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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1694639045004.jpeg 58.22 KB, 306x557, IMG_3403.jpeg



As an obese abbo you should be huffing petrol

Otherwise you are a fraud

You all ready are a fake boi, why not be a real abbo you sow bitch


i cant stand her, i wish she never found this place


If smilesperg can end up a meth addict, it is only natural for dogisaga the pig woman to become dependent on petrol.


She went from pleasant to hateful very fast


leave smiley alone faggot


He's left alone.


File: 1694658268292.webp 41.02 KB, 1440x753, 1688847773451.webp

Look, I fucked a 54 year old methhead bitch, but I wouldn't fuck you. You are not attractive and are delusional to think that. You just have desperate men, men more desperate than me, around you giving you false feedback. You are nothing special. Get rid of this nonsense idea you're "attractive". You look like a mentally disturbed person with inferior dark eyes and dark hair. Yeah you're not a nigress or a chinkess so you've above these subhumans but for a white person you're really ugly. And the sad thing? It's an ugliness that can't be fixed; it's not like obesity or something is causing you to be ugly. As far as I can tell this is a good as you'll ever look. My 54 year old gf is better looking than you, she has prettier eyes, red hair, freckles, is tall. You are just… mediocre. If I was married to you I'd have to get you to wear a mask so as not to publicly embarrass me as people would taunt me for having an ugly girlfriend. I don't know what is worse; having an old girlfriend or an ugly one… ah I think I'll stick with my old lady. A woman's value usually comes down to her looks because women don't have anything else to offer in terms of character, virtue, intelligence, etc. so if you don't even have that then you are just nothing but a miserable femcel who will only be pursued by the most bestial and subhuman of "men" that would fuck anything. The best you could do is get a sperm donation from a real man like me because I wouldn't stick around to raise the child with you, you're too ugly to have around, hopefully my superior genetics would be an upgrade for your lineage else the child might curse me forever for having given you my seed.


He's just pressing random keys



File: 1694660189838.webp 70.66 KB, 1024x768, 1690986010437.webp

His rich jew parents didn't get him piano lessons.


why is avid defending smileberg? are they gay married now?


because hes an alright person, no homo


alright in the gay bed maybe XD


shut up faggot




File: 1694667830692.webp Spoiler Image, 45.65 KB, 1080x1246, Screenshot_20230914_033840….webp


Pig woman


There's always good jobs to help pigs unwind



An obese woman who lives in Australia who claims her parents/family pay for caregivers as she pretends to be a man and blogs about wanting dick every day.


Obesity... Obesity is: A valuable member of society, although not kind nor helpful in any kind of way, does cope and on top of a penthouse with myself underneath a ham-fist, plays with hot bimbo broads and fucks all day for money.


I can't believe it's not butter.


I read it


Prove it isn't the KKK.


I eat it


Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.Peel it off.



Is this your relationship part?




It's subsistent logging behavior is noticed.



The [Nigger Cake Group]







not feeling comfortable with you niggers running the rules on your own game reservation


People are mean.


They got rich ass chocolate though.



Stop coercing me!


It looks like a dude, maybe it's right


I wouldn't assume your gender, maybe a little reconstructive surgery


That's a male tranny pretending to be a woman while saying they are an actual woman-they will never be a real woman. They are trying to do this to try and cover up the fact that they are a biological male by saying that they are an actual female that is larping or trying to be a male. It's supposed to be some sort of mind fuck reverse psychology trick to coverup the fact that they've a biological male and it's not working.


I see. There's a fly in your cream-of-mushroom soup. And there's shit caked on your feet, as you've printed in tracks across all the way from the door.


dogisaga should kill themselves because they are fat and ugly


wow nasty tranny shite

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