn't catch where he said he wouldn't leave.

This is because of his warped perspective; we didn't hear her's, but even without her's we can guess; they argued for 20 minutes (that implies yelling, being intimidating, etc) and then she relented, so a court would have to prove (and they would probably do so easily tbh) that she was concerned he wouldn't leave if she didn't sleep with him. He honestly sounds low IQ enough to admit that.


Yeah but what exactly do you mean by violent rape? It can mean a lot of things

She asked him back to his place (apparently) so she should've known he would try to fuck her. And he apparantly did fuck her a bit consensually before she changed her mind. This is all so degenerate, both are in the wrong, what a mess.

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