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What are the political implications of BWC reigning supreme forevermore?


Most women don't ask for condom usage, you don't have to go all the way to the phillippines for that
And yes most of them do prefer cumming inside, sometimes they use cringe terms like "love juice" to euphemize it. Contrary to how women are portrayed by media and lamestream politics, most women are very perverted and enjoy danger, they do NOT get unexpectedly pregnant simply "because some guy was a jerk and didn't pull out" like some soymales claim


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>eating hooker pussy


My 2 major gfs were anal about condoms and pregnancy etc. But they were smart, one got a law degree the other is a scientist. Maybe that's just Ur experience. One girl I dated lost her virginity in a hungry hacks bathroom heh. When I said it was whoreush she claimed she didn't want it


>Most women don't ask for condom usage, you don't have to go all the way to the phillippines for that

>Contrary to how women are portrayed by media and lamestream politics, most women are very perverted and enjoy danger, they do NOT get unexpectedly pregnant simply "because some guy was a jerk and didn't pull out" like some soymales claim

Many years ago I impregnated a [white] whore by doing this back when I was a noob. I pretended to try a Daoist dry orgasm and coomed inside of a "preacher's daughter". She was actually pissed, probably because of my acting though

Knowing what I know now, the OP guy is correct and has mastered his technique of simplicity, directness and honesty


I know where I'm going!


damn, im cel with cash to spend and no obligations
tall, ok musculature, not ugly
would probably still be too sperg to woo a nice philipino lass


Then go for an average flip lass instead


Why Are White Roastoids Seriously Mad At Redpilled Passport Bros?


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you ever heard the term 'i think therefore i am'

you think youre too sperg, you are because you want to be, you probably think its cool


You could have written that more coherently



>first 30 seconds
>white women


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BWC chads... We won


This can be summarized as black up, yellow down


Anti-riceplowers have been thoroughly pwned. One of their favorite statistics has betrayed them.




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