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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Admin is asleep post HDV greentexts


They were both named Anthony?


The story seems to imply both gentlemen were collectively named Anthony.


File: 1687709060702.mp4 5.96 MB, 574x1078, d0a9nmYj66rjBvvU.mp4

>HDV finally purchases a house in the (((suburbs))) with his crypto investments and this happens on the first day


Leave HDV alone for fuck sake, you sperg fuck.


My mother just got back from her home town in the Azores, and the videos she showed me really reinforced my view that the United States is a complete shithole with unprecedentedly low social trust.


the guy was probably just checking out a young woman when he was taking his trash out and the bitch went nuts and confronted him at his home. Such is the nature of modern white women.


Look at that corporate apartment slavebox neighborhood.


Is it the lead pipes? Argon emitted from the soil?


File: 1687736983644.mp4 3.87 MB, 404x720, ZNQQpiwBWvGDkz9f.mp4

Who wuz in da rong?


>I have it on camera
<It is not on camera


The America for existing


File: 1687745781607.mp4 2.25 MB, 202x358, Some trail in Canada.mp4

Who in da rong?


I would eat berries out da pink pants girls butthole




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>Riding a bike with a dog in your backpack

Just when I thought zoomers couldn't get gayer

Interesting convo lol


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Idk if its just me but that girl looks like shes begging to get fucked. Looks like you could turn her so easily. Turn her rage to lust. She would fuck like a demon. It's so dark, the nature of woman. Mans nature is obvious, we want to fuck everything, we are all potential rapists, there are no surprises there. But women actually sometimes or very often, or potentially always, want to be raped, its such a hard thing to swallow.


If I had to guess she caught the guy looking at her, but by taking no further action it made him seem weak, which disgusted her on an instinctual level, so she had this outburst which some may consider a "rape challenge". That said, I don't think getting raped is her specific end-goal, I think her priority is punishing someone she deems inferior, but she would have significantly more respect for a rapist than a perceived low-value male, since passivity pretty much puts you at the bottom of the totem pole.


>My mother just got back from her home town in the Azores, and the videos she showed me really reinforced my view that the United States is a complete shithole with unprecedentedly low social trust
All intentional. A united population is resistant to abuse


Update. I just got done raping my mom and chugged a whole gallon of DXM!


She sounds like she believes in gangstalking.


Just saw the video on kc heh. Sometiems I take a break from kc for a day or two


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Paparazzi are gangstalkers of celebrities, no?


Kind of


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They are a gang...


File: 1688156269841.webp 59.5 KB, 1440x720, Screenshot_20230630-151715.webp

... and they stalk.


What's your point?


>She sounds like she believes in gangstalking.

but gangstalking is real
Example and point made!


What the fuck are you on about?

Yes the paparazzi are essentially gangstalkers, what is your point???


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>Yes the paparazzi are essentially gangstalkers
Yes. You got it.
>what is your point
That was the point.


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