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anti semitism thread


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I wish the holocaust actually happened

imagine if all these descendants of "survivors" were never born


>movies would be overall better
>porn wouldnt be as prominent
>the CIA probably wouldnt exist
>men wouldnt be circumcised, women would be respected more on average as a result
>the US wouldnt be loaning out billions every year to shitsrael
>tolerance and liberalism wouldnt be financed

would be based


I don't think Jews should be genocided but both idk what to do with them aside from remove them from the west


They need to be killed off one way or another. At least to the extent where they are unable to organize ever again. That's exactly what they've done to us. Jews deserve no empathy. "Innocent" Jews actively support their kinsmen over us no matter what evil acts they do.


I see your point (Jews are dangerous) but note that everyone supports their own people and you/we should never expect otherwise


I think we could contain them in Israel, disarm them etc



>but note that everyone supports their own people and you/we should never expect otherwise
I disagree. A nigger goes on a rampage and the nigger community says he dindu nuffin and the community supports him unconditionally. A Jew gets caught stealing confidential information or shagging underage goyim, and he's granted asylum in Israel, legal and financial backing, and unconditional support from the community. A white is accused of doing something wrong and they're put under unimaginable scrutiny. h'Whites try to clean house in inter-race conflicts because they are inclined toward "fairness" and "justice". No other race does that. This is the sort of misplaced empathy that I'm talking about. We should no longer be apologetic on behalf of other races even if we believe we're in the wrong. We should no longer give other races the benefit of the doubt, even if they're innocent, because these "innocents" are happy to screw us over when the shoe is on the other foot. I wish we could all be fair toward each-other, but I believe it's necessary to fight this kind of instinct in the current climate.
A physical separation is not sufficient. If we ever have the opportunity we need to completely fracture their social cohesion so that they're unable to unify in retaliation. We've seen the extent of their tactics. We have no excuse to be as naive as the ancients or even the Germans. We can give them a dose of their own medicine. We can co-opt their leadership and poison their minds until they essentially kill themselves. They say that's not considered genocide after all.


no, actually it's the women.


This is the antisemitism thread and Inter-White conflict is another issue, so I won't elaborate, but IMO the order is as follows: (Originally)Whites(simps/cucks) -> Jews -> women.


Think bigger. Whites are the most empathetic humans, but this doesn't mean we don't seek our own dominance. Empathy is just one of our characteristics. In many cases you can conclude that it shoots us in the foot, but you can also conclude thats just failure, it isn't actually seeking failure. If you ask any White person why they support multiculti etc, they'll give you a reason they think is right. Everything thinks they're doing whats best for themselves and their people, or at least trying (same thing).

An analogy, or another example of this, is how Jews seem to be overplaying their hand right now, going too hard on us with the blantantly obvious race mixing or tranny propaganda (Budd Light) or indigenous rights seeking propaganda (all the Australian companies supporting the "Voice"). So that all seems to be backfiring, but they don't want it to backfire.

Try to think of the biggest example of weakness you can, like a meth head drugging out under a bridge and prostituting themselves. Nobody seeks to become like that, it's just failure. That people fail is not an argument that people seek to fail.

I agree with your second part mostly, but have yet to read more about what to do and how to bring it about. It's on my reading list, I just downloaded some Guillaume Faye books, also reading Peter (((Zeihan))) and March of the Titans right now for history and geopolitics.


>also reading Peter (((Zeihan)))
Just think of the thing that sounds the most appealing to neocon boomers and there's his take probably.


I can't remember reading a strict geopolitcs book really unless it was The strange death of Europe which I think I just zipped thru because I didn't find it so interesting


You have it backwards


Truth is the jews in the west are in decline due to intermarriage and low birthrates, and their peak subversive influence was probably a good 30 years ago. Their intermarriage rate is like 50% all up, and 60% for secular jews, that's deathspiral rates of intermarriage. Imagine if Apartheid South Africa had that rate of intermarriage with blacks? You'd never hear the end of it lol.

The Ben Shapiro neoconservative Jews, who are religiously orthodox, are not really big on white displacement because they can see that jews can only effectively manipulate whites. Sure, they try to practice historical revisionism and make out "America is a country of ideas", but deep down they know a white majority is good for them. Arabs see them for what they are and target jews relentlessly, the asians and indian new upper class are immune to the racial shaming and guilt, blacks are retarded but even they recognize jewish subversion.

Jews in Israel are a mixed bag. Israel was an ally to the white race by supporting Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia when nobody else did (if only because they had an Apartheid state themselves). But on the other hand, we've been dragged into their retarded arab conflicts so many times.


Is any of that really so connected to the global elite Jew's dominance though?


It is. It's the global elite jews that are intermarrying and intermixing. It's the poor as shit ultra-orthodox that live as smelly NEETs that are above replacement.


due to their breeding policies the jews are only going to get more and more disease riddled and inbred as time goes on, take h3 podcasts ethsn klein for example, that faggot is always in and out of hospital with some ailments




Kill yourselves, goyim


Antisemitism is just angry, jealous goyim threatening others w surprise buttsecks bc they can't get hard for women ("ewww she had sex thats gross")


Wow. So that's how all those people died.


Some goyim get their credit quicker


Can I bust her all across her back?

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