>>65557did you even watch the vide he doesnt have down syndrome
>>65558D-word has lived on the internet for so long with her male model curated feed that she doesn't know what average people look like anymore.
I need to save all this dystopian stuff for future scholars see.
>>65568Your new name is Giant.
>>65570Does that make all of your many exes sexual predators?
>>65574Did they make you wear that in remedial classes?
apparently he abuses her, makes her walk round the house naked, uses her as a sex doll, makes her fuck his friends
>>94912What you call abuse the foid craves in her heart
>>94925>>94939She's retarded. She should be euthanized.
>>94925Being a cuck with a retard wife is based now?
>>94978Is it really cuckoldry if he forces her to dress and act like a cat and watches her get fucked?
>>94985If someone creates or wants to be in a situation like that, it's cuckoldry by definition. Not wanting your wife to sleep with other men is called having self-respect.
>>94997This. Normalizing cuckoldry ("open relationships") is one of the more insidious cultural products of the west at present. How many otherwise healthy relationships has this contrivance destroyed by greatly enhancing women's predilection towards "monkey-branching"?
I guess if you're on the other end of the spectrum as a high-value male it greatly works in your favor; if this sort of arrangement meant that a child-bearing woman ended up with a superior male every time it would maybe be acceptable in the macroscopic scale and timeline but I'm not certain that's the case.
>>94997Since she doesn't have free will of her own, it isn't cuckoldry. Cuckoldry implies his wife is cheating on him. She is not. He's just lending her out to his friends like an onahole, which is based. Share the wealth brother.
>>94999The problem is that
he enjoys it. Seeing your wife getting fucked by other men is supposed to evoke a very intense disgust response, not titillation. Plus, she was clearly deemed fit for marriage.
>>95000Trips checked heh
>she was clearly deemed fit for marriage.She's literally retarded. Even avid has more brain cells than a downie. The government deems all sorts of bullshit but that doesn't make it true.
>Seeing your wife getting fucked by other men is supposed to evoke a very intense disgust response, not titillation.Just seems selfish to hoard your retard wife to yourself. I don't see any problem with letting your bros have a go. You'd let your buddies use your playstation right? Maybe raid your fridge? She is his property and he can do what he wants with her.
The webster dictionary defines a cuckold as a man who's wife is unfaithful to him. If she's doing what he commands her to do, how is that unfaithful? He is in full command of the situation. She is literally retarded, completely incapable of making decisions, so how could he not be in control? It's kinky sure but he isn't a cuck. The shame in being a cuck comes from allowing a foid to betray you. It is allowing another man to steal your property behind your back.
>>94998Chads don't have "open relationships", they just cheat on their GFs or fuck random women casually. "open relationship" always = reverse harem, a bunch of dudes for one girl.
>>95005He has a cuck fetish, you retard. That's worse than being a loser, who's GF cheats on you against your wishes. Being in control of this situation is what makes him a gross weirdo freak, do you get it? I don't care how you want to define it.
>>95005>You'd let your buddies use your playstation right? Maybe raid your fridge?Not remotely similar. The difference in gravity between those things and infidelity is wide. You don't hear many stories of one man killing another because the grinder he was saving got eaten, but you do hear of husbands killing their wives along with their lovers.
>If she's doing what he commands her to do, how is that unfaithful?A woman having extramarital sex is a violation of the traditional union regardless of if the man allows or wants her to do so or not. Plenty of men who consciously "lend" their wives out or tolerate them sleeping with other men also proudly identify as cuckolds. He is a cuckold by definition because she is being unfaithful whether or not he encourages her to be.
>>95007>A woman having extramarital sex is a violation of the traditional union regardless of if the man allows or wants her to do so or notTraditional union for 200,000 years was gangbanging women with your bros. It's why the human penis has a scoop shape: specifically to scoop out competing bro-sperm
For countless aeons our ancestors gangbanged and wife swapped
The fact of the matter is this tard fucker is far more in line with primordial tradition. The foid is merely an object for his entertainment, and he uses her as he pleases. He is the ultimate trad tard master
>>95011I wish you luck in developing time travel if you think eras with <20-year life expectancy are actually good because hypergamy. Other apes also practice some level of exclusivity and violently fight over hole access anyway. Strongly doubt the very distant past (which has nothing to do with today) was one big hippie orgy like you're imagining.
>>95011>For countless aeons our ancestors gangbanged and wife swappedI doubt this. Gang-rape in the heat of the moment maybe, like a modern day, war-time Slav, but the way you describe it is like some hippie-dippie kike bullshit straight out of the 60s.
>>94999>>95005>>95011how cum u freaks always say 1 thing and do another. giving malicious advice or theories to others but never follow them urself
the only person u'll probably fool is retard flag guy, mayb he can be convinced to be a cuckold gangbanger wife swapper, dont need to convince avid either cuz hes already a husband swapper, dont think ne1 else is dumb enough to b tricked by u
>>95011Based trad tard truth.
>>95007>traditional unionJewish tradition from the bible*
>You don't hear many stories of one man killing another because the grinder he was saving got eatenKilling someone because of theft is exceedingly common. Stealing someone's woman is a form of theft. Why do you think the male lover of the wife is targeted when it is the woman who is cheating? Because he is a thief.
>>95012What do the sexual practices of apes have to do with humans? Apes don't have mushroom shaped penises, or engage in the same sort of social behaviour humans do.
Let's face the facts. Sex is the primary way humans bond with another. Monogamy is a JEWISH PLOY to keep men atomized and divided, under the thumb of their foid. Remember that jewish society is matriarchal, and that carries over into judeo-christian society.
