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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1693336195968.png 2.15 MB, 1440x1080, utenafeet.png


Utena's feet.






Holy based thread


I GOTT LOCION ON MAH DIQQ I'm stroakin mah diqq 2o dis threda!!!!!!!!






File: 1693373218422.png 3.24 MB, 800x9609, y7574575.png




I stopped watching anime at 18 it's so puerile and I fantile


File: 1693433832922.mp4 402.98 KB, 540x360, ezgif-2-e5172ea82c.mp4


SCHuTT YOuRe STT00pid muoth, JUNKEI!!! anIME is BaSsSed!!!


I've been sober 2 days now


GET 2o 6 MUntHS an I wILi conSEDEr yuo hooMAN


File: 1693998347414.jpg 273.43 KB, 1439x1405, ;).jpg


File: 1696127276217.webm 2.93 MB, 1280x720, 1696116931658586.webm


Gimme an inception baby, so I'll keep it ice-ice (in the freezer for you)



>Utena, known as the shtetl Utyan in Yiddish, historically had a Jewish population. In 1941, approximately 2,000 Jews were rounded up in the town, which was then under the Nazi occupation, and shot in the Rašė Forest about 2 km (1.2 mi) to the north.[3]
Uuuuh, based?


Second from left.

>approximately 2,000 Jews were shot


far left




>if like the metal is magnetic and plastic isn't magnetic can u like bool invert metal in proximity of plastic to be not magnetic and the plastic to be magnetic and suck up all microplastics

sleep and water deprivation brain is like the nigger weed intellectual brain whomagavehawedtoudought

smoke the nigger weed yo 420 bake yo


Well, as you know the the problem for us gay guys is that when you wipe the ass pieces of the toilet paper often gets stuck down there. The opening is so out of normal bounds now that the paper gets pushed IN there and then it clenches shut, so within the motion of a wipe, a piece tears off and you got to really dig into there with your fingers to get those remaining pieces out.

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