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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1693872493072.png 872.1 KB, 866x488, w5iUEERsoC7c.png



File: 1693873829223.webp 58.11 KB, 1428x1965, Screenshot_20230904-192950.webp

He is autistic and has downs too.


did you even watch the vide he doesnt have down syndrome


D-word has lived on the internet for so long with her male model curated feed that she doesn't know what average people look like anymore.


I need to save all this dystopian stuff for future scholars see.


File: 1693879353233.webp 454.87 KB, 1042x8043, 1691008624564.webp

Say it.


Your new name is Giant.


File: 1693879537376.webp 75.6 KB, 1440x1338, Screenshot_20230904-210515.webp

>whats your excuse?
I'm not a sexual predator that fucks "vulnerable adults". Fucking retards is literally illegal. Faggot op is that your fetish?!


File: 1693879615995.webp 17.92 KB, 1440x536, Screenshot_20230904-210637.webp


File: 1693879691965.webp 77.58 KB, 1440x2012, 1690054793775.webp


Does that make all of your many exes sexual predators?


File: 1693879763583.webp 77.58 KB, 1440x2012, 1690054793775.webp


Did they make you wear that in remedial classes?


File: 1693879961058.webp 200.26 KB, 1440x944, Screenshot_20230904-211216.webp


File: 1711637422576.webp 53.89 KB, 993x785, Screenshot_20240227_170541….webp

wew lad

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