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File: 1694964415585.webp 193 KB, 1440x1434, Screenshot_20230917-085559….webp

 No.66389[Last 50 Posts]

How are the 4chon canadians holding up?


They never held up well in the first place.




dome killed himself a few months ago




I'm doing good. Smiley seems to be about the same as ever. Undido trooned out. Learningcode has schizophrenia and seems unable to cope with life.

Can't think of any others.


Learningcode is from america.



IDK who those people are.


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and you are????





Learningcode doesn't have schizophrenia. He has aspergers.




He suffers the anguish of being a cripplecock Jew.


Wow. Just like hot wheels.


Baby genital mutilation needs to be illegal tbqh.


Smilegrem posting here should be made illegal




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they were all eaten by bears and wolves


I wish.


you wish



I wish smileberg and lazare would meet this fate but dickspiders was cool


Lazare died a couple years ago newfag


cool! is learninchode dead yet?


are you not dead yet sperg


You guys should support the guy who got put in jail for writing dailystormer articles


if you cook on the toast afraid be to the rollercoasters


shut up you retarded faggot


where did the chute say that on the denim blast


I'm as full of life as avid is full of nigger cum


what the where and this building hate


I have no hate in my heart


the watch of the guitar strap being of all the bathtubs


Watch out for taking that plugged in toaster into the bathtub full of water.


watch out for the demons i have set upon you


I have uno card reversed them back onto you and am covered in a giant liquid mirror. I win.


fart off you gay shitcunt


You lost.


you are gay


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A compelling case for body building narratives.


Please let us help you! My name is ABDUL. This year is to be so exciting!
Welcome ;-)


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Maple syrup revenue represents 0.03% of Canada's GDP. Canada's economy is almost entirely based on investment in real estate.


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I'd take a cartoon picture from a trailer park boy's game very seriously, if I were you.


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Canada is Russia with Americans


>Canada's entire economy is based on Chinese real estate investment and the reason their healthcare practitioners "comically" offer euthanasia for minor healthcare issues is because the changs want to do anything in their power to hollow out as much of Canada's existing real estate and infrastructure as possible and they are directly influencing healthcare policy and professionals in the country in an attempt to do so
Now it all makes sense


Even though China gets criticized for the wrong things most of the time, this is a good dose of reality for chink simps who think they would have a good influence on western domestic policy.


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Hay Canada. Stop taking our holidays.


Aren't you owned by kikes? Don't all males get their foreskins snipped off for no reason over there?


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new vacation spot detected



Avid is gonna take the whole thing up his butt.


& down his throat





Your picture is horrible, Canada is not that depressing.
I do know a Canadian who left Canada and went to live in Russia. Although I think it is harder to live in Russia than in Canada.


90% of your country is tundra. You fags literally cling to a judaized country like USA for relevance and sustenance. That said, I would be happy to shovel more snow if it meant being farther from niggers and spics.


Canada is culturally enriched. Just ask smiley.


whats wrong with you? youre eternally triggered lol


You rode nigger dick too hard to the point of becoming an amnesiac lol


i have never had gay sex though


>type the same way as avid
>post retarded tf2 scout picture like avid
You're not fooling anyone + you slurp gallons of nigger jizz straight from the source.


>type the same way as avid
i dont understand this, ive seen one post from this 'avid'
>>post retarded tf2 scout picture like avid
tf2 is a popular game i dont know what to tell you
>you slurp gallons of nigger jizz straight from the source.
what are you yapping about?



the vocaroo cut me off, its supposed to say "you have mental health problems"


LOL you sound super gay, avid.





It sounds like you're talking from the back of your throat like an insecure beta male plus you sound like you got a pair of meaty bitch tits, avid.


upload your voice, i bet its high pitched and shit


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ok carlton banks and what


>and what
Well. You ain't urkle.


