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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Cutting contact with my mom was the best decision I've ever made. My only regret is that i made it so late, at 30. Literally every day since is better than the last, I have no anxiety anymore, no panic attacks, it's like the storm cloud over me is gone now. I'm going out more, I'm eating better, even my spending is under control and it's only been a year. All the internal hatred and bitterness I've had inside I focused it on her and now that she's gone from my life those feelings are gone too.

I'm free my god. I'm finally free.


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What did she do to you?


Told him to get a life probably.


Literally just stop caring is the solution


This, don't be a slave to cortisol OP


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op here. very true. very very very true. niggers had it right. i wish i never gave a shit. my life would infinitely be better if i didn't.


My mum is like a robot

*I'm cooking something* "That smells... nice!"

"Wow its cold today"

"Stop doing DXM" - etc


Doing drugs I mean. She can barely remember anything I've tried to school her on about benzos or dissociatives

Oh and the other thing she does

*I cough* "X why do you have a cough" - - "I'TS CHILLI MUM. CHILLI MAKES ME COUGH I'VE TOLD YOU THIS 30 TIMES"


Nigga how old are you for real


>She can barely remember anything I've tried to school her on about benzos or dissociatives
Because she probably rightly sees it the same way as when a stoner tries to 'school' you about the herbal Jew.


most NPC-like behavior is really just people being disinterested in you


lol the unpleasant truth.


I bet if more of you nerds smoked weed you'd get laid more. Being high balances autism perfectly and improves social skills dramatically


Smoking weed is shit and makes you lazy and stops you experiencing dreams


I want to face my fears head-on. And I have, it's sublimely liberating


>I bet if more of you nerds smoked weed you'd get laid more.
Yes, but only because you'd have an excuse to hang around stoner femoids. I disagree that it improves social skills, it just puts you in a social situation.


And of course it turns the people around you into dumb asses, so that probably helps too.


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This is cheesy, not particularly poetic, insightful or anything but last night I commented to my wife "if you bring light to the darkness, then there is no more darkness"

Evil doesn't real. It only seems real when viewed with unfocused eyes

Anything critically examined ceases to be evil, as ultimately all of reality flows from the Lord that exists beyond the realm of duality

Heh after I started smoking weed six months ago my life has literally become a wild fever dream beyond anything I could have imagined as a child. If I gave any details whatsoever you would simply think me a liar

I think perhaps weed pushed me over the edge finally and now I'm just a full blown schizo and I love it

Just stop giving a fuck is the true answer


> If I gave any details whatsoever you would simply think me a liar

Give details


>This is cheesy, not particularly poetic, insightful or anything but last night I commented to my wife "if you bring light to the darkness, then there is no more darkness"
Did you write the script for kingdom hearts?
>I think perhaps weed pushed me over the edge finally and now I'm just a full blown schizo and I love it
I've smoked weed a few times in my life and basically I can't focus on anything and as a result time seems to skip forward, because I can't even remember what I've been doing. Nasty shit is what it is. I've had worse experiences on weed than K2, which caused me to visually hallucinate. It without a doubt exacerbates underlying mental issues.


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>Did you write the script for kingdom hearts?
Never played it. Never watched a single minute of gameplay. All I know of it is something something Sephirot

I went PC + (N64 -> Xbox -> Xbox 360) build as a child. Playstation always looked like garbage

>It without a doubt exacerbates underlying mental issues


Right now I'm "smoking" a Delta 6a10a THC cartridge
I prefer it over many strains of medical marijuana


I'm going to do this when I move out
I hate womxn


Update: Visited parents, mostly to take dad out to a nice restaurant. I walked in a she was just standing in the kitchen looking at me with a stupid face, I made a disgusted grimace and walked out with my dad.

Made my day.


>Made my day

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