>>95015Avid shut the fuck up and get back on your knees, adults are talking.
>>95020>Sex is the primary way humans bond with another.I don't think I'd want to be your friend tbh.
>>95013To be fair this sort of thing is well attested to in history books, like Herodotus talked about the Persians doing it. The first child of any woman was sired "by the community" in a gangbang party. Probably helps cut down on inbreeding or something. Selling your wife is also a pretty common thing historically, right up until modern times. If you consider a woman to be property of her husband, than being able to sell or lend her is a logical extension of that.
>>95022They swing both ways. You don't want your boipucci destroyed. I understand.
>>95027porn addiction, pre-nut delusion, etc.
>>95020>Remember that jewish society is matriarchal, and that carries over into judeo-christian societyCorrect. Look at all the feminists in here putting hoes before bros
>>95029>Putting hoes before brosYou mean... putting chicks before dicks?
>>95025Yes, I imagine he'd be like:
>C'mon, bro, let me borrow your ass! It's not weird this is normal bonding! No.95058
>>95056That's exactly how it would go down.
>>95056I fail to see the problem with this. Just normal bro things.
>>95056If you don't want to lend your own ass, you'd best put up a woman to lay in your place.
So did you guys already start advertising on 4chan? Because it feels like you did after seeing such a lively conversation about how cuckoldry is ARYAN EVROPA TRVKE TRADISHVN.
>>95084Not me. If someone else had the same idea, it's a synchronicity, and probably proof of the correctness of it or something.
>>95120>advertizing on cuckchan in CY+9>cuckoldry le good because two people can have the same malignant thoughtNot sure which you mean, but both are dumb. Faggots, kikes and niggers experience "synchronicities" with their own all the time. Sharing mental illness tends to lead them to the same conclusions.
>>95126I'm not you fucking cringe weeb retard
>>95129drop dead, avid, retarded faggot
>>95120Using one's woman as a sexual object is not cucked, simple as
>>95134Lending her out is, though. If I had a woman, I would expect her to dress in a way that is modest so as to be in accordance (or nearly) with sharia while out in public. Couldn't care less if she walked around the house naked when we're alone.
sage for autism correction
your position is a bizarre combination of feminism and islam.
>>95139Halal in the streets, haram in the sheets
>>95140Not literal sharia, but better that women wear robes instead of revealing clothing or form-fitting shit like yoga pants in public. A wife's beauty should solely be for the gaze of her husband. Besides its views on keeping women as homemakers with modest appearances in public, I can do without Islam. If you mean being okay with nudity at home (strictly without company) is feminist, I don't see what makes it so.
>>95152Women shouldn't be allowed to wear clothing at all. It would keep them inside most of the time, because they'd burn or freeze outdoors, and it would allow men to better judge their worth without the illusion of makeup and attractive costumes.
>>95160Are you Andrew Anglin?
>>95160star trek lore says ferengi believed this until the later seasons of DS9
>>65554 that's not autism. that's clickbait
>>95152 if someone is beatuiful like very or even commercial for alot of people maybe you are not quite their husband/wife, but i guess islam just has to double cross its own concept. i mean it's not new seeing people blow their own heads randomly and then make the few bloat with 18 twins that dies under slight bad winds...with flock of wolves...or locked door.
also if you have to wear form fits in public maybe you are not quite married, while anyone who tries so hard insisting on a loyal imaginary husbandwivery even in public to the point of smashing into poles is either senile, demented, or just delusional weeb
.thats like 3 cats of islamism, though. or just religion in general
>>95168probably a sperg, autists can't really speak well
>>95152Memeing aside, modesty is essential for both sexes. It's also far more attractive than exhibitionism
Excuse for what?
>>95170>anyone who tries so hard insisting on a loyal imaginary husbandwivery even in public to the point of smashing into poles is either senile, demented, or just delusional weebYou sound atomized to the point that you can't believe anyone has faithful relationships anymore.
>>95175Yeah, I don't think men should be showing a lot of skin either. I like loose-fitting t-shirts, but don't feel right wearing shorts of any kind. Have never owned a tank top.
>>95182I live in Florida. You can't make me wear pants.
>>95183I too am Floridian. Shorts can be modest or immodest
>>95182>Yeah, I don't think men should be showing a lot of skin eitherTightness is the main factor in men's clothing I think
>>95182> I like loose-fitting t-shirtsYou dress like a 90s rapper?
>>95182Why are you so prudish?
>>95188Not that loose.
>>95193Procreation and everything that leads to it shouldn't be taken lightly. Promoting sex with provocative displays in public is like normalizing drug addiction and there is something deeply disgusting about cheapening the act that creates new life like that. I'd rather people just do drugs or masturbate than get their rocks off from sex and potentially cause pregnancies they aren't prepared for. Sex should be considered a weighty matter and kept between committed couples who are ready to bear the brunt of consequences it very well might entail.
>>95195sex doesnt case pregancy u retard
>>95206The kind of sex (BBC ATM) you're having doesn't.
>>95255says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
>>95280says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
>>95272Call Tyrone tell him you need your holes plugged NOW
>>95306says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
>>95310says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
>>95311 (checked)
>>95311says the retard who obsessively brings up his desire to have a big fat cock to penetrate all his orifices and fill them with cum, until he's just a nasty cumslut with no self respect, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
>>95319says the retard who obsessively brings up gay shit, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less
>>95323says the retard who obsessively brings up his desire to have a big fat cock to penetrate all his orifices and fill them with cum, until he's just a nasty cumslut with no self respect, unprompted, in disgusting detail no less