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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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You have to be masculine, but not overly masculine that it's toxic. And you can never say you want to be manly. You have to say that you embrace your feminine side which is just as powerful... but you still have to be manly. You have to have money, but you can't ask for money because that's pitiful. You have to be a boss, but you must never tell a woman what to do. You have to make the decisions but you also have to listen to what women want, which they don't know, before you make a decision that will always be wrong. You're supposed to make time for your wife and kids or you're a cold and distant father, but not so much time that it hurts your career, or you're a failure of a provider. You have to be unselfish and think of others, but you can't be too selfless or people will see you as weak. You have to tolerate women's bad behavior, which is insane, but if you point that out, you're accused of being whiny and told to man up. You have to be chivalrous but not so much that it's chauvinistic. You have to be kind to women but not so kind that you're creepy or boring. You're supposed to be strong and confident for women, but not so strong and confident that they feel oppressed or that you make other men angry at you. You have to be romantic and spontaneous but not naive and cringeworthy. You have to take the initiative and make a move without being told to, unless of course your attention is unwanted. Always be grateful for your privilege and feel passively aware that being a man is easier than being a woman. Remember that this is the 21st century and it is time to think of women as equals but also remember that women are oppressed and dis-empowered, so do not think of them as equals. You have to never be too weak or too strong, never be too kind or too cruel, never be afraid or cocky, never be too quiet or too loud. And you must never, ever complain. Because you are a man, everything is easy for you and everything that goes wrong is your fault.


Just fuck hookers


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Aryan society is divided into three castes. From England to India to Japan, the castes are the same
If you want to know the secret to women, it's disregarding them and doing one's duty. To worship women is to be less than a man

You should read The Fountainhead and copy the heavily autistic main character (spiritually, not literally). He's the perfect ubermensch


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>reading books


"Choice" was a mistake.
Let's go back to blood fighting and the winner rapes the bitch. That's fair, right? Women whine about fairness if we go back to the old trad ways, so that should be fair.


We should probably be doing this as I've gone over before about the scarcity of fertile woman and the surplus of men.


>the fountainhead
a book written by a jewish woman


I totally support it.
Feminists will try to say that "choice" is a good enough approximation but it really is not because it relies on women using judgement which has never existed in nature, ever, let alone the fake leftist morality industrial complex propping it up.

Bring back blood fighting. First to die off will be the fatties and elderly. Then those who have weak muscles to a certain extent or are out of shape. After that it would be pure anger but by that point the pool would be whittled enough that I would likely have a fuckable pussy and so I'd fuck off and breed the slampig.

All the fatass women would become true incels and would have to lose weight or die lol.


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There's a 62% chance Dwarf also has your rape fantasy in reverse


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I expect there would be more guns and bullets involved, sorry. I'm thinking more in terms of a literal war of resources.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


Because they are poor.


She's right you know



Hitler wrote a book doe


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Which goes to show that with a little help from your frens and a little can-do attitude, anything is possible.


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Trudeau and wife announce separation
>Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Gregoire are separating after 18 years of marriage, the pair announced in matching Instagram posts on Tuesday.
>They will co-parent their children, aged 15, 14, and 9, and will continue to appear together in public, the press release stated. The pair is scheduled to vacation as a family next week. No reason for the separation has yet been made public.

I ain't ever settling down and marrying unless I immigrate to a Sharia country or some shit, you and Locnar can enjoy getting divorce-raped


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What's a book doe? How is that even possible






You just need to be willing to kill and/or flee the country.


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Look, I fucked a 54 year old methhead bitch, but I wouldn't fuck you. You are not attractive and are delusional to think that. You just have desperate men, men more desperate than me, around you giving you false feedback. You are nothing special. Get rid of this nonsense idea you're "attractive". You look like a mentally disturbed person with inferior dark eyes and dark hair. Yeah you're not a nigress or a chinkess so you've above these subhumans but for a white person you're really ugly. And the sad thing? It's an ugliness that can't be fixed; it's not like obesity or something is causing you to be ugly. As far as I can tell this is a good as you'll ever look. My 54 year old gf is better looking than you, she has prettier eyes, red hair, freckles, is tall. You are just… mediocre. If I was married to you I'd have to get you to wear a mask so as not to publicly embarrass me as people would taunt me for having an ugly girlfriend. I don't know what is worse; having an old girlfriend or an ugly one… ah I think I'll stick with my old lady. A woman's value usually comes down to her looks because women don't have anything else to offer in terms of character, virtue, intelligence, etc. so if you don't even have that then you are just nothing but a miserable femcel who will only be pursued by the most bestial and subhuman of "men" that would fuck anything. The best you could do is get a sperm donation from a real man like me because I wouldn't stick around to raise the child with you, you're too ugly to have around, hopefully my superior genetics would be an upgrade for your lineage else the child might curse me forever for having given you my seed.



