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>no shoehorned diversity at all
>Respect for the culture and history they're trying to adapt to the page/screen
>White people are portrayed either neutrally or positively
>Christians are portrayed as good people, kind and gentle with hope and more importantly, just people like you and me
>Everyone is just trying to survive in a harsh history no matter their creed
>Women are strong but feminine and don't defy history by embracing their roles as mothers, wives and daughters
>Above all, all the characters have interesting motivations and are three dimensional rather than a dot point on a California writer's room whiteboard about diversity

Tell me, why should I care about the writer's strike again when I have Japan?


Vinalnd Saga started 2 decades ago, while the isekai era is plagued with the same problems that make western media so bad, such as contrived writing and mary sue characters.


you can suck my dick, with a little bit of fish and chips on the side.


The first half of vinland saga was great but after askeladd died it became extremely cringe extremely fast. They turned my boy thorfinn into a sissy farm slave wtf.

Terrible manga.


Uh, sorry for spoilers pham.


I won't watch it then


I just started watching Kill la Kill tonight
Did I like it?


Wait until the half way point, then it becomes bad and awful.


>bad and awful


You multiple bad by awful and it equals terrible.


did your cock get hard?



Its good heh


That's alright I predicted that would happen


based straight weeb


Damn. This happened during Flip Flappers. Suddenly halfway in everything went to garbage


There is still plenty of fight scenes. I like it anyway because I don't need shonen battle bullshit to be entertained.


But apparently you need preachy japanese antiwar moralism and christfaggotry.


If you think being reductive is a competent argument, you are a retard. Most, if not all, episodes of season 2 have fight scenes. Did you forget the part where the main character's father also became pacifist? Nice attention span.


You are a NIGGER with SHIT taste in anymay and you should kill yourself now.




No, you just want it to be a mindless shonen slapfest when you were never its intended audience and you have retarded reasoning for disliking it to fool yourself into thinking you have some informed criticism.

>it always had pacifism as a prominent message

>it still has fight scenes every episode
>"hurr! hurr hurr! new season bad old season good!"
Just a total lack of consistency to your opinion. Stay butthurt for having it spelled out for you.


You seem overly defensive of your sissified viking farming anime anon. Did you remember to dilate today? I hope the violence in the first arc didn't scare you too much and give you ptsd!


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>hurr n-no ur mad
I don't care if you don't like it. You're just too much of a prideful retard to admit that you don't like seinen or can't into consistent logic. Both seasons are the same thing tonally. Your criticism is objectively wrong. If you didn't like season 2, then you have no reason to like season 1. Knock, knock. Anybody home in that hollow skull of yours?


I wish I could farm and return to monke


Yeah well you're fat and ugly DWARF


I mean, you can I guess. You're a rich doctor you can basically do whatever you want. If you wanted to leave it all behind and move to the outback to be a goat rancher that option remains open to you regardless of the sunk costs you put into med school.


Stupid cunt nigger why did smiley have to teach you to ban evade



h'whut is dis heh is it worf watchen? heh


Shut up faggot


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No its crap. Watch dbz.


I'm not your boogeyman. Sorry.


Are you at least a similar boogeyman like foky, redx, or dog?


No, I'm Derrick


Dbz is aids lmao
>now we fight
>goku always wins lol
>even if he doesn't he does


Hey Derrick, how's it going man


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>no I'm Derrick


As it should be.


Business as usual?


There's only so many times I can watch this outcome though, I'd much rather play the games

At least evangelion had the characters in somewhat of a legitimate peril, when goku dies he goes to 'hell' then Satan let's him back out I.e he's resurrected

What the shit is that shit


Because Toriyama was phoning it in. Not killing off Goku, multiple times over in fact, was probably something suggested by his editors during meetings. After reading Araki's book about the industry I'm even more confident that was probably the case. Not that it absolves him of responsibility.


Dredge it over.


Dredge it up tight then, bail-order jockey.


h'whut are you talmbout heh


Toriyama didn't make GT but it was clear they phoned it in by de-ageing Goku.


GT is the only good DBZ


But seriously guys stop watching anime, is fucking cancer and will rot your mind by exposing you to shrimp dicked jap concepts and storylines


True heh. Watch chinese donghua instead and be exposed to the precepts of the master race.


It's better than super at least by orders of magnitude. Nobody could have possibly predicted how bad it could get.


Goku is the biggest and the strongest so he wins. Dbz gives important morality lessons to children.


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Shabbat shalom
I just watched the film Silence last night. 10/10
Jap culture is unironically far superior to the pathetic west
Enjoy watching Big Mouth, shegetz



>Goku is the biggest
False. Although both Krillin and Vageta depict the manlet struggle.


Krillin was my favorite character as a kid. Little did I know heh...


I was thinking that it's hilariously appropriate that his wife is a robot.even if they were retconed to be cyborgs' despite every other android in the series being an actual android. The jokes write themselves.


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