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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Domestication is the process of increasing neotony in a species. In other words, to increasingly retain juvenile traits into adulthood, while adult (sexually mature) traits are erased

In other words, domestication is the process of separating a species from it's Jungian Shadow

Christianity destroyed my tribe by calling the Shadow "the Devil"

They domesticated us like animals

When Saul created a theological system that divorced man from the seat of his power, he neutered us profoundly and changed us from wolves into dogs. We are now an entire race and continent of labrador retrievers, pugs and boston terriers

Wolves are dangerous because God made them perfect, and they are complete as they are, for they are one with their Shadow already. Dogs on the other hand, well, I'm sure you already understand

The white race is a collection of karens, wageslave shabbos goyim, and zogbots. The jews are unironically right when they call us animals, or rather they're wrong because we are far less than any wild animal I know of. The squirrels and rats on my farm don't sabotage and betray their own kind

If any man here gives a damn about his eternal soul, I sincerely recommend that you immerse yourself totally in a nondualistic religion that doesn't neuter it's followers. Anything with a Devil figure that says desire is evil is attempting to cripple you on a deep psychological level

When tired sleep
When hungry eat
This is the open secret before all of our eyes
But few will see it


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We have been domesticated
Compare any modern European skull to our Bronze Age ancestors




Civilization and socialization are the process of moving away from wholeness, further division and fragmentation. But on the other hand the wholeness of the animal / God is undifferentiated. There is value in the experience of a fall which leads eventually to a new wholeness while retaining the differentiation of men. Giving God a face aka apotheosis. This is why trying to return to the previous state is no good, that time is gone. This carries into spirituality where lunar priestly degenerated nonwhite types want people to be in samadhi or dissolution of the self back into wholeness with God. The path Jung recommended is the higher one of self individuation rather than removing ones self.


i, the terrier


>The path Jung recommended is the higher one of self individuation rather than removing ones self
Jung is recommending the left hand path then
The right seeks the annihilation of moksha
The left transmutes the limited ego into a god-form

>There is value in the experience of a fall which leads eventually to a new wholeness while retaining the differentiation of men. Giving God a face aka apotheosis

The return to the Garden
With knowledge
This is a nice way to summarize the entire path

Animals have no minds
Men are bound by their minds
A Siddha wields his mind

The fruit probably symbolizes sexuality though. The Garden is the innocence before the rising of the serpent fire, man is the tormented and confused sexual being bound to toil in the dirt, and the siddha is the one who has drank the everlasting water of Christ and has entered the New Eden

The issue with Abrahamic theology is that the entire premise is broken. It sounds beautiful only until critically examined


>Saul created
The state cannot fight its wars without the most obedient and spineless puppies who answer with "How high, sir?" when told to "Jump!" This was old news by the time of Sargon the Great and predates Saul's deformed version of the Essenes' mysticism by well over two thousand years.


So to attain "enlightenment"(or some higher level of understanding as it were) you have to assert your ego, while also simultaneously believing that you (your ego) doesn't even exist, and you're only going to be able to do this if it was predestined to happen anyway? Is that what you're getting at? That's been my hypothesis for awhile, but I've had difficulty putting it into words.


>This was old news by the time of Sargon the Great and predates Saul's deformed version of the Essenes' mysticism by well over two thousand years
Elaborate. I have no clue what you're talking about


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Right hand path is destruction of the ego, until only God remains

Left hand path is transmuting the limited human ego into an infinite god-ego

Some people do both, such as the Kaula sect that practiced both deity yoga and formless meditation practices

All that matters is reaching God. Method isn't particularly important other than the method needs to fit the student in my honest and ignorant opinion
>"In the practice of this tantra there is neither purity nor its absence; no concern for what may be eaten and so forth; neither dualistic observance nor its rejection; neither such rituals as linga worship nor their abandonment; neither the rule of owning nothing nor its opposite
 Everything may be enjoined or forbidden in this scripture. This is strictly ruled in it, O Empress of the Gods, that the meditator, striving with all his strength, should fix his awareness firmly on Reality. He may adopt whatever form of practice enables him to achieve that."- Malinivijayottara Tantra 18.74-79


>you're only going to be able to do this if it was predestined to happen anyway?


There's a bit of a problem though in how you've spent all this time learning about nonWhite religions. Foreign influence is toxic. You become amenable to it when you learn about it or otherwise engage with it. Maybe its even more dangerous for White men because we are the most empathetic demographic that exists. On the other hand you do to an extent learn how to subordinate these people by learning about them. Consciousness of all that I've said is important maybe, maybe it helps to guard against it.


It's not really a non-White religion. I think that just by observing nature there are certain ideas you're likely to run into. If we were all cavemen we'd probably all independently end up with some shamanistic religion that sees everything as cyclical for example.



>When tired sleep
>When hungry eat
>This is the open secret before all of our eyes
>But few will see it


“Why, O Gish, does thou run about?

The life that thou seekest, thou wilt not find.

When the gods created mankind,

Death they imposed on mankind;

Life they kept in their power.

Thou, O Gish, fill thy belly,

Day and night do thou rejoice,

Daily make a rejoicing!

Day and night a renewal of jollification!

Let thy clothes be clean,

Wash thy head and pour water over thee!

Care for the little one who takes hold of thy hand!

Let the wife rejoice in thy bosom!”