Exactly which is why


Women are souless. Married to the prime minister and a divorce might fuck his PR and chances at getting reelected, meanwhile the only thoughts going through her tiny peanut brain is "teehee, i'm just not feeling it."


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>Sue Lawrence’s late-life divorce wasn’t triggered by rows or infidelity. Instead, it was the corrosive resentment that ate away at her husband as she re-invented herself.

>Sue, 66, now a life coach and author, who lives in Guildford, Surrey, explains: ‘When I took a university degree in human resources he felt it was a waste of time and money. He also seemed threatened when I started a new job in human resources and met new people, and tried to undermine my confidence.

>‘My opinion seemed irrelevant to him. He didn’t listen to me. We began leading parallel lives, but whenever I told him I was unhappy he said I was being ridiculous.’

>Six years ago, however, when Sue found the courage to seek a divorce, the shock to her husband, then 70, was profound. ‘Frankly, he was petrified,’ she says. ‘He would never have initiated the separation as our lives together were so comfortable and secure. But, like so many women today, I wanted more out of a relationship than boring routine. It was as if all the fun had leached out of our marriage.’

>A similar desire for self-fulfilment propelled Rita Whitfield-Coups, 64, an executive assistant in a management consultancy, into divorcing her husband Mark, 70, a retired ICT programmer, and father to her two grown-up children.

>There was no rancour, just a sense on Rita’s part that her own identity had been subjugated during her marriage. She explains: ‘I was typical of my generation: I met Mark through work and married young. By the time I reached the menopause I’d had enough of being a wife and mother, and by the age of 60 I was divorced.

>‘I wanted to discover a life just for me. My children no longer needed me in the same way and I saw divorce as a new beginning and a chance to explore fresh challenges.’

>Rita, who lives in South London, adds: ‘The irony is that men of this age are slowing down and looking forward to retirement, whereas women want to scale mountains and re-establish their careers. We are the equal opportunities generation and we’re not going to settle for the pipe-and-slipper routine of men our age.’

>It is now widely recognised that middle-class women like Rita, liberated by financial independence and good health, see their seventh decade as the start of a new phase of adventure and excitement, rather than the start of a slide into sedentary old age.

>‘My career is more fulfilling now, in my mid-60s, than it ever was before,’ says Rita. 'The simple fact is we don’t need a man as previous generations of women did, and we won’t put up with a second-class marriage because we have the financial independence to leave.

>‘Although I worked part-time when the children were little, collecting bric-a-brac and selling it at an antiques market, my main role was still a domestic one. I was responsible for the children and the home.

>‘Mark was the provider; my income was regarded as “pin money” and was used to pay for treats and holidays. I felt I was not an equal partner in the marriage and I resented that.’

This is the shit (((women))) divorce over. And of course all the comments under the article by women are yas qweening.



>“I remember this so clearly. I’m a hairstylist, and I had worked a superlong day at the salon, at least nine hours on my feet already. My husband asked me if I could stay extra long to cut his hair. I was exhausted, it was like 8 p.m., but I said, ‘No problem.’ He had several issues to begin with — mental health, addiction, etc. — but we were on somewhat of an upswing and I’d really been fighting for our marriage. Anyway, as I was finishing his cut, I said, ‘Let’s go get a burger?’ I wanted a warm meal, and to be served after such a long day. I wasn’t asking for much. He fought with me. He wasn’t getting it — I was tired, starving, and felt like grabbing a bite to eat together. He said we could order in, but I didn’t want to have a soggy burger at home on our couch. He was being very hostile about it. He refused to consider my feelings. He complained that he was itchy and had hair all over him and … I knew in that moment I didn’t want to spend my life with this person. I didn’t want to grow old with him. If he couldn’t see that all I wanted, and needed, was to sit down and have a stupid hamburger, if he made even that tiny thing into a moment of hell for me, then I could not stay married to him.” — Scarlett, 40, hairstylist, Manhattan

A hamburger. Not the drug addiction. But over a fucking hamburger. Then again she doesn't know how to pick 'em, which isn't a surprise since hairstylists notoriously have triple-digit body counts and this drug addict was probably the only one willing to commit.


How do you know that


I can't read this it's too language




Celine dion


I'd imagine gay guys have less pressure to be materialistic (keeping up with the Joneses) since men are not hypergamous like women.


A gay neighbour asked me a few times to get a drink with him. He was pushy it was annoying. Like nigger you're gay and fat, I said no the first time, asking againbinst gonna improve your chances


that's how you can wave to traffic and get away with a vulgar look-alike, in the place and time of my point of view,, that is impersonated... poorly.



I can go somewhere you can't and fuck with cars all I want.


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Fucking cars is a sin.


Caring is a sin.


But then it's necrophilia! That's a double sin!




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>you have to be a cuck




humiliation ritual?


Anything is possible.

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