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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Friendly reminder that pork is fed with literal garbage. It's the lowest form of goyslop, fit only for broken, toxic goyim



What's the relevance? Your chickens eat shit.




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Shit is mostly just dead intestinal fauna and expired cells, with a bit of undigested food. Easy calories

Plastic on the other hand is toxic, killing cells, damaging the nervous system, immune system and hormonal system

My animals eat my kosher™ poop and they'll grow up strong and healthy. Whereas factory farmed pigs eat plastic, live brief painful lives and then poison millions of goyim with their cancerous flesh

In short, poop is from God and plastic is from man


shit is very nutritious for pigs
in ancient china the sty would be positioned below the family toilet


Unironically better than modern American pigfeed


I can't cook pork well and often it makes me feel off. It's nice in mad mex or Guzman's, but it's expensive so I don't have it often


don't care still eatin


If a rabbi won't bless it and declare it safe for his tribe, then I won't eat it. All foods are very clearly marked as safe for the ruling caste or disgusting animal food


fuck off kike, hows it feel to have a dead dick head, you think thats intercourse youre feeling?


Enjoy your mRNA goyim exploding Wonder Bread. It's remarkable that the vast majority of goyim I speak to about pigs eating plastic are totally cool with it

I think perhaps 25% of the population is sentient


if we didnt need a foreskin we wouldnt have one


all rabbis should be gassed



Ah we have a brownpill enjoyer.


Not a realistic option right now and they're still poisoning the food supply for everyone. It stands to reason that their own food is safe


Do they actually eat kosher though? I thought it was just a grift for the most part. There's also kinds of garbage that's certified kosher.


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>Do they actually eat kosher though? I thought it was just a grift for the most part
Only particularly devout ones do. I would guess that 80% of them couldn't care less

>There's also kinds of garbage that's certified kosher

Correct. Plenty of ironically kosher goyslop out there. I tell my wife to shop as though she was a snobby and devout orthodox jew. Only kosher, no bioengineered ingredients. The less ingredients on the list, the better

I was a huge health nut for many years so I'm already used to heavily scrutinizing everything I eat

I will not eat the poison inshallah


tard didnt have access to real pork

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