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File: 1686853220544.webp (156.27 KB, 876x1077, Screenshot_20230615_191900….webp)


is this real?


The only holistic cancer cures that have any scholarship behind them I'm aware of are Apricot Seeds (cyanide content targets cells susceptible to cancer) and Dog Dewormer. I suspect in the latter case general anti-parasitic treatment may have a similar effect. Many cancers are caused by inflammation which in turn is often caused by un-diagnosed parasites, so it's a good idea to deworm regularly to lower your risk imho tbh famalam


Capsaicin kills tumors. It melts away the mucus from tumors, allowing the body to attack and destroy the cancer. Quite a number of famous persons have made miraculous recoveries after eating a ton of peppers


Oh yeah, there's also the thing about how sugar literally feeds tumors which I swear is in the public record but hardly anyone knows about it anyway.


Good answers


So what actually is the drug thing


We cured cancer in the 90s this isn't new. Sage


Drugs make you gay


who's "we", fag?


Everyone here except for you. You weren't invited.


ask me about jesus


I wasn't invited to the gay orgy on your dad's guest room?



There you go bringing up gay shit out of literally nowhere

And sure AVID is gay right?



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Gross tho


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royal raymond rife was going to cure all disease with his technology until the Jewptilians supressed him


I doubt it.



He seems to have genuinely believed in his own research at the very least, but I'm not the sort to put my faith in someone just because they're at-odds with the system. Most of the time a hack-fraud is just a hack-fraud.



How's Jesus doing?


Mowing lawns atm.


he's out back, fertilizing the people's food for the poor whites


he's quite well! I licked his erection a moment ago


Ugly cunt dogisaga types as her fat infected tits pulsate with pus and etch a layer of stink into anyone's nostrils she comes into contact with

Kill yourself you fat disgusting thing


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christ that is one ugly cunt


kill it with fire


Found this video on tiktok highlighting the different frequency of fabrics, apparently linen is the best to wear as it 'charges' your body, polyester is bad because it is lower than your bodies base electrical impulse number (100) linen being 5000

Is this horseshit?



It's gay, retard shit, but incidentally it's good advice, because synthetic fibers fuck your hormones up.


I can't see this being true other than the fact that polyester doesn't breathe aswell as natural fibres, aslong as the climate you're in is complementary surely your hormones should be fine, unless these synthetic materials seep through human skin I guess


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Orgone stuff, legit or shit? Seen a few videos with pretty elaborate copper coil setups, wondering if anyone here has any knowledge on them


It's snake oil. They just put stuff in plastic resin shapes and change you up the ass.


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Probably, still intruiging though

This particular coil is said to 'activate' long term goals or some shit, apparently a lot of work went into making this particular set up


File: 1688422736809.webp (43.79 KB, 555x1138, Screenshot_20230703-171802.webp)

>a lot of work went into making
Yeah, no.


Shut up dogcunt, those coils are very specific (apparently)

Each wind has a purpose, you seem to think its just 'put coils in spiral lol'

You dumb inbred cunt


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You're getting btfo and can't take it, lol.


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Want to meet up and help me power my JO crystal?



Show me your JO crystal and then we can meet at Avid's house.


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Okay cool. I'm glad we all had that meeting on Google-chat. Now we'll all meet at our regular time for the 4chon orgie.


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Yes, I am crying and punching my walls so hard right now oh my god fuck please stop


The coils have a specific pattern/shape

You completely missed my point again dogcunt


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I am not dogisaga and you are getting btfo.


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Copper wire art because copper is an extremely difficult metal to work with lol.


I would be afraid of stabbing my hand doing that. I've had pieces of copper wire go through my foot more than once.


Good to know and cheers that you're okay.


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Happened to me too stripping copper wiring from the plastic sheath, went into my thumb and stung like a motherfucker


File: 1688430553835.webp (53.82 KB, 1072x1469, Screenshot_20230703-192853.webp)

That's horrible. I'm glad you guys are okay.

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