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Ultimate Manchildren's Playpen
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Who remembers this OG chudcel lol?


He's an exact match for a chudcel.


what happened to our boy steadman? last I heard her was on MPC getting bullied by p-man and his toadies over bad optics


it really is amazing how ahead of it's time 4chon was. all modern memes descend from the golden age of 4chon circa AD 2011-2014


And that's a bad thing.


mpc is still around? damn


you have to pay to view the boards now lol



I remember the face but nothing else


my favorite was that guy who posted about Steve Sailer and HBD stuff all the time. He made good defenses of WN talking points.


File: 1702653443672.jpg 644.11 KB, 1080x1677, afs.jpg

This showed up in my boomerbook feed and I instantly got flashbacks to all the memes about Steadman and the cotton candy-haired pajeet heh.


Anyone have the old memes of Rohan the cotton candy man?



Nice. Very classic.



I hate pajeets so much it's unreal, bros

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