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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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 No.61189[View All]

Imagine a society where the women were chaste, demure and loyal.

Imagine a world where your wife was a beautiful virgin on your marriage night, never having the stain of another man. Imagine a world where your beautiful and youthful wife never ages; as the years pass you grow older and older but she remains the same. Imagine a world where she has the same exact interests as you: history, philosophy, Christ.

Imagine your virgin wife taking great care to dutifully and attentively provide the selfless nurturing of your children and maintaining an impeccably clean home. Your loyal unto death virgin wife will instinctively cater to your every sexual desire without a moment’s pause. A virgin wife who knows her place.

Now imagine a world where your virgin wife knows the lore behind your favorite video game, movie, tv show. And imagine, if you will, a virgin wife that is infinitely more racist, antisemitic and homophobic than you could ever dream to be. Oh, I know you men of flesh and blood desire this utopian world, but why is it unable to be achieved?

The truth of the matter is that it is possible to be achieved, but only through the intertwining of blood and steel.

I am, of course, speaking of a robo-wife. A personally customizable robo-wife IS the future for the proud and powerful White man. It shall be forbidden for a cursed female human to engage in sexual relations with a robo-husband. The Lord God finds such pairings to be reprobate and abominable.

Go forth, White man, and claim your destiny by right of conquest.
141 posts and 74 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Men's unicorn syndrome/oneitis simping behaviour for grifting whores LARPing as chaste tradwives thoroughly disproven by the good doctor


"Being a low-status male causes mental stressors"


INEQUALITY is the basis of RELATIONSHIP: an economic model of relationships


>"Where have all the good cars gone?!"

I laff at dis here allegory


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>Wright in a bepis


have you tried embracing your homosexuality?


Incelism seems to be coming around to that. Milo was way ahead of the curve. Another 4chon trend-setter.


This. It's 2023. Shaming women for their sexuality is so medieval. Her body count is none of your business. Get over it, closeted-gay small-wiener incel bigots.


eat shit troonsaga


>Her body count is none of your business.
False. It's fine to be upset about women, but men who have little actual experience with females have become bitter weirdos, and it does them no favors. It in fact does often make them sound like literal fags and/or trannies. Like they'll talk about how women are gross and ugly, and how they want to create a gay love child from genetically modified sperm or some shit. People are unhinged these days.


Coffee for the Burka-chat demonstration-place.




Since maybe I get so tired pulling those flags out of your clown pig ass, I should pull them out of your gut, so cut open, and chop your fucking head off too. Pig.


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It's precisely the men who have the most experience with femgroids that are checking out en masse, you dumb fronthole.

It's not men, it's your nigger sex's behaviour. You femgroids are the problem, not men.


is that a threat?


>It's precisely the men who have the most experience
The boomer divorcees are in the minority. Living vicariously through "manosphere" retards doesn't count, pal.


This post was written while the janitor was on his anal period


I mean it was written by the janitor on his anal period


Modern women deserve rape.


t. Stupidass incel seether taking his frustrations out on other incels. Virhin.


Hmm heh I had a lot of experience in my teens then very little (i.e. I was rejected a lot) through uni. It bothers me a lot that if I want to get back into dating I'm virtually forced to date nonvirgins. I can approach teen girls but even most of the ones I'm allowed to approach are nonvirgins themselves.

The way I've started to think about it is that the women I date will help prepare me for the one woman that I settle with - - BUT, and this is critical, I'll have to actually abandon the women I date eventually, obviously. It's hard for me to accept doing this because I'm so empathetic, but its probably necessary. In this way I'm imagining such women to be helpers, like worker ants in the ant colony superorganism. Such women will very die old and alone however, which is probably happening or virtually already has happened to all the women that I dated when I was a teen. One of my exes has a child now and is getting married and I told her I'm glad.


Dwarf will settle for and marry you. She wants Australian citizenship so she can: bunk with Dogisaga, show her how to use a vibrator properly, and how to finally find her "g-spot"; play Nintendo Switch games with Phagtasm; visit Libtard Feline's guinea pig farm for BBQ'd rodent meat; and do drugs with STI.


Hot take - the term "body count" - which seemed to come about in the last 2-3 years - is predictive programming for an upcoming war with China/Iran/Russia in which lots of Westerners will die (will be large body counts).


I don't think that makes a lot of sense.




naw chinese and russians will go extinct b4 2100 lol


your mom will be extinct in 20 minutes cuz of muh dik


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This film was jarring and unnerving the way Hemsworth kept bodying all of these Georgians, who like many Eastern Europeans or Russians I consider to be off-White.

In a similar way CoD seems to be pushing the desensitization of killing Whites and our dehumanization


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Dwarf is her deadname. She now identifies as Nona.


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... While the knight in shining armor slays the dragon to win over the princess, she sneaks out of the castle every night, giving herself to the townsman.

It’s not worth it for the knight to go thru all the trouble.


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Pretty Chad heh. Really Chad-lite or a bit above. Quite good face

I never focused on that guy, liked Roissy more


Raging golden eagle is the ultimate chad!


Agreed. He's quite strikingly handsome as well


what you said was gay as fuck


Mirin is NOT GAY!


it actually is


You're well-known to be the expert on that, having licked multiple erections


you are fat and ugly


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