Christianity is unironically the least white major religion that is practiced today. The Rishis that wrote the Veda were White Aryan men. Buddha was White. Mohammed had red hair. Genghis Khan had red hair. Buddhadharma had red hair and his Chinese students called him "the blue eyed barbarian"

Only Rabbi Yeshua was truly a brown guy. Though, he was probably a legit one and it was Saul that redirected Christianity against Europe after further corrupting it's theology

Dattatreya never had a formal guru. He learned everything from watching nature

Nature is the OG for human spirituality. Nature is God's Law


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It's good to see this similar theme echoed more westward. It's a shame this was never developed further and was eventually replaced entirely by dualistic seeking of other realms


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How do I unite with my shadow and become as majestic as a wolf?


Is Jung really worth reading?


My mother's dogs enthusiastically lick my feet for minutes on end. That's humanity right now.


>How do I [...] become as majestic as a wolf?
Start by learning to identify some of the standard inversions of reality about manhood that the state depends on. For example, places that try to domesticate you into an obedient and spineless puppy who answers with "How high, sir?" when told to "Jump!" are constantly marketed to you by the state as the epitome of manhood.


100000% YES


>My mother's dogs enthusiastically lick my feet for minutes on end. That's humanity right now.
You are absolutely fucking correct and you summarized it much better than me

The biggest threat to my life right now is probably boomer karens. Why? Because they like to randomly destroy tribal members for sport, and they do it by ambush (cops, code enforcement, HOA, etc.) for absolutely no fucking reason

I had one old lady call code enforcement on me AFTER she met my kids and gave them candy and smiled to all of our faces

If not for race traitors we would be on Mars right now

Welcome, fren. Brainwashing begins at a very young age here. I think school is entirely for conditioning children for a 9-5 work week

Homework on the other hand is for teaching children that unpaid overtime is cool, and also that there is no escape. Not even at home

We're quite literally cultivated from cradle to grave to be slaves and our people die every day in unseen cages

I think what has awoken me to this particular subject is studying theology. Mankind is frankly very disgusting at the moment, and all of man's laws are equally disgusting. At this point I only care about God's Law, not the twisted rules of men that exist only to bind and destroy me

God's Law can be observed with our eyes very easily when we step outside of our homes and into a forest, or anywhere wild and untouched by man

I bet that you will find the world God created to be both beautiful and terrifying. It's always been this way, but only now is the slave caste being hidden from brutal reality

I bet that you've probably eaten 10,000 chickens in your life already, yet you've never even seen one slaughtered. There's even a good chance you've never actually seen a chicken at all

Most city people freak out at any smell or hint of death, something we all go through, and they would cry before they could slaughter an animal

And yet chickens themselves are some of the most brutal animals I've ever beheld

I watched a mother hatch 22 babies yesterday, and then she examined all of them and killed all of the babies she didn't find of sufficient quality. She literally pecked two yellow babies to death

Once you can kill your own blood for eugenic purposes, than you will be almost as hardcore as my chickens who only know God's Law as written on their hearts


>I had one old lady call code enforcement on me AFTER she met my kids and gave them candy and smiled to all of our faces
I deal with that a lot in the suburbs, but I didn't think it would be an issue for people living in a rural area. This is concerning.


>Once you can kill your own blood for eugenic purposes, than you will be almost as hardcore as my chickens who only know God's Law as written on their hearts
Don't kill your children pls.


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Fatherhood is my dharma

It's impossible to completely escape evil. Waco and Ruby Ridge have proven this

They all died while trying to live free and alone because they didn't follow the Way

Read Miyamoto Musashi


>and also that there is no escape. Not even at home
Slow progress is being made on this front, while employers are naturally fighting back tooth and nail. (I couldn't be bothered to hunt for better sources.)

> The 'Right to Disconnect' From Work Email May Soon Be Enshrined in French Law https://www.vice.com/en/article/zm753j/the-right-to-disconnect-from-work-email-may-soon-be-enshrined-in-french-law

> Workers of the World, Unplug: The Fight for the ‘Right to Disconnect’ -- France, Luxembourg, Spain, and the Philippines have already taken steps to legislate a cap on the 8-hour work day. Will other countries follow suit? https://www.vice.com/en/article/evjk4w/right-to-disconnect-legislation-labor-movement

> The legal right to disconnect could become the norm in Europe https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/22/right-to-disconnect-could-become-the-norm-in-europe.html

> France and Spain: Right to Disconnect Spreads https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/legal-and-compliance/employment-law/pages/global-france-spain-right-to-disconnect.aspx

>Once you can kill your own blood for eugenic purposes

This would be a terrible idea for humanity's rate of technological and scientific rogress. It is precisely the outliers, especially on neurodivergence and social conformance, that make the leaps. You would lose Newton, Gauss, Euler, Archimedes, Maxwell, Turing and so on.


>This would be a terrible idea for humanity's rate of technological and scientific rogress. It is precisely the outliers, especially on neurodivergence and social conformance, that make the leaps. You would lose Newton, Gauss, Euler, Archimedes, Maxwell, Turing and so on
My chickens only kill the babies that are sickly and they're very picky about it, like Spartans. I doubt many geniuses are born with dysfunctional bodies

I have around 60 babies outside right now, but I only expect half at best to survive to adulthood. Their mothers are constantly pushing them at all times and they don't slow down for the weak

However even my plainest hen will attack a fox 20 times her size to protect a single one of her chicks. They are cruel, but also noble


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I'm gonna have the first words of 300 running thru my head whne I have my first boy

>When the boy was born
 like all Spartans, he was inspected.


Never forget that while Sparta fought against Persia at the Hot Gates in 480, by 405 they were winning the battle of Aegospotami and the Second Peloponnesian War against the Delian League with a fresh navy built entirely on Persian money, after having fought most of the war using Persian funding.

"This is Sparta."


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Do this but with a swastika

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