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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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File: 1699392247629.png 90.37 KB, 391x240, 1699384262594.png


I was looking for dead chans to maybe take over. It looks like you guys are retarded. Depressive imageboard. This place genuinely feels grim.


Are you 30-something years old? Are you an undead entity, who only remains in this world due to lingering affection for the 2000-2010s? Then you've come to the right place.


your mom gay


File: 1699398588823.jpeg 120.77 KB, 769x827, 608cfaee72f7d.jpeg


kys queermo


This place is great, and now that we're officially taking a stance against off topic schizo posting it can only be better. Do you know how demoralizing it's been having to read nonsensical ESL gibberish in response to any otherwise benign post being made? We never deserved this fate, we were imageboard royalty once.


i fard n shidd my self LOL


i fard an it smell of shit


You're just pretending to be a retard man, you know that doesn't count




you forgot the part where i sex dogs. trowlned u fags good kek.


I wanna find op and rape him until he dies


You're retarded yourself, so it's not for you to judge me!

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