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The site has been fucked for 2 days, but I have connected.


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da toghest n word is da
https cert renew
dey jus do it to keep us
webmaster@domain.tld nigas down


What's even more bullshit is when you encounter the error page firefox claims that it "can't make an exception and that you should contact the site administrator", when in fact it can make an exception, and that's what I did. It misleads visitors into thinking the site itself is unreachable and there's nothing they can do about it.


Other browsers do the same.


Based early adopter

Thanks for your diligence as always, King

Yeah Brave hit me with that crap as well. The certificate thing seems incredibly arbitrary, I can only imagine the countless pajeet scam sites etc. that have them.

For one. If a site JUST lost its all-important "certification" less than a month ago it should certainly have a grace period where at most a caution/warning message is shown that can easily be ignored rather than completely blocking anyone from using it unless they're willing to jump through a bunch of hoops


Looks like we're back. I thought it was the final nail in the coffin.
Maybe there's something I'm missing, but a lot of SEO garbage and sketchy sites have an up-to-date cert, so I don't see the point. ` The cherry on top is that the CP bots seemed to have no trouble accessing the site.


4chon isn't asking for your credit card and does not have a user account system, so I question why it doesn't use a self signed cert. Is it because the scary message in firefox scares off people?


I was worried cuckmaster from arete had finally succeeded in hacking da site

glad to see he's still as useless as ever and probably eating his own shit rn


he's not my bellhop, he's a budding lolcow in sore need of a milkin



Yeah I did the DNS change thing yesterday but it didn't work. I was busy cleaning my house though so I didn't mind a break.


What browser do you use? I just had to change something in the settings in firefox.


Both Firefox and Chrome


based retard removal service


this faggot >>66915


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Was out of town for past few days and it expired right after I left, didn't notice it failed to renew the past month. I think the automated renewal will work now. Manual renewals always worked for some reason but I looked at the letsencrypt error log and it gave errors in the past month when it attempted to renew each Sunday which is what I set on the cron scheduler (you can renew your SSL certificate within 30 days before expiration) saying that the HTTP-01 challenge failed because the secret files to be generated in 4chon.me/.well-known/acme-challenge/ was inaccessible. Well I made sure to create that directory with permissive directory permissions (755) and to make sure nginx doesn't auto-redirect that directory to https (port 443) since letsencrypt requires http (port 80) access.


Won't know whether it really works until about 30 days before the next expiration (Feb 4) since letsencrypt does not provide any way to test a renewal until 30 days before expiry. You can see certificates of every site and their issuance and expiration dates in your browser:



Some people mentioned browser settings to bypass the expired cert screen. How does one do this, for next time?


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