Have a blast fingering your prostate to my voice, homo.


i was right, you have a little boy voice LMAO

no wonder youre so angry seemingly all of the time


Not my problem that you need to imagine other men having "little boy" voices because you're a pederast, avid.


your voice is high though, cope about it


It's not, and talking from the back of your throat doesn't mean you're any less of a beta cuck. In fact, it just shows you're even more insecure than previously thought lol. I suppose you're used to using the back of your throat to massage nigger dicks, though.


Speaking of voices check out Smiley faking his voice here to sound deeper

He still pronounces words like "this" as "dis", "both" as "bofe", "thought" as "fought" and so on

His real voice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGhq6uC5a4c


Wizards are gay. Get over it!


Yeah. That's very funny. 🤡




>talking from the back of your throat

lol voicelet cope


Believing that talking from the back of your throat makes you sound more masculine instead of like some mutant toad is the real cope.


sounding like a mutant toad is fucking based


dont really care, he isnt harming anyone, did he hurt you in some way to warrant you lurking his channel and reposting his videos or are you just bitter toward everyone?


If you're trying to impress the rest of the special ed class maybe.


im absolutely trying to do such a thing, its my life's goal

whats your goal? going max delusion and convincing yourself that posting gay shit all the time is actually because youre straight?


You're always talking about NEL this and NEL that. You've even adopted a corruption of your favorite chocolate man's name. You don't see me asking other men for JOI content unlike you.


what the actual fuck are you on about?


About how much of a supreme buttfairy you are.


nah the only homosexual here is you


You suck mad black dudes all day.


4chon, a place where men argue about how straight they are.


wasn't talking to you gayboy


4chon. The straightest place on the Internet.


Post cock


seek professional help


coming back here to mock your little boy soy voice LOL

>talking from the back of your throat

this is peak voicelet cope, yeah my voice is deep because im 'talking from the back of my throat'

yeah fucking right lmao, voice deepness is attributed to neck length, chest volume and subsequent testosterone exposure

i bet you have narrow shoulders no neck and you cant gain muscle mass easily LOL

go cry in a corner sissy boy, maybe you should do as your comments always detail and go out and have gay sex, you seem to always been bringing it up


You sound really butthurt. Must be on account of all the nigger dicks you take in your bum. No one is impressed by you talking from the back of your throat like a high school kid trying too hard lol.


Where's avids vocaroo? Did he delete it?


It's spoilered. >>86832


youre ugly LOL


Weren't you crying about how mean posts here were making you suicidal a week or two ago? Now that's a KWAB moment if there ever was one.


ive never made such a post


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"avid the nigger erection licker wants us to upload our voices so he has something to masturbate too"


I'm a girl btw.


Sure you have, avid.



These are all wrong. He can only get off to men, black men in particular being his preference.


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That's so fucking funny 🤣


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That post vs my actual reaction when I typed out it's so funny. Pic related.


In this vid he's trying even harder to have his voice sound masculine and deep. The only person the cringewizard is foolin is himself.


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>The only person the cringewizard is foolin is himself.
Pic related.


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There, I showed you my cock. Send me pictures of black willies NOW NOW NOW!!!


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crazy gay sex with a lot of black men at the same time


go get laid goblin, im sure theres down syndromes near you or some shit


you sound like a tranny


literally who


I like how you're retarded enough to believe anyone is being fooled by you using a new name while you post the exact same way as you always have. You must enjoy being sodomized by niggers because your IQ is as low as theirs.


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>2 sentences is tldr
So like I said, nigger IQ.



>i am a retard sissy for black dicks!!!
True, you are quite gay and retarded.


thats literally you though


Weird you think that since you're the one always going on about how much you love nigger dicks.


again thats literally you, mods will know this


Yes, they know you are avid the BBC enthusiast.


the only bbc enthusiast here is you





Yes. Smiley is gay.


you wish


Why would I wish that?


because youre a degenerate


Male homo gay scat poop butt sex gross.


both are gross, troon


Butt sex gross poop fart scat yuck.



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