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I doubt it, but I will keep this in mind in case I get cancer.


I've been telling people about this for a few years. There was a video about an old canadian guy that cured his "100% fatal" cancer with it.

WORMOIDS F*CKING CAUSE (some kinds of) CANCER (probably via inflammation due to their parasitic wrigglin' and jigglin') AND THEY THEY THEY DON'T WANT (YOU) TO KNOW ABOUT IT! GOD! DAMMIT!


Even though I'm a doubter( and I doubt it) what makes this seem plausible is that it's an easily accessible drug that you can't really grift off of.


I think we should be taking anti-parasitics regularly. Probably quarterly at least. They don't cost much, take the Black Walnut/Wormwood pill (tincture). Wormwood is a low grade psychedelic and promotes vivid dreams as well. It's frickin' based.


I don't know anything about cancer it seems to be an old person's disease. Guessing it's caused by seed oils.


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Hell yeah. TWD soon
100 mg in each CC of this stuff


If you turn into Papa Smurf, please stop.


That doesn't happen, there's no downsides to flushing these sinister Wormoid parasites out of your body as long as you acknowledge that the only way to do so is to administer something that could be dangerous if improperly dosed. Whether it's Black Walnut/Wormwood, Veterinary Medicine or Gum Spirits of Turpentine. heh


We should make women overuse colloidal silver so we could finally have a different color of girl after so many thousands of years of just having like 4 or whatever options, right bros? heh


Its not a bad idea...


I miss tanking on my draenei pally waifu bros


I took some paraguard sposed to flush out the worms on occasions but didn't feel much different and I worry about taking too much and fucking up my system. Plus I have no way of knowing if there are even any worms. I doubt many could survive my kooky Chem habits. Reminder that the old school way of curing parasites in pets was to feed em a crushed up cigarette. Demons fear smoke not to mention fasting is probably a good deterrent for junk buildup


Sounds like some druggie copium.


I just took 10mg/kg of fenbendazole. Will repeat dose in 2 weeks. It's the lowest end of standard deworming in lab rats

The LD50 for fenbendazole is over 10,000mg/kg
Anything under 25mg/kg is totally safe, even for pregnancy

Unironically just killed all of my wormoids very easily


someone related to me has cervical cancer. Doesnt seem appropriate to recommend dewormer


Tell them to stop eating heh. It'll help. Cancer relies on a person having a high blood sugar to reproduce, so not eating will reduce that and make treatments more effective.

Most people would rather just die than go against the opinion of an authority figure though. I doubt they'd do it if you told them.


A lot of people who have cancer feel too sick to eat and it doesn't seem to work out for them. Fasting is good for you, but it does not miraculously cure everything.


Show them the video of the old Tippens nigga posted ITT. It doesn't seem appropriate, no, but their life is at stake and I'm sure they'd be willing to try anything. Also apricot seeds; tell them not to eschew whatever conventional treatments there may be because that's retarded


Read between the lines in this article instead of reading (((their))) headline for example:


As long as you can promote this shit with the proper evidence (anecdotal/circumstantial it may be) without coming across as a frothing at the mouth lunatic you genuinely could help give them a better chance at survival




Shes doing chemo. Shes overweight but not obese from what I remember, about 45-50.

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