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>notice people in gamefowl thread on chicken boomer forum are speaking in weird terms
>"ye he go hi t'start"
>I think they're talking about fighting chickens in thinly veiled code
>these fucking fart sniffing retards are literally fighting chickens for entertainment
>I'm the only fucking retard raising gamefowl and not fighting them
>look more at thread
>realize that no one has interacted with my posts
>bub347 said the same thing as me, after me, but in a significantly less charismatic manner
>everyone liked his post and is talking to bubba
>>>they're ignoring me because my username is Sanskrit
What the fuck white people

Also disappointed in myself that I ever wanted to interact with these people


>use a pajeet username and expect not to be ignored by 90iq boomers who have probably learned by now to associate a name like that with pleading third worlders

Your problem is you aren't thinking on their level in multiple ways in a manner that's making it hard for you to communicate with them. Also yeah they probably have a secret boomer crime lanugage besides already being barely literate rural retards heh


Yeah I realized I was the greatest tard of all for not calling myself Bubba to begin with


Not sure if it's degenerate or healthy behavior. They are probably low-IQ, but ignoring towel-heads isn't really a grave offense. A lot of h'White people are a little too sensitive about animals. Practically everyone else raises animals for fighting, even the Japs have bug fights.


Bugs are almost insentient

Chickens are beautiful, intelligent and their fights aren't aesthetically pleasing in any possible manner. They're not even ugly-cool like the bugs you posted


Human gladiators that consent would be cool
Not animals


So you inserted yourself into a conversation you couldn't understand and got meme'd on. Sounds like a racial skill problem.


>gamefowl thread
>chicken boomer forum


No. I made two posts out of kindness to help someone that asked for it. It's a thread of like 500 pages. Some of those pages features boomers talking about fighting animals, but nothing like that for a while in the log

Sounds like you're just having a rough day and could use a hug


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hugs are for bakas


You should join a liberal hippy dippy forum like permies or squat the planet, they're full of 100 iq hippy sluts who will suck your dick for an organic chicken egg.


Being a fat redneck retard is degenerate by the very definition of the idea.


I will rape you, gently.


I already have far more holes than I can handle
That would be cool though if they weren't all xoids


Thanks for the tip.



My good sir, please allow me to provide you with the full song, but let me also inform you that if you've never seen the actual song that goes with that footage then you are missing out.

You tease. Baka.




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Vtubers are a hell of a drug.


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