Turn your self hatred outwards anon.
>>70306i don't hate myself tho. i like myself, which is why i don't want to subject myself to this pointless reality any longer.
>Killing yourself out of boredom
Why don't you attempt radical change before attempting suicide?
Get a hobby or get involved nigga. Hylics and retards don't count, but there's perfectly introspective and intelligent people who'd lost limbs and suffered horrific burns and shit who'd never think of giving up their remaining years over so flippant a reason. You can still use this life to do good in this clown world, you just have yet to find a deeply satisfying purpose-but you can't do that if you just do the same sh*t over and over again.
>>70310This heh
live to spite your enemies :)
>>70310Because that takes effort. And if OP could muster up effort he wouldn't be full of ennui to begin with.
>>70319He needs to stop cooming and start meditating, unironically. Lustful thoughts while involuntarily celibate will turn one into a hungry ghost
you might not believe me now, but you'll end up in hell if you do it. i don't want that to happen to a fellow anon. snap yourself awake and seek the Light. you can start by reading the gospel (the good news) and praying to Christ. it's not the end.
>>70310I already have. I moved across country and changed careers. Got some education. Got therapy. Lost virginity. Had relationships. It didn't work. I am right back where I started.
>>70314A deeply satisfying purpose. Boy that sounds nice. Also sounds impossible.
>>70317I don't have enemies.
>>70321I am not incel. I gave up cooming for a long while. It didn't work. I just relapsed and regressed. I am worse off than ever. I also tried meditation. It lead me in a worse direction.
>>70323Why don't you have enemies? Everyone should have enemies.
>>70323live to spite the people you've lost touch with :)
>>70323>I moved across country and changed careers. Got some education. Got therapy. Lost virginity. Had relationships. It didn't work. I am right back where I started. I'd be bored too if I had your life and mindset. The question one should always ask is: What would Osama bin Laden do?
Take a strong psychedelic. I would recommend 4-AcO-DMT, mushrooms, or mescaline. They sell the first as "synthetic mushrooms" in head shops, and the cactus can be bought all over the internet as san pedro cuttings
>>70336>4-AcO-DMTtried it a bunch of times. even posted about it on oldchon back in the day. had some great visionary experiences. it's part of why i have no death anxiety.
If you are white focus on reproducing and raising all your children to be fanatical national socialists willing to kill for the race.
If you are too old for that then focus your life on hunting down non-white and jews and destroying ZOG.
If you're sterile than see above.
If being a guerilla warrior against ZOG isn't an option for you than just do a ton of shrooms.
If you are non-white just kill other non-whites, preferably rallying other non-whites to join you in it, become something like a Liberian warlord except do it in the country you're currently a citizen in.
If killing people isn't an option for you just do a fuck ton of shrooms and meditate and try to commit mahasamadhi. Just leave your body by an act of will and don't return into your body.
I want a family. And otherwise I like women and reading, and gathering my thoughts on things.
>>70358I want to add that I like to take long walks on the beaches and chug gallons of DXM.
>>70305I've lost everything. I don't even have any surviving family left in the world. My parents were both killed. I've been selling off every single possession I have from all of my collections just so I don't end up homeless on top of working a shitty part-time job because I can't find work full-time or anywhere that's willing to pay a livable wage. I have to cut at least a solid meal each day just to have enough food. Gave my dog away because I couldn't take care of him. Using an old thinkpad that I found in a dumpster years ago and sold off my gaming PC because I needed the money and to save on my electric bill. My parents didn't own their home so I didn't inherit a house or anything like that. They ended up on drugs in the end and what killed them was a drug deal gone wrong in the wrong neighborhood. No idea where their car even ended up. I don't even own a vehicle. I have to bike around to get from place to place or just walk. I live in a very dangerous part of my city. I literally see people non stop shitting, pissing, fucking, shooting up, and trying to find a place to sleep outside of my window. I'm trying to get the fuck out of here. Instead of being a little baby pussy like you OP, I'm trying to do what the fuck I can to survive. Sure, I could drink a bottle of bleach and poison myself into the dark abyss of shit. That isn't what I'm going to do, I'm going to get out of this hell, and start fresh somewhere new. Focus on a "hard reset" so to speak. Get a small decent place to live away from here and get a nice set up in my room. Get into some projects and see if I can turn my hobbies and interests into my life's work. Be happy in the second half of my life and look back as my "dark ages" moment of this suffering chapter of my so-called life. I'm not fucking giving up! You're just a fucking cocksocking BITCH OP!!! So, if you're going to end your life. Don't post about it, just fucking do it. Just remember, there's other anons around the web that have it much worse than your coddled diaper wearing butt-plug wearing ass.
>>70388Why don't you just walk to somewhere that isn't a shithole and start over there?
>>70395Life isn't that simple and easy.
>>70400Probably, but based regardless heh
>>70400I prefer the jumpers to dump the sty so my room and board travels farther
hey man, don't do it.
Suicide is an endless cycle and it would kill people you aren't even are aware of being impacted by a careless decision.
You have to find things in life that will spark a new joy within you, and you will! just try to think about things in a new light.
If all else fails, go to a book club
>>71203Op you should do it to btfo this dumb foid.
>>71203post tits in this thread to give him a reason to live
you guys are seriously messed up! i'm trying to help op!
>>71280help him cum
help us all cum
>>71290use that jedi mind trick to jerk my thick and throbbing dick
>>71280I like to imagine you have a giant futa cock. We should rub our penii together (thats plural for penises).
I thought this board was against pedophilia nowadays, but apparently it isn't. VPN ban was just some glownigger shit. Now the glowniggers openly tread a fine line and promote pedophilia up to the point before crossing into illegal territory. You retards all have brain damage and need to die one way or another. Let the invasive thoughts overcome you and end it. The world will be a better place if you do.