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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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>no dude dont unceremoniously kill me right here on the spot its le funny heckerino qweefarms prank ok just a little libertarian principles firstamendment freedom of speech trollign

i fucking hope that happens
on camera

it would be SOOOOO funny


English please.


Is that mr beast?


is he youtube ??? i have couple of extensions installed that hides away all yt slop sections, disables autoplay, shorts etc. and isolates it in a separate firefox "container" for a good measure


What is this thread about? I don't get it.


i thought it would be funny if one of the psychopaths irl harassing "lolcows" would actually get shot or something by one of them (i am not advocating against the harassment).


Yeah op I kinda get it but don't really get it heh lel

Also of whomst which lolcows are you speaking? I love drama too, either creating it or even being it maybe heh but I curiously find it hard to follow that many sagas, but maybe that's just the way it works maybr you have to follow someone for a while to get the feel of them etc then something happens or they do something odd

Anyway I'm real high, love dxm xd


You want Mr beast to shoot people?


That would be some real content.


LAWL so funny, dat zoomer Trawled dem so bad


Zoomer DESTROYS boomers xD


Based child. All boomers deserve death.


File: 1695617821467-0.jpg 107.27 KB, 1410x1080, Screenshot_1.jpg

File: 1695617821467-1.jpg 115.81 KB, 1450x1080, Screenshot_2.jpg

Dwarf (aka MtF Mark Zuckerberg) after she loses weight and gets double jaw surgery followed by teeth aligner treatment.


two things:
1) I would fuck the shit out dwarf and if you wouldn't you're gay
2) this child belongs in prison with niggers


It's probably fake and gay, and zoomers are too retarded to troll, they can't do it online either. They think all they need to do is be annoying. There's no subtlety or humor.
>I act retarded and people get understandably upset
Where's the joke even? This is the kind of thing you watch hoping to see the kid get killed by a nigger.


you are a gay faggot lol


You're both schizophrenic. Dwarf is a fictional character that doesn't exist and isn't real.


the true of the grass of the moon tribe 2


I hope smiley rapes and kills her


You hope smiley rapes and murders a fictional character that doesn't exist and isn't real?


I would rape all of you to death just to make dwarf smile


You're reaching levels of schizo I didn't know were possible.


you are gay and a faggot


File: 1695797543609.jpg 68.9 KB, 700x1000, 37133.jpg

you are gay



OPs dream came true sort of


he did nothing wrong.

should have used bigger bullets so the sneakers and hats collecting wigger fag cannot make his "prank" videos again.


americans are so weak and pussified they see shooting someone as the answer to a bit of light harrassment


Killing annoying people is good.


Retards like you are why sociopaths are allowed to shit everything up with no consequences. The root of the issue should be taken care of. We have no moral obligation to play these stupid games with bad actors.


>light harassment
You mean bullying?


Do you know anything about the damage gunshot wounds can do to the abdomen? Do the smaller or lesser calibres pierce less? I imagine there are some "body cavities" where you could shoot and not hit an organ and not do much damage, i.e damage that would heal relatively fast


File: 1698447365042.mp4 7.79 MB, 720x1280, eqzche0goYy-H-ax.mp4


That's terrifying.


except try being prodded at by a dedicated troll 24/7. >>66686 is right


wtf. where is this from
hope that bitch gets arrested


I would do a big heh if Josh Moon was executed on live TV.


/pol/ probably

Otherwise from spending a few mins on kiwifarms the site seems hard to find good threads for. I'm reading through the titles of the threads on the biggest lolcow subforum thing and I don't know most of them.


don't interact with me on this site. you are making me miserable.


What are you crying about this time?



Yeah i don't know the context of this, why the woman was on the road etc. But the dash cam owner should not have escalated.


Had she used the starfire before popping me off on the highway, then wouldn't this be my heavenly pleasure today?


how did she escalate? she just kind of honked her horn at the woman


how cruel:'